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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I'm thinking about doing the same thing, but with my RXMD bag, but it's going to leave a big mark. Not sure how the furk I ended up with 135,000 shares of this POS, but here we are. Still holding out hope that AMY gets acquired.
  2. Consider yourself very fortunate. My folks have leaned into the crazy even abandoning Fox News for the more comforting pastures of Newsmax and OAN. In order for us to be able to maintain any kind of relationship we can't talk politics. The only crazy thing that my mom let slip out on our last visit is that the Facebook whistleblower is really a false flag attack from FB itself so that the other platforms that don't censor speech will all be regulated too. Her precious Parler is in danger! I just rolled my eyes as hard as I could and told her to GTFOHWTMFBS.
  3. Agreed that it should be huge for NFTs. It should make the USD->ETH->NFTs process much easier than it is currently. I know I had to do some serious reading/fumbling around when I first got a metamask wallet and funded it. I sold my other Meka for 6eth this morning pre-reveal. Not including gas or OS fees or anything it was .4eth -> 11.75eth in 5 days. And I probably left a little meat on the bone on both sales. I'm not sure I'll ever have another trade of any kind with that kind of return.
  4. Remember the video of him struggling to walk down a ramp? Didn't move the needle even a little bit. The pull of the cult is too strong my man. He could go full Weekend-at-Bernie's and the cult would still vote for him because the radical left eats babies and are all a bunch of pedos who want to come take away their precious black rifles.
  5. Yes, I can't remember the exact numbers, but there were something like 300k+ people/wallets trying to get 4,444 spots to mint 2 each. You had to have .4 eth in the wallet registered for the raffle to be eligible and there were so many people moving eth around and sitting on it that it pulled the whole NFT market down some. Good projects with strong floors were slipping 15-20% because people were undercutting to sell and get eth for the raffle. Crazy stuff.
  6. Yea, I got lucky af last week. I won the raffle and was able to mint two Mekas for .46 including gas. I sold one of them that night for 5.75 and am still holding the other one. The floor got up to almost 9eth over the weekend but is now back down below 7. And the damn things haven't even revealed yet! I'm going to hold my other one through reveal to see if I can win the rare lotto, but I'm pretty sure lightning isn't going to strike me twice. My BYOP and ApeGang bags pumped pretty nicely over the weekend too @Nice Guy Eddie https://opensea.io/collection/byopills?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW I'm still holding two of these that I minted for .03 - current floor is .45 https://opensea.io/collection/ape-gang?collectionSlug=ape-gang&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW The ApeGang pumped up to a .7 floor - still holding two of these - one that I bought for .094 and the other I bought for .33. I'll sell one of them if they get above 1eth. NFA, but if anyone is looking for a decent chance at a flyer, I think the Bettys are due for another run soon: https://opensea.io/collection/alphabetty-doodles I'm holding 2 of these that I minted, but just bought another one for .071 this morning.
  7. The big guys like EA sports are going to have to see the light before they let the players own the game. And the solution to the 10k genesis chars is to open up some sort of breeding mechanism. It's not like Axie infinity is limited by 10k chars or something... Infinity Revenue, Infinity Possibilities - by Packy McCormick - Not Boring by Packy McCormick
  8. I hope you've got a lot of ETH built up for that... There's only one listed right now and it's currently got a 13 ETH bid sitting there: https://opensea.io/assets/0x18fa2dca20f7157f748c0306a6e70676d39d8e02/1 I think this is the most hyped NFT drop in history. I registered for two raffles, but it's basically lotto ticket type odds to get one.
  9. What the fuck is wrong with these people!? And, don't they have anything better to do (get a job sir!) than be fucking trolls to elementary school students? They need their ass kicked.
  10. I don't fully understand the ins, outs, and whathaveyous, but this is where my head is too. This seems like it almost has to be an attack of some kind - disgruntled employee or outside actor(s) who are real ninjas. This is such a colossal fuckup that it doesn't seem possible to be an engineering goof.
  11. The Royal We


    I dabbled in the past and really enjoyed it, but have never really committed enough time to it. I'm intrigued by the idea of trying to do 75-100 classes in 6 months. I'm 42 and my back has started to give me issues for the first time ever the last year or so. I think yoga would be a good way to get leaner and improve my back whilst being surrounded by hot froosh.
  12. Good point. And the main client I have in mind has been buying for the last 12 months, but there are a flurry of deals getting done now that they are all much more expensive.
  13. Agreed. I've got a few clients with patient capital that are loading the boat right now.
  14. What!? I remember this "before" picture from back in the email Fwd: fwd: fwd: fwd: days. Never saw the "after" picture.
  15. Last try and then I'll stop bugging. I followed the directions from their invite contest. https://discord.gg/avdu6MCy28
  16. Yes. It is. I didn't realize we've been in the shitter that long.
  17. I'm looking for some help on getting on the Whitelist for a project and need 3 successful invites if anyone wants to help me out: https://discord.gg/avdu6MCy28 I think this project has some potential if anyone is looking for an early intro into a more artblocks type deal.
  18. I bet you were puckered up tho. I don't think it's any big deal coming back from CO with some goodies in your backpack, the TSA folks give zero fucks about that stuff.
  19. Nat gas ripping this morning. Up $.41 (almost 8%) to $5.55 WTI up over $75 as well. The crunch is here boys. https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/commodities
  20. China has been "banning" crypto for 5+ years. Here's a headline from 4 years ago:
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