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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. We need more of these old farts to die off - quick, fast, and in a hurry. Alito is a trash human being.
  2. Not too surprising. One of my best friend works for a very large residential flipper/wholesaler/renter in the DFW metroplex who is looking to liquidate out of all of their current holdings. But...then he told me he was on his way to make an offer on a house today, so maybe they are just going to be buying even deeper. Real estate is in for a lot of pain IMO.
  3. Fucking this! Incredibly damning. Trump could have a made a few calls and had all those Antifa fucks swept out of there!
  4. The video clips are powerful. I’m glad they are doing this instead of reading transcripts.
  5. I've heard this one a bunch too. It's really just too many people on the govt teet being too lazy to work, not low unemployment. Unemployment rate? Pffft, that's just a deep state statistic that doesn't really depict what's going on in the labor market.
  6. I'm pretty sure that's all it is. Nat gas is up ~3x in the last year or so. https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/NG1:COM
  7. What about grocery store shootings, do they make the case for online shopping? How about church shootings, do they make the case for worshiping online? The fuckstain at the Federalist who wrote that needs to EABOD and DIAF.
  8. In addition to being completely irrational as well. A bunch of black people kill each other in Chicago too every year so we shouldn't try to do anything at all to address gun violence in the rest of the country. WUT?
  9. How in the hell does the city of Uvalde elect a sad sack of shit like that as Mayor? Don't answer that.
  10. These spineless cunts are blaming mental health as being the root cause of our gun violence problem WHILE AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME CUTTING/STEALING FUNDING FOR MENTAL HEALTHCARE to pay for a circle jerk clown show at the border! Jesus fuck how can we be so ignorant in this state?
  11. It's a sickness. When guns are one of the central tenets of your whole being - stickers on your car, hats, shirts, your whole online persona, etc. - then it's pretty much impossible to admit that maybe you've had it wrong all along. It's another nasty side effect of the whole tyranny of the minority situation we have going on in our country.
  12. I don't have the stomach to even be on FB, but good on you for telling these brain-worm-infested false flag asshats to go fuck themselves. That shit makes me ragey.
  13. I have three kids and as I dropped off my oldest at school this morning (and drove past the big sign in front of the school that warns people that teachers inside are armed) I thought about how I would continue to live my life if one of my kids was murdered in a school shooting. I don't know that I'd be able to keep my rage under control. I'm not some billy badass by any stretch, but I really don't know that I could move forward in life without my rage either eating me from the inside out or bubbling over and me lashing out at the political leaders in our state.
  14. We need more of this and I appreciate you saying it, but until you start demanding this from the people you vote for then fuckall is going to change. You realize this, right?
  15. I'm feeling pretty despondent today. Every time we have a school shooting it's like watching the same fucking terrible movie all over again on this site and social media in general. You have a lot of upset people begging our horseshit "leadership" to do something, anything that would attempt to decrease the frequency of these events. Then you have the "it's a magazine, not a clip" crowd show up with their "we've tried absolutely nothing and we're all out of ideas" BS. Then the country sees something else shiny and moves on after a few weeks. Gun culture in this country (along with a pile of other BS) makes me not want to live here any longer. I don't know how we put the pig back in the proverbial pen WRT to our country's sick fascination with guns. Living in a small town in East Texas you see it everywhere - bumper stickers, shirts, hats, etc. - people advertising their idolization of guns. You see it on literal signs in people's yards - God, Guns and Trump 2024. The proposed solutions from the leaders in this state are never Less Guns, it's always MOAR Guns. These days even gun safety is seen as an attack on the right to own weapons of war. My wife led a local chapter of Moms Demand Action after the school shooting in Florida. She built a pretty active group in our town, had buy in/support from some of the local churches, and had a few well attended events every year. She had to stop doing it because she was getting threats from loonies on FB. Moms Demand Action isn't trying to take away guns - she would give away free handgun locks and whatnot at their events and their main goal is gun safety. That warranted threats from some assbags who probably have punisher stickers with ARs in a cross behind them on their trucks. How do we as a country turn that around? I don't think we can. I'm a gun owner. I've been shooting guns since my grandfather gave me a single shot .410 and an old Winchester pump .22 when I was probably 8 years old. I don't hate ARs, I've been pig hunting with them and I know it's a better functional option than the bolt action rifles that I own. But, they absolutely need to be harder to get. Period. I have to have a license to sell insurance, to drive a car, to go fishing, to go hunting, etc. etc. But I don't need shit to go buy any gun I want and carry it wherever I want in this state any longer. How fucked is that?
  16. My first thought on the AFE was ~$20mm+, but I'm pulling that out of my ass. That's a metric fuck ton of frac stages. If it was my client I'd make them confirm in writing if they elected anything less than $50mm COW limit. That's a lot of opportunities for shit to go pear-shaped.
  17. No joke, that was my first thought as well - what was the afe on that bad boy? And I wonder what Control of Well insurance limit they had on it - if it was a smaller company I bet it wasn't enough.
  18. Naw man. I'm no Crenshaw fanboi, but saying he's basically MTG isn't accurate at all. He's well educated and knows better than some of the shit that he says on occasion, but he's somewhat sane, which there is less and less of in the modern GQP.
  19. Hey, at least my TURV is up 292% this morning... I'm still down on it tho
  20. Only if we acted like it wasn't us after the fact. Sad Sack stays completely on-brand in demonstrating why the cult doesn't care.
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