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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I didn't buy nearly as deep as some of you, but bought XOM at an avg of $54.84 and VDE at $60.69. My XOM buys were in Jan and March of '21. Just remembered that I also bought XOM in March of '20 @ $32.69 and sold it a month later for $44.76 thinking that Covid was going to keep fucking with us. I had forgotten about that until @Porterhouse brought it up and I went back to look at my cost basis. Furk. Luckily I had more conviction the 2nd time around and took bigger bites. The all time high for XOM is $104 back in June of '14. When are you holders thinking you would take profits? Or is the dividend too juicy to even think about it?
  2. Here’s a wild idea… form your own fn opinion instead of needing one spoon fed to you?
  3. The number of big wallets looked like it was tracking the price up to the high in Jan '21, but yea, no idea why it didn't follow or stay up there for the ATH in November of '21. It very well may be noise, it just seems like a hell of a coincidence to me. Like I said though, the BTC maxie who first noticed this chart and posted it quickly deleted it because it went viral and he wasn't comfortable with the assumption it was Putin's homeboys driving the spike.
  4. It sure looks like it's possible that Russian whales started fleeing to BTC when the shit hit the fan. How else do you explain this many new wallets plunking ~$40mm into BTC? The guy who tweeted this out earlier today ended up deleting it because he said the data was being misinterpreted...
  5. Fucking hell. That thermobaric may as well be a mini nuke. Thanks to all of you who are sharing info, I've been glued to this thread.
  6. How about one of them goes and jabs an ice pick or at least a ballpoint into Lavrov’s ear instead?
  7. Holy shit. I almost spent more on electronics for my bass boat than I did on the boat itself, so I can appreciate the sonar capability. Insane that you can pick up that much detail and that far out. I can see about 150ft out on the side imaging and it's mesmerizing to ride around and look at everything laid out on the bottom.
  8. Jesus. The tackle on on display there cost more than my bass boat. Badass machine.
  9. Sink that mother fucker wherever it is right now. Fuck.
  10. Fuck this pathetic mad man. I hope this is the beginning of Putin’s demise.
  11. These guys out of Lockhart make a mobile version of this that I'd love to have if I had $5k I wanted to set on fire: https://millscale.co/collections/cookers/products/open-fire-grills
  12. I hate to laugh at another man's misfortune, but..... that's some funny shit right there. I spent most of my childhood shitting in deer camp outhouses and have always hated it. We had a lease off of the Willow City loop where I shot my first deer and the outhouse was so rank that I'd hang on to the column holding up the roof on the back porch and shit into the canyon below instead of going in there. The deeper the better on the hole and keep a sack of hydrated lime or at least ash from the fire pit around to knock down the stench a bit.
  13. Yea, sorry. That's fair. I can just understand being proud of your daughter in that moment, however humbling the moment was for you.
  14. This is some awesome shit Mac, thank you for sharing. This has to be a great feeling that you are doing an amazing job in raising your daughter and you are doing the right thing.
  15. 80 degrees in east Texas today. The concrete and the windows on the house are all sweaty. Yuk
  16. I just ordered a few things. I like your style dude.
  17. Moar pics @troph! That looks awesome, it's on my bucket list.
  18. Yea, this. I'm glad this dude saw the light, but why do they have to touch the stove to actually admit that the motherfucker is hot!? Maddening.
  19. Made it through another Nape unscathed. I drove back home this morning and skipped going to the floor at all. Pretty decent turnout and it was good to see a lot of people face to face that I hadn't seen in a few years.
  20. The Royal We


    Yea man, I was able to sort it out and appreciate you bringing this to our attention!
  21. Yea, I think I have a Lamson reel on my 5 wt TFO. I've got a 7wt TFO rod and reel for bass fishing and it's fine for what I'm trying to do with it. I don't think I'd take it to go catch reds though.
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