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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. How much longer is it going to take for the "normal" chucklefucks to realize they need to stuff the burn-it-down caucus into a locker to have any chance of moving forward and electing a new speaker?
  2. Same/same, except it's usually "I'm just so sick and tired of ALL of them." Both of my parents have a gay sibling but that hasn't stopped them from continuing to support the loons. It's damn hard to de-program 30 years of Rush Limbaugh's bullshit being injected into the brain.
  3. I was waiting with bated breath to see what the GQP Minister of Information's take on this whole thing would be. Dear Leader's choice didn't come out on top so of course the alternative is a RINO/Cuck/Libtard.
  4. Damn. The scale of this deal is pretty mind boggling.
  5. Damn, that looks so sketchy. I think every house I've ever owned had support struts running at an angle between the ceiling joists and rafters. And I don't see enough joists and the rafters look pretty far apart too? What a shitty situation. I'd report them to the city too, maybe it saves the next potential buyer from the same heartache.
  6. Jesus. It's the same 2 or 3 moonbats talking back and forth about alt right conspiracy theories. Jan 6 was all a false flag opp spearheaded by the FBI... I'm ready for the Kool-Aid to be passed around to these asshats.
  7. That's hot. I'm not at a high enough level yet to be able to improve my current rig. This is a pic from the internet and not my actual ship, but I'm level 24 or so and got this earlier this week for completing the Rangers quest line. I joined the fleet and have been messing around with those the last few days. I'm still really enjoying the game. I did read that you keep all of your unlocked skills when you start a 2nd play through and I've thought about just racing through the main quest to start back over and unlock more skills quicker. I think you lose all ships/weapons/outposts, etc, so it might be worth starting over once before digging into all of that?
  8. Yea, it's not something I ever would have considered for sure.
  9. Always a pretty good indication that some well-reasoned and thoughtful analysis is just around the corner. EhlingerTakeTheL.gif
  10. That's my thought too. There's no need to embellish this shit, it's plenty fraudulent all on its own. More examples of blatant fraud that no reasonable person could ever consider an honest mistake: Even when they actually had an appraisal instead of just vibes Trump still couldn't use a plausible value.
  11. If the evidence isn't talked about on Fox News or mentioned in their Facebook Echo Chamber of Bullshit, did it even really happen? (No. No, it didn't happen.)
  12. It's hard for me to explain the shame I feel that this shit is in my hometown. (it's not really that hard) It's Bellville, btw. And the Bellville Meat Market is a treasure.
  13. What possible defense can there be for overstating the square footage of your residence by 3x resulting in ~$200mm in overinflated value used to get a loan? Especially when the "mistake" comes from someone who is supposed to be one of the most savvy real estate investors of all time? AND the actual square footage was public information that was stated in the condo offering documents. You really think think there is a defense to be mounted to stating in a signed/dated financial statement that your penthouse is 30,000 sq ft when it's actually 10,996? This isn't fake or ginned up evidence, it's all coming from Trump Org's own documentation. And this is only one egregious example from the court documents submitted by the NY AG. THERE'S BEEN NO EVIDENCE OFFERED UP THAT TRUMP DID ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!!!111!!!!! But yea, all of this will just fall apart upon cross examination. GTFOHWTMFBS https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/supplemental-verified-petition-2022-01-18.pdf
  14. Sounds like someone didn't know how to properly polish axles. Jeremy's dad knew what was up.
  15. For sure, it's a good thought. I plan on having lessons reserved and lift tickets purchased in the next few weeks. I hope the lines aren't too insane, but I think we'll really enjoy it even if it is a little crazy.
  16. This was my thought as well. Direct flights from Houston to Gunnison or Montrose are a little spendy.
  17. I carry a mod'd maelstrom that has white heat ammo that catches targets on fire and continues to eat at them. I've always got ammo for it and never have to buy it. It takes a ton of ammo to take out higher level targets though. I've been building out the ballistics skill tree to help with this some too. There's another good ship that's available to buy in Akila after doing the Freestar quests. I've done quite a few of those already but would rather burgle/be given a good ship if at all possible. Good looks on the other ideas.
  18. Thank you for the quick response. The full day private is absurdly expensive for sure. I just wonder how big the groups are and how much actual instruction they will get if the groups are too big. We will probably end up doing group lessons though. I am wearing a helmet for sure, just mentioned that to show how long it has been since the last time I made a trip. My middle son told me last weekend that he would rather go skiing than get a single Christmas present so that's what finally pushed me over the edge to make it happen.
  19. Finally taking my kids skiing for the first time the week after Christmas. My old boss has a house at CB that is available and he's letting use it for the week. We went skiing almost every year when I was a kid, but I haven't been since 2002ish (def before helmets were the norm). A couple of questions: -My kids are 14, 10, and 8 and none of them have skied before. Is it worth it to splurge for a full day private lesson for them or should I just put them in 1/2 day group lessons with their age group? I picked it up very quickly the first time, but I was 7 or 8 years old at the time too. My 14 year old is built like a baby giraffe so I think it may be a little challenging for him at first. -If we've got the house for a week do you think me and my kids will have the juice left to ski more than 3 days? My wife has never skied and has no desire to start now, so I bet that her and my daughter (8 y.o.) will end up doing stuff away from the mountain for a few days anyway. I was thinking maybe me and the boys could get in 4 days, but I'm going to have to work hard on my fitness before then. -Those of you who have been to CB, should I do the rentals through SkiCB? It looks like they have a great location right at the bottom of the lifts. The house we will be staying at is above the golf course on the other side of town so I'd really like to find a way to store our gear at the mountain so I'm not having to haul all the shit for myself and 3 kids back and forth every day. -Should I buy helmets for everyone or can you rent those too? I'm going to book flights, reserve lessons, and buy lift tickets this week. I'm so pumped about going skiing again. Can't. Wait.
  20. I was able to get quite a bit of time in on the game last weekend and am up to level 17 on my character. I'm loving the game. I really liked Skyrim but was lukewarm on FO4, but this one really scratches me where I itch. I got an explosive Pacifier early on which is far and away my best close range weapon. I've been using a modified Drumbeat for longer/mid range fights and it's great, but the 11mm ammo is expensive af and the Drumbeat is a gas guzzler. I have yet to find a decent long range weapon even though I got a gold Lawgiver very early. They just don't do enough damage to warrant taking the time to engage at long range. I think the next thing I focus on is getting a better ship with a lot more cargo space. It looks like the Kepler R is one of the best ships you can get early on so I think I'm going to pester Walter until I can get it. https://www.dualshockers.com/starfield-best-early-ships-ranked/#the-star-eagle I built one outpost just so I could build storage crates and put all of the resources I've been hoarding in there, but I've barely scratched the surface of this part of the game. I don't think it's been mentioned here, but there's a glitch in Akila City where you stare at a puddle in front of the main shop in town and it gives you access to the entire inventory of that shop. A little skeezy, but it's a way to get 5,000 credits every 48 hours or so along with a ton of other guns/resources/loot that can be sold. It also gives med packs and ship parts which always seem to be in short supply.
  21. Auburn’s offense is 7th grade B team level. Sheesh.
  22. Why can't these dinosaurs go to the fucking house!? Towards the end of that article, "One of the state’s long-serving leaders, Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein, 90, has announced she would not seek another term." How brave of her. Having the guts to step away when she's only a measly NINETY years old. At least we only need these fossils to approve something that would put an age limit on themselves in order to change things. I'm sure they'll get right on that.
  23. Oh they absolutely cannot offer much back other than a torrent of buzzword bullshit bingo that they hear everyday in their echo chamber. If it's someone I'm close with (and not a client or my boss) I'll tell them, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Fox News, you're going to have to explain to me what it is you're actually talking about." But again, the lack of any shared reality makes it really difficult to make any progress. Facts don't care about your feelings and all of that such as.
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