My oldest son is in 6th grade at a very small school (K-12 at one campus) and the dress code is ridiculous. Hair has to be 3 inches above the collar and boys have to wear f'n pants to school every day. I was dropping him off a few months ago and the assistant principal who holds the door in the morning come up to my window and tells me it's time for my son to get a haircut. "I keep a list of hair offenders and he's getting really close to being on it." We are aware of the rule and actually already had plans for him to get a haircut at the end of that week, but I just said, "mmm hmmm" and straight up rolled my eyes in this dude's face. I couldn't really help it, it was involuntary. I could tell he was pissed at me, but other than me being worried he's going to take it out on my son, I DGAF.
Don't we have more important things to be worried about!? And yea, these same asshats were the ones saying they couldn't have any kind of mask mandate because it would violate muh freedoms. If you don't want to require masks, fine, but don't say you can't do it because we're in Murica while at the same time having a corps turdish dress code.