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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Well at least we know that the Botox Bullyragger will just slink away quietly and totally won't make a scene dragging everyone else in the GQP through a river of shit. So there's that. Which is nice.
  2. I've been the doomer among my family and friends. I have yet to talk to a single person outside of this website that thinks it's going to be as bad as I do. AND IT'S GOING TO BE MUCH WORSE THAN I COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE! JFC. This is gasoline for the @linux accelerationist fire?
  3. Ask Jeff Sessions how he feels about giving up his senate seat for a year of working for Turnip. Fired him like a dog.
  4. This. It's still early, but no algo, no billionaire owner, and it's highly customizable from a moderation/auto blocking/labeling standpoint. But at the same time I don't know that I want to be as plugged in to the day-to-day fuckery that is going to kick off in the new year.
  5. Thiel is the real bond villain here and he has been playing the long game backing JD and he's playing for keeps. I don't know that Elmo is going to have the influence that he thinks he is. I do hope he keeps bumping his gums about being the shadow president.
  6. The only thing that makes me doubt this story is that the president of the company didn't find a way to blame Biden for there being no Christmas bonuses.
  7. I sure as hell hope that's not what happens. Anything that close has the potential to get nasty as the magats try to tip the scales in any way possible.
  8. I've been vacillating back and forth between doom and hope for weeks now depending on how much Js1 keeps the hopium flowing vs. how many people in my day to day life tell me they think Trump wins in a route. The thing that I keep going back to is how much better I feel now vs. the morning after that Biden/Trump debate. My wife went to bed early that night and I remember telling her how fucked we were first thing the next morning. Kamala has played her hand just about as perfectly as she could have and we were fully fucking cooked before Biden decided to do the right thing. ETA: This is what I think happens unless there is too much fuck shit going on in GA and it flips back red.
  9. Mine was $.56. How is that even possible? They would really go through the trouble of only sending Evolve $.23!? And the rest of the banks have been silent and/or Yotta hasn't mentioned anything about them so I guess this is the end?
  10. My brother, at this point for most all of us it's - Does this help my preferred candidate legally win the election? DO IT Does this hurt my preferred candidate's odds to win the election? DON'T DO IT When you are in a boxing match against someone with brass knuckles inside his gloves and his ring man is throwing sand in your eyes, you don't worry about throwing punches that land on the low side of the belt. That's my $.02
  11. spidermanpointing.gif I think you are in East Texas as well and that certainly doesn't help my kids get exposure to diverse viewpoints from their friend groups.
  12. Voted at the Nacogdoches County Courthouse this morning. It was busy but there was no line. Paper ballot and in/out in less than 10 minutes. Depressing that there were so many uncontested races on the ballot this time. The voucher supporting hag that beat out Travis Clardy in the primary has no one running against her.
  13. It looks that way. Which is fine for me on this MoonSwatch. Which showed up yesterday btw. It feels a little cheap tbh, but I like it.
  14. I get this quite a bit too living in East Texas. People are outright shocked when they get push back. I think it's just something they very rarely encounter in their day to day.
  15. That mfer did that for 30 minutes. At a townhall. Where he was supposed to be taking softball questions from a crowd of cult members. He's bored out of his mind, his brain has turned to rancid Diet Coke and it's running out of his ears smearing with orange spray paint. bUt KAmaLa wOnT giVE speCiFicS On hEr EcONMic pLAn!!!!!111!1!!!
  16. Yup. It's time to start handing out dirt naps to these terrorists.
  17. Nice. I have an Isofrane on my SKX007 that keeps shit time these days and really liked it. Is that Borealis comfy?
  18. Thanks for the heads up! I just ordered the Moon variant.
  19. I haven't seen this mentioned here yet, but I'm pretty shocked that Texas' leadership is making a good decision for a change. https://electrek.co/2024/10/03/hell-froze-over-in-texas-us-grid-first-time/
  20. I thought this was a pretty good description of Tesla's head start in the EV space:
  21. Unless I'm allowed to break all the labor laws and dump metric fucktons of Mercury into the Boca Chica wildlife refuge, humanity will not make it!
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