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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. No shit, what a cunt. We all remember what you said immediately after January 6.
  2. I've got no quarter for anyone who excuses/hand waves the events on Jan 6th. Can't abide it from friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc. I've gotten into some very heated arguments in places where they probably weren't appropriate, but it was worth it IMO. Yes Rove has a hand in creating this monster, yes he's a shit heel, yes he should be derided for eternity, but I still appreciate him saying this. Same goes for Cruz. The fact of the matter is we are in a heap of shit with our democracy and every little nudge that might change a few minds is desperately needed. Now, go EABOD you fat piece of shit.
  3. I punched out of HMBL and ALPP completely before the end of the year. Tax loss harvesting on HMBL and taking meager profits on ALPP before it fell pretty hard. eta: Still holding my TURV, it's worth fuck-all anyway so I might as well hold it to see if it ever bounces.
  4. I saw quite a few Huffines signs during a drive to Dallas through some East Texas thought centers like Alto, Rusk, and Gun Barrel City. I hope we aren't sleep walking again like the country was with tfg in 2016. The gremplin/troll beats Beto handily if he wins the nomination.
  5. The $Raider token ran all the way up to ~$9.79 or so this morning. It's back down to $8.69 rn, but this has been an insane run for Crypto Raiders. https://www.defined.fi/matic/0x2e7d6490526c7d7e2fdea5c6ec4b0d1b9f8b25b7?cache=70516 I got lucky on the airdrop to stakers and got one that currently has a ~.6 floor. I don't know if CR will keep up this pace, but it's been fun as hell watching this thing explode the last few days. A NFT whale plunked 200 eth into the game this weekend:
  6. That's too bad. Everyone will miss out on getting to see him hump a stool in person.
  7. It's quite the chicken/egg conundrum
  8. This. I took the east belt around to Galveston earlier this week and there is a shitload of development going on to the north of all that heavy industrial stuff. You couldn't pay me to live anywhere around there.
  9. I claimed mine today too - had ~282 mil but didn't sell it yet. I like the idea of what they are trying to do with this DAO.
  10. Took my lumps on RXMD and my remaining HMBL shares today. Mega-f'n-OOF. I sold ~8,000 shares of HMBL around $4.15 or so when it ran and kept ~4,300 shares to sell when I hit long term gainz. Never made it... RXMD was one of the worst L's I've ever taken on a stonk. I kept buying the dip like f'n goofy and ended up with 110,000 shares.
  11. I think I'm going to harvest my ~75% loss on my RXMD shares before the end of the year. Mega oof.
  12. These people have the memory of a flea. I have a friend from high school that I was texting with on Jan 6 that finally relented that afternoon and said this was horrible and Dotard should be impeached for it. He now thinks it's all overblown/was antifa/is a nothingberder hoax. I agree @Chuckie Finster I don't know how we can function as a society when so many people can no longer think for themselves and are so vulnerable to the fox news mind-meld.
  13. Racing is waaay better than it was a few months ago. And races now run within 5 minutes of filling up. And they just reworked the class system so not as many of the super strong horses are able to stay down in class 5 and dominate like they used to. One of my best horses is a U-shaped racer and always stayed in class V, would pop up to class IV occasionally and then drop right back down. He's now squarely in the middle of class III and still doing okay, but not nearly as good as before. All that to say, it's worth you trying those horses out and seeing how they do in this new system.
  14. Exactly. There are quotes from either Trump himself or a campaign spokesman saying those things at different moments from 2016-2020. But people on a message board buying in to the Alpha/Pee-pee/Prague theories being lobbed around and never fully apologizing or asking for their penance is the real gaslighting going on here! GTFOHWTMFBS
  15. 1. No one from the Trump campaign ever had any contact with Russia. 2. Well, someone may have had contact with Russia, but the campaign/Trump didn't know about it. 3. Actually, there was contact, and we knew about it, but there was no "collusion." 4. Even if there was "collusion", it doesn't matter because "collusion" isn't a crime. 5. There may have been "collusion" between the campaign and Russia, but Trump himself wasn't involved. 6. "Collusion" is actually a normal part of any presidential transition, of course we did it!
  16. This, along with holding owners responsible if someone else uses their firearm to commit a crime is where I am on this issue now. There needs to be a major focus on training and gun saftey. I'm uncomfortable going to a crowded range with people I don't know and even with hunting with a group that I don't know. A lot of folks seem much more casual with safety than when I was growing up. I have to have a license to sell insurance, drive a car, be a contractor, etc., but not to own a gun?
  17. I just had one of these delivered last week: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B091M8Y27Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 I still need to make sure someone in my family knows what to actually do with it, but it's better than writing your seed phrased down on a piece of paper and just hoping it doesn't get wet/burned/smudged, etc.
  18. A lot of people are saying it huh? I guess we'll see what happens. GTFOH
  19. Mother fucking this. The most depressing thing to me is how many of my fellow Americans think this asshat is fit to be President again! No only that, that he's far and away their preferred candidate to represent their party. Christ on a cracker that fills me with despair.
  20. They've continued to perform and put out everything they planned on. I'm still holding two pills and now 3 Apostles. I'm in the green already on this one and still holding a lot of value, with BYOCrafts dropping soon too.
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