I'll attempt an answer even though you keep dodging every question coming your way here. I'd say it's unseemly, but I understand. To put it in terms that you might understand, let's say someone, (George Soros?) owned a company and that company's stock made up a huge chunk of his wealth. And let's say he used that wealth to help his preferred party win a presidential election and buy himself unprecedented access to levers of power in government. A government that has provided massive financial assistance to many of ole George's companies btw. Could you understand why someone like Greg Abbott might celebrate publicly if George's company stock price tumbled? I seem to remember this exact thing happening with the "controversy" with Bud Light, 'member?
You keep doing this for some reason. Was Jeep the only company invited to the White House, or was it Jeep, GM, and Ford? Indeed, which White House guests have more American employees?