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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. TFO is worth a look too. They aren't in the same class as some of the high dollar rods, but I feel like they punch above their weight for the price for sure. https://tforods.com/fly-fishing/
  2. According to who? If I can pay $300 in gas to avoid weeks of providing meaningless docs so some clerk at the title company can check a box, pay ~$1,000+ for title insurance, and I never have to leave my office to complete the transaction in a few minutes? Sign me the fuck up. It's not a shitty deal just because you say it is lol. There's definitely space to improve a number of different currently used "systems" using this tech. I'm not sure why you can't see that or won't admit it. It's far from perfect, but a lot of the socially accepted systems of ownership we are using currently are f'n clown shoes.
  3. Will keep watching. I'm a real estate investor as well and I find the process of buying new real estate to be horribly inefficient, time consuming, and generally a PITA. With every transaction I find myself thinking that there has to be a better way. It's just that it became the socially acceptable transfer of ownership to have that piece of paper in a file at the courthouse, sign my name 50 times, pay title insurance (f'n scam), etc. NFTs are a still very young and constantly changing and expanding into new applications. Dan is taking a snapshot and shitting all over it because it's not perfect right now - at least that is what it feels like to me. I'm more intrigued by what NFTs can become than by what they are at the moment.
  4. I watched the first half of the video above so far and will have to finish the rest later. Dan seems to really like the smell of his own farts...but he does make a lot of valid points. Where I'd disagree with him is that NFTs are only collectables/ponzi/great fool schemes. Similar to what gyro says above, there are a lot of other practical applications for NFTs that Dan doesn't discuss (or maybe I didn't get there yet). I could agree that the NFT collectable/jpeg Ape side of NFTs are a fad that will fade away. But as a way to efficiently pool funds very quickly and share ownership in something, I think they are here to stay. DAOs are very interesting to me as well and I fail to see the downside in them at this point.
  5. Fucking amazing story. Thank you for taking the time and effort to get all that into this form so we could share it with you. Also, here's an amateur sketch of Klaus, probably:
  6. I'm still sticking with my consistent eth buys. Think I'll buy another bit today.
  7. Damn. You are right, the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom this level of emotional/mental scarring. Even those American families who have lost loved ones fighting overseas were not all consumed by it like the Germans were. It was overseas, not here surrounding all facets of their being for years and years. My dad worked for a German pipe mill for quite a while when I was growing up and would travel with clients over to visit the mills a couple times a year. The clients would inevitably want to visit Holocaust sites and I can remember my dad telling me about how his German counterparts would try to discourage this and how full of shame they were about it.
  8. Fascinating, thank you for the perspective. I can understand their mistrust of US foreign policy, but if I was in their position, I'd be much more resentful of Russia using my energy security as a pawn in their geopolitical games. At least I think I would, impossible to say I guess.
  9. @Shady Ray do the people in your circle consider the decision to bail on nuclear a colossal fuck up as well? I've never been well read on this subject, but I just can't fathom a conscious decision to become MORE reliant on Russia for energy by moving away from nuclear before replacing it with something else.
  10. Hell yea, one of my prized possessions tbh.
  11. As soon as things start getting a little heated these MAGATs start smearing shit all over themselves and the walls with the LGB chant. All riled up and looking to be assbags at the first opportunity.
  12. Buying some $RAIDER at current prices and staking it is decent lotto ticket. I sold a little bit of it at $6 during the last run but am still holding quite a bit - most of it given to me for being early to the game and owning the characters before the coin existed.
  13. Agreed. I wish we could go sideways for a bit, but I don't think that is in the cards. The supply crunch is here.
  14. Damn. I hadn't heard this yet. My dad was in the OCTG business for 35+ years and retired a little early when it fell apart around 2018ish. They've had a really bumpy ride the last 5 years with consolidation/liquidation and now it's all coming home to roost.
  15. I claimed my .1826 WETH reward today and have earned 172 $LOOKS so far for staking the 1,200 $LOOKS that I got for free. I've used it a few times for buying/selling NFTs and it's still got a ways to go to be a full replacement for OS, but you can't deny the power of their staking/rewards. I love that they pay you in WETH! One of the guys that is in the NFT discord that gyro and me are in bought 31 ETH worth of $LOOKS yesterday at $4.62 and staked it all. He's already up 10 ETH.... ffs, some of these guys have brass balls.
  16. That's a good message and he seems like a good dude. I wish him luck.
  17. I don't feel sorry for him, but what a beating it would be to go answer a bunch of "gotcha" questions like that one from dullards that think they are really landing haymakers with material like that. Oof.
  18. mmm hmmm, more like once-in-a-5-month event.
  19. Hopefully he put a little hay in the barn for times like these.
  20. Right. Which I'm sure this dude reads cover-to-cover every day, amirite?
  21. This is the most surprising thing to me I guess. Either the flippers just haven't made their way over to CR yet or most everyone holding chars are some of the most diamond-handed mofos in the NFT space. 2.3% of the entire collection listed for sale!? Is there anything else that compares to that? Even things like the BAYC that are up over 1,000% of their mint price have 12-13% listed.
  22. Fucking this. What, exactly, are we supposed to take away from you sharing this? How, exactly, will this policy impact you? Somewhere in the world something is happening that I don't like so I'm going to share that news on the internet? It might be time for you to take a look at where you are getting your "news" from because they are fucking with you and trying to rile you up over some BS that has no bearing at all on your world.
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