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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. That was my thought too - homeboy won't even sit close to his closest advisers at a table but is going to come out of the bunker and travel to the G20? It's horseshit that he's invited, but I don't think that bunker bitch has the stones to travel right now.
  2. This would echo what I've heard from my clients. It's not their inability to get permits or any regulatory pressures, it's that the people controlling the purse strings don't want them to drastically ramp up. I don't see how they could say that increased activity is "not dependent on price" though. Everyone has a number where the upside would be too much to ignore. Or maybe it's a sustained $100/bbl pricing, but someone is going to make that money.
  3. I think you might be better served shooting yourself with a .22 rimfire rather than the polar bear.
  4. #ETTD - Everything Trump Touches Dies. Sorry boutcha Mo
  5. We were just outside the cone on the latest track. Getting bands of pissing rain but no hail that I can hear. The poor folks in Alto may have taken another hit tonight.
  6. I think north of Lovelady. It’s headed to Latexo/Grapeland right now.
  7. Tornado on the ground just outside Crockett. This sucker is going to come pretty close to us. It should miss me slightly to the north, but I’m watching close and will wake up the kids and head to a closet in an hour or so if need be.
  8. Yup. My local east Texas station had been focused on the stuff headed towards Tyler but has picked up the Madisonville cell and is watching it now too.
  9. That college station cell looks like it’s on a line straight towards me now. Hopefully it peters out a bit over the next hour or so.
  10. I'm between Lufkin and Nac and we're getting the lube ready over here too.
  11. Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad about yourself.
  12. I just sent him a contribution. Thank you for sharing.
  13. I've spent a fair amount of time in Midland and had companies from there on each side of my descriptions in mind. One of them might be the sneakiest big private company I've come across in my years of being an insurance puke. We started talking about their assets and insurance budget and I was gobsmaked as I looked around at an office that could have easily come out of the 1980's USSR. They owned and operated all kinds of highly profitable (but def not shiny) assets/companies, pretty sure it was worth well over $1bn. Just the nicest folks ever and probably worth god knows how many millions. I guess I should clarify that the companies with the opulent office space I had in mind were all doing it with someone else's money. I don't know if the bourbon bar boys are splashing around their own money or PE money, but it seems like it's usually not their own when they do that and end up shitting the bed. When your E&P company's Inuit art collection is worth more than your E&P assets at liquidation, you've royally fucked up. And I love Crested Butte. My boss has a place there and it's one of my favorite places on earth.
  14. I think I probably know who you are talking about, and yes, there are outliers who get bailed out by being on the right side of the commodity swings by no fault of their own... (Not saying that's the only reason this dude was able to sell for $2B) I have a client that set a bunch of PE money on fire by building out an office compound in bumfuck OK and the mgmt team probably should have been put out to pasture as a result. They are now a moderately successful public company with pretty marginal assets just by being on the right side of a commodity price swing this time around. I know a little about the CEO's spending habits by what we are asked to insure, and he seems like a guy that has made a shitload of money in his career but has spent even more. I'd much rather invest my money with the guys that keep meager space out in the suburbs somewhere and are drilling high margin wells in places off the beaten path a bit. Or at least it was off the beaten path when they acquired it...
  15. There's some good discussion here about the need to put hay in the barn if you are in or connected to O&G for your livelihood. It's anecdotal for sure, but I can tell quite a bit about whether or not a small E&P company is likely to be successful by observing their office space. I've had meetings with quite a few small E&P companies that had extravagant office space without the production or activity to support it. Most of them didn't make it. Then I've had meetings with other companies that had class C space with some bombjack assets that made/continue to make a killing. I'm assuming the same mindset carries over to their personal life as well. Guys who bought that house in Crested Butte before putting hay in the barn had a real hard time over the last 5-6 years, and might not even be in the O&G business at the moment. While the good ole boy that still drove a pickup truck and lived in the same house was able to hang on during that time and is set up to do really well over the next few years. I can think of a few in particular where their office space had outrageous decorations/sports memorabilia/art work/classic cars, etc. along with massive offices for the C suite while they operated ~25 wells and drilled 2-3 per year. wtf? Why is that necessary and why did PE sponsors/financial backers go along with it?
  16. I'm definitely not a reporter. I'm just a guy on the internet virtually high-fiving some Ukrainian dudes for fucking up the Russians. But thank you very much for the correction, I hope it made you feel better.
  17. I like how he gives them one more FUCK YOU shot even after the tank explodes. You can feel the hate coming through the gunners hands as he gives them the what for. MOAR!
  18. So much this. I don't understand how Trumpaloos can say with a straight face "This never would have happened if TFG were still president." I mean, I can, because brain worms, but it takes an extraordinary amount of mental gymnastics/cognitive dissonance to be of the opinion that Putin would have been so afraid of Dotard that he never would have thought to invade Ukraine again. Do you even Helsinki bro?
  19. Change the channel every once in a while Cabo. Maybe you haven't noticed, but right now there are more important things to be upset about than an annoying laugh. Don't be such a easy mark for manufactured outrage. Disgrace!!!!!!11!!!!!one!!! Frightening!!!!!1!!!!! Did you lose your blanky again?
  20. And post pictures of your progress too. There's a lot of different ways to cook on that bad boy.
  21. Unbelievable how clean that boat and that barn are, holy shit!
  22. F me, that's amazing @Shady Ray! No way in hell you could let all of that value leave the family.
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