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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I'm pumped to see this dude at the Majestic Theatre next week. He's part BB King, part Jimi Hendrix. The guitar hits around 1:45:
  2. Hand wave Jan 6th away as no big deal and you get a neg. Come on fatty, I thought you were better than that.
  3. Anyone been to T&C recently? Kicking tires on a trip without the kids and there are a lot of different options. Como Parrot Cay looks really nice but pretty spendy. Grace Bay looks like it may have lost a step according to some recent reviews but is not much cheaper.
  4. I worked at a golf course in high school and we had one of these to mow the deep rough. I don't think it's possible to kill them. We beat the shit out of that thing and it would just take it like a champ and keep on running.
  5. Thanks for the rec, I'm going to look into this. My kids are just coming into internet age and I have not prepared enough for what is coming. It looks like this might even address kid's phones - correct? i.e. disconnecting from wifi and using cellular won't get around this?
  6. The oil execs that I talk to aren't blaming Biden for anything. They may bitch about his rhetoric, but it's the banks/shareholders that don't want reckless spending to return that are more to blame for the lack of a massive ramp up in drilling activity.
  7. The way I read the article is all heating will have to be electric, no gas fired furnaces allowed for keeping buildings warm. Where do they think the electricity is going to come from? As someone who lives in the sticks and has to use electricity to heat my house in the winter, let me tell you how expensive that can get. I'd spend quite a bit of money to run nat gas to my house if it was an option.
  8. What the orange man says is not always what the orange man actually did. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/04/strategic-petroleum-reserve-oil-stocks-declined-under-trump-contrary-to-his-claim/ In his defense, he tried to refill it when prices were in the $30s, but of course it was blocked and Democrats shrieked that it was a bailout. This actually makes sense to me, we should have been building additional storage and buying everything we could get our hands on when oil was <$40, but again, we can't have nice things.
  9. Lulz, how did you know? I thought I remembered the Senate already passed something, but it was just that Booker and Wyden were working on something similar. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-bill-legalize-marijuana-rcna22527
  10. Wait. So is this actually going to happen unless Biden vetos? And throw this on the pile with the rest of the issues that my former party is on the absolute wrong side of...
  11. I guess it read to me like you contradicted yourself - you'll vote in your financial interest (tax), but you'll vote for Biden over Trump. Sorry if I misinterpreted that to mean you would continue to vote for the GOP for everything except for POTUS. And yea, when the leader of your party authorized a release from the SPR when oil was at SixtyfuckingOne dollars, I think it's germane to the conversation about which party is in your best financial interest. The current populists in the GOP will do everything they can to keep oil prices low. But their rhetoric would be more friendly to the industry, no doubt. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/15/trump-says-he-has-authorized-release-of-oil-from-strategic-petroleum-reserve-if-needed-after-saudi-attacks.html
  12. I'd even argue that the aims of the current GOP are not even in your financial interest. If 2024 is close and the Raffensperger type GOP leaders don't hold the line and actually do overturn the election this time, the damage to the country/economy/oil prices will make you wish you'd opted for the higher taxes option. The populist version of your party will still be doing stupid shit like boneheaded releases from the SPR, but at least they'll have more 'murican flag lapel pins I guess? Surely you don't actually believe this? Did you watch TV at all during the latest round of primary commercials!? Republicans at every level of government in TX were blasting out how they were Trump's preferred candidate. And it's not just the GQP crazies like that gremplin Huffines, it was the supposedly sane candidates too. In a sane party, attaching yourself to TFG who instigated 1/6 would be something you would avoid like the plague as a candidate, not plaster all over your mailers and the airwaves. Right?
  13. The SPR releases are total horseshit and won't do anything except likely force us to refill the SPR at even higher prices. The Jones Act is a POS law that needs to be thrown in the trash too, but that's another conversation altogether. It's very disappointing (but not surprising) that our industry is being used as a political football at a time when we should be flexing our energy muscles to help bring more stability to the world while at the same time creating more high paying jobs here at home. Fucking depressing and why we can't have nice things.
  14. Pull your head out of your ass. Just because you don't hear about 1/6 in your Echo Chamber of Bullshit doesn't mean "Nobody gives a fuck." This board is full of former self-identifying Republicans who don't mainline Fox News and know that the GOP has gone completely off the rails and 1/6 is a big fucking shit stain on our democracy. I have run into quite a few people like @Porterhouse in my professional circle who know that the GOP is an embarrassment, 1/6 was a BFD, Trump is a buffoon, etc. but still vote only in their financial interest. They can't bring themselves to support candidates who might raise their taxes or be hostile to the industry that butters their bread. It's shameful, but it's better than dullards like Struggle who don't see the problem with a little lite treason out of their party leaders if it means they can maintain their grip on power. Baby steps, amirite?
  15. Fucking this. Confirmation hearings are a thing of the past if you don't feel like fucking with it and/or are in a pinch and need a real boot licker in an important post. The mango mussolini out front shoulda told ya.
  16. Yea, this. The echo chamber of bullshit won't even mention this magical gap in POTUS' phone logs on 1/6.
  17. So Antifa was violently attacking the capital and our brave CIC didn't make one phone call!? No conversation with his cabinet, the DC guard, no one to do everything he could to stop the mayhem being carried out by those hooded, soy boy, Antifa fucksticks!? Man, what a fucking crock of shit.
  18. "unclear who had targeted the group" -Yea, it's a real fucking head scratcher idnnit!?
  19. TLRY up 23% on the day, I'm still down 63% in my position. CLVR up 143% on the day, I'm still down 71%. I may have entered these positions a little too soon and then didn't DCA.
  20. What in the actual fuck man!? Blue helmets are where you draw the line? Not the slaughtering of women and children all over Ukraine that there is ample evidence of already? I understand the overall argument you are trying to make here, but you're flailing wildly now.
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