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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. The appeals to think about the children and our untenable debt situation might land a little bit better if all of this pain and suffering would actually lead to a balanced budget and maybe even reducing the national debt. Buuuut, this fuckery isn't even going to fully offset the tax cuts that are coming. So maybe, just maybe, this whole shit show isn't about fiscal responsibility and efficiency after all?
  2. I agree with Heathrow Express not being bad at all, but I've only been there by myself. If I had the whole family and their luggage I'd probably hire a car. If you have Apple Pay set up on your phone you can just wave it at the turnstile for the Heathrow Express or the tube. It's so easy. @Dbeasy
  3. I had Tech at first but switched to Bama this afternoon. Shit gets really real on Saturday.
  4. Give the propaganda machine a few days. The only person to see any consequences from this will be Goldberg. I hope I’m wrong but courage is extinct in the GQP.
  5. Keep digging.
  6. How many more hearings like this will there be before they are banned by an executive order?
  7. I'll attempt an answer even though you keep dodging every question coming your way here. I'd say it's unseemly, but I understand. To put it in terms that you might understand, let's say someone, (George Soros?) owned a company and that company's stock made up a huge chunk of his wealth. And let's say he used that wealth to help his preferred party win a presidential election and buy himself unprecedented access to levers of power in government. A government that has provided massive financial assistance to many of ole George's companies btw. Could you understand why someone like Greg Abbott might celebrate publicly if George's company stock price tumbled? I seem to remember this exact thing happening with the "controversy" with Bud Light, 'member? You keep doing this for some reason. Was Jeep the only company invited to the White House, or was it Jeep, GM, and Ford? Indeed, which White House guests have more American employees?
  8. Other posters have raised some of my answers to this already, but c'mon man. I know you're a card carrying member of the elon fan boi club, but you're really grasping at straws here. The original post you responded to was my reaction to the current Secretary of Commerce suggesting the American public go out and buy a single company's stock. Coincidentally I'm sure, but the CEO of that company is also the largest donor to the GOP and (a lot of people are saying) the shadow POTUS. Did Raimondo (or Wilbur Ross or Pritzker or Bryson or...) ever make a similar suggestion? I think you are confused by the umbrage being taken here. Biden did invite execs from GM, Ford, and Stellantis to the White House for meetings while excluding Tesla. I don't know why for sure, but I assume it had something to do with Tesla being the only non-union car manufacturer in the country. Is that really "actively cheering against" Tesla's stock? I know nuance is tough these days, but ain't no fucking ballpark on this one.
  9. Did Gina Raimondo go on CNBC and tell Americans to buy Stellantis or Ford stock? I assume their CEOs also donated ~$250MM to Biden's campaign too? Other than that, yea, totally the same thing. Both sides indeed.
  10. I managed to buy TXNP at such a poor time that I'm still -38%.
  11. Now it's starting to get interesting. I had to burn my first 1 seed yesterday on Duke. I didn't feel great about any of the other games (Iowa St was my 2nd choice) and figured I'd just try to hang on. But now for Thursday, Duke feels like the only safe pick and is the largest favorite at -9.5. How many entries made it to the Elite Eight last year? @HornOnTheBayou
  12. I'm old enough to remember being told it was bad for the government to be picking winners and losers.
  13. I saw this dude play a tiny shithole bar in Fort Worth - the VIP lounge - back in 2006-7 and he was waaaay too talented to be playing in there. His music also sounded nothing at all like this.
  14. Yea, it's too late now you shitheel. I wonder if Roberts has started working on his strongly worded letter for when Trump tells the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves?
  15. Pffft. That’s just what THEY want you to think.
  16. The bottomless mimosas at breakfast hittin Maria like a freight train.
  17. Have you looked at the politics forum on Inside Texas/On3? I'm sure Orangebloods might be the same, but those chucklefucks still have themselves convinced all the chaos and unitary executive nonsense are good things. The stove hasn't burned THEIR hand yet so it must not really be hot. What do they need guns for?
  18. It's a lightweight bulletproof vest. He's scared as shit. No vest for his meat shield/child that he takes with him everywhere tho.
  19. If he wore a nice suit the fucking foxnews assholes would spin it into a whole conspiracy about how Zelensky is taking the big brown bags of cash from the US and buying fancy clothes with it. Goddamn it this makes me ragey. I'm ashamed to be an american today.
  20. Fucking embarrassing and shameful.
  21. Have boat prices finally started to fall or is Premier Boating Centers in trouble? Or maybe they just added the MSRP to the listings and struck through it to make it seem like a deal? I've been looking for a smaller skiff for the last few months and noticed today that these guys slashed prices in the last few days. They have a location near me in Lufkin so I haven't really poked around anywhere else besides boattrader and FB marketplace. Private sellers are now asking for more on a 3-4 year old boat than you can buy a brand new one for in some cases. I want something smaller and more reliable than the old beater 20 ft '96 Pro Craft that I have. It's got a 225 that still runs strong but I've got 15 and 12 year old sons that I want to be able to go out and fish on their own, and that's just way too much boat. Something like this little Mako would be perfect: https://www.premierboatingcenters.com/center-console/swoof/pwb-brand-mako/
  22. Yea, it's a real fucking barrel of monkeys isn't it?
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