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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Take a time machine back to April or May of 2021 and buy a few of each of these: https://opensea.io/collection/boredapeyachtclub https://opensea.io/collection/cryptopunks https://opensea.io/collection/chromie-squiggle-by-snowfro
  2. Great post. My clients are not constrained in the least by anything the administration is doing to them, but more so by what their capital providers are willing to give them. I don't know how long it will last, but everyone seems to be resisting the FOMO so far.
  3. Okay, I see what you're saying now. I don't know that I would ever describe myself as being pro OPEC, but Biden has absolutely looked like an asshat with his comments/policies on energy so far. This should be an easy slam dunk for any administration in times of high energy prices. Responsibly develop our own resources at home instead of funding hostile countries in the ME. It shouldn't be complicated.
  4. Not controversial, but confusing. You support/want to see OPEC do well? Or you want them to increase production to keep prices below $150 to avoid blowback or what? I'm not being snarky, just legit don't know what you mean by "pro OPEC."
  5. I'm in the same boat. WTF, if this thing isn't mooning now, will it ever? I'm thinking about cashing out of me GBTC and going into straight BTC the next time it pulls back a bit. I was uncomfortable with owning BTC when I bought the GBTC shares, but that's not the case now.
  6. If it's so easy and obvious and most people have a good idea of what it is, then it should be very easy for you to concisely define it for everyone in your own words. No condescension, but I have yet to hear anyone that I've heard talk about this IRL be able to actually explain to me what they are so worked up about. What is it and where in the USA is it being shoved down our children's throats at school?
  7. Man, how many times can you take the (what should be) soul crushing disappointment of another prophecy going unfulfilled? These smooth-brained fucktards just say "Thank you Sir! May I have another!?"
  8. I got my Pfizer booster last Saturday after my J&J shot in late March. No side effects from either shot for me other than the sore arm and that is pretty much gone already too.
  9. I think we found out about it when we went to meet the teacher and got the welcome packet right before school started. His hair was never what I would consider long - it wasn't shoulder length or anything, just getting close to his collar in the back.
  10. I seriously considered it, but it's his 1st year in this school and I don't want anyone treating him differently because his dad is an asshole. But, he didn't really want to get it cut. He's got glorious hair and his dad/both grandads are bald as fuck, so he needs to live it up now while he still can... And yes, you would be guessing correctly.
  11. Nope, tiny little public school way out in the East Texas woods.
  12. My oldest son is in 6th grade at a very small school (K-12 at one campus) and the dress code is ridiculous. Hair has to be 3 inches above the collar and boys have to wear f'n pants to school every day. I was dropping him off a few months ago and the assistant principal who holds the door in the morning come up to my window and tells me it's time for my son to get a haircut. "I keep a list of hair offenders and he's getting really close to being on it." We are aware of the rule and actually already had plans for him to get a haircut at the end of that week, but I just said, "mmm hmmm" and straight up rolled my eyes in this dude's face. I couldn't really help it, it was involuntary. I could tell he was pissed at me, but other than me being worried he's going to take it out on my son, I DGAF. Don't we have more important things to be worried about!? And yea, these same asshats were the ones saying they couldn't have any kind of mask mandate because it would violate muh freedoms. If you don't want to require masks, fine, but don't say you can't do it because we're in Murica while at the same time having a corps turdish dress code.
  13. I sold all of my ALPP after reading this post yesterday. It wasn't as big of a gain as I wanted, but I still got out with a decent profit that would have been almost break even at the current price. Thank you for dropping the knowledge Blotto!
  14. You have to watch that f’n guy, he’ll be vibrating through walls and shit.
  15. Same, I've been on calls all morning and haven't had a chance to unload. What a big bag full of meh.
  16. If you are bullish on long term natural gas, look at CRK. It's already been on a hell of a run, up to $9.30 from ~$5.20 in August. But the float is very thin due to Jerry Jones owning the majority of the shares. They've got great assets and ends are meeting like a MF'er with nat gas at $5. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CRK @KYHorn
  17. I've got a much bigger bag of ETH than BTC, but the big dog drags all alts up with it on these runs, so LFG! ETH over $4k at the moment, hopefully a new all-time high is around the corner.
  18. Oh well. No need to apologize, we are all big boys and were just chasing another dopamine hit.
  19. And that a not insignificant number of Americans think that he should be president again! I see TFG 2024 flags and bumper stickers every f'n day. <Idon'twanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.gif>
  20. You've killed us all you arrogant bastard!
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