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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. This. I was listening to CNN in the car earlier this week and the host and the guest were eviscerating Biden and his administration over their handling of our exit from Afghanistan. They were making a lot of good points and I couldn't help but think, damn, FoxNews would never have talked about Trump like this. He could have pulled his pants down and shit all over himself during the SOTU address and they wouldn't have said anything near as harsh about Trump as CNN was laying into Biden over Afghanistan.
  2. This is a big part of it, but there are other strategies as well - mainly finding the projects that have utility and those that have proven/legit teams behind them. I think a pretty safe play is the "play to earn" games built on the blockchain. Axie is the OG and is making an insane amount of money (This is really worth a read, the numbers are hard to believe) - https://www.notboring.co/p/infinity-revenue-infinity-possibilities I listened to @gyroprotagonist for a change and got into something similar to Axie: Crypto Raiders - https://cryptoraiders.medium.com/crypto-raiders-tokenomics-and-economy-launch-plan-20ab77f44845
  3. Same damn boat here, but I've been splashing it around on various NFTs/jpegs for the last month or so. Made some decent money on Royal Society of Players cards, minted two for .08 each, sold one for .59 (ETH went up during this time too) and am still holding a Q card. I've piled in hardest to the Blazed Cats - https://blazedcats.com/ They were originally started as a F you to Ashton Kutcher for him doing a NFT drop for a cash grab, but they give 100% of their secondary sales royalties to a mental health charity. All blazed cat holders are about to get another free NFT just for holding a cat before the end of this month. I'm holding so much other random shit, BYOPs, AlphaBetties, a LazyLion, a bunch of Zed horses, etc., but I refuse to sell anything at a loss yet. The NFT space may end up being the next beany babies, but I think it's still pretty early in the cycle and there is still a lot of new money pouring into NFTs. I sure wish I'd have been in a few months earlier and grabbed some BAYC apes - there are so many random wallets holding 10, 20, 30 Apes, millions of dollars worth of jpegs that they paid peanuts for.
  4. Thank you for sharing your perspectives. I honestly don't see how health care workers can remain so engaged and committed to your service with so much BS flying around. I greatly appreciate you giving us a view of what is going on "in the shit." Keep the faith. You are doing great work.
  5. Welp, got the call last night that I've been expecting and dreading since this whole shitshow started - my mom and dad both tested positive yesterday. Both unvaxxed, mom is in good health, dad is 70 y.o., overweight, has emphysema, still hits the lung darts and has had some heart issues within the last few years. Mom got it at an exercise class last Thursday, started feeling shitty on Sunday and has been in bed most of the week. Dad has no symptoms yet but both of them tested positive yesterday. The way they've approached Covid has been a huge source of tension in our family pretty much the entire time. I pleaded, begged, yelled, cussed at them, etc. to get the jab, but they wouldn't do it. They check all the nutter boxes - talked up and maybe took HCQ, resisted wearing masks, bragged to me this summer about finding a "holistic" doctor to give them Ivermectin and got mad at me when (pre-vax) I didn't want to take my family to large family gatherings with people that I knew were being careless. The hell of it is, my pops told me that after they tested positive yesterday that they somehow got their hands on and took the antibody treatment. He reluctantly admitted to me that it wasn't FDA approved and was experimental, but has shown good results according to people they talked to. What the fucking fuck!? The vax is scary, will magnetize your arm, isn't approved, was rushed, whatever, but the antibody treatment when your chickens finally come home to roost is just A-O-Fucking-K!? They live in a small town that doesn't have the capabilities to treat someone crashing with Covid, so I don't know where they will go if things go pear-shaped. My hope is that pops getting the antibody treatment before symptoms might save his ass. I don't really know how effective they are, but it certainly can't hurt. They've got a pulse Ox and are monitoring their levels, so far so good. I'm so fucking bitter this morning but am trying my best to be stoic. The echo chamber of BS is very real and very dangerous.
  6. Yea, I should have looked at this closer before posting, this is not at all what I thought it would be. This looks to be a grift - wtf are you going to buy for $100!? I was thinking more along the lines of a platform that would keep track of cash calls/investment levels/winnings distributions, etc all while keeping the horses in escrow for the syndicate. Not this hot garbage.
  7. Yea, there's a lot of new users and the cheapest class V races fill up very fast. It's a grind to try to get my horses in their preferred distances too and yes, the competition in a $10 race is definitely more stiff. The really need to completely revamp the class system.
  8. I'd be in for that too! If we want to buy the cheapest mare and stallion on the market we need to raise about 50 ETH...
  9. I just saw this @Nice Guy Eddie Looks like it may make your life a little bit easier!
  10. I'm here for a Vice City remake. It was that game that got me to buy a PS2 - played it once at a friend's house and went out and got a new console the next week. I think that's the only GTA game that I got to 100% completion. Hopefully they adopted the later games engine for riding a motorcycle. I loved flying around on those things in Vice City, but if you even nicked any kind of obstacle you were going to get yeeted across the map. I'm pretty sure I could hop in a car in Vice City right now and still fly around all over the map.
  11. This is my issue too - what, exactly, is his concern here? It's not too dangerous/scary/new/gene altering, whatever the fuk for his wife and daughter but it is for him? I really don't understand how people like Joe process decisions like this.
  12. Ahhhh yes, small government "conservatives" using the full weight of the government to compel private business to do as the overloards wish.
  13. This is just so god damned depraved. There are a few places in this country where unlawful/forced entry should be met with extreme force. Military bases, the White House, and sure as shit, the fucking Capitol (during the transition of power)! More people should have been shot.
  14. Sure, I don't think that hot take surprises anyone that is even remotely familiar with your whole catalogue. There is such a thing a too high IMO. I think we'll get there in early '22 if the Delta variant doesn't totally fuck everything up. Then come the windfall profit taxes and other anti-free market BS that makes me crazy.
  15. Agreed we are heading toward a crisis. Maybe $100/bbl isn't the number, but it's not too much more than that where it will raise the cost of all goods considerably. Bring on the f'n fuel surcharges again when buying anything that has to be delivered or service that requires driving. No good answers here other than encouraging responsible production of our own resources.
  16. This guy gets it. The rest is a bunch of bloviating about stupid shit that all presidents do. I sure wish Biden wouldn't have appealed to the KSA, they are not allies and we shouldn't be begging them to produce more. Fuck them. At the same time, sustained $100+/bbl pricing is not going to be good for the economy as a whole and some of our refineries need to run on their grades. I know @Dr. Beeper has argued in the past that the positives of high oil prices to the energy industry outweigh the drag on other areas of the economy, but I don't buy that. Even though $100/bbl is great for my clients and my side hustles, I don't think that is what is best for the country as a whole. But I think the perceived damage to the industry that Biden's rhetoric will cause is being greatly overblown by some of y'all. We are going higher and there isn't fuck all that the POTUS can do about that. Supply & demand is going to supply and demand.
  17. 100% this. They need to start chunking out new ranks/racing groups. I know the Zed whales want to be able to continue feasting on the glue, but it's going to hard to grow the game if newbs get crushed by Vanilla Bean/Doc Brown/Moonlight Graham/insert class V monster all the time. I think the 0% win and sub 5% win races are a great start towards giving more owners a chance to win.
  18. I like that they are adding fatigue and I think I read that each horse will only be able to enter 1 race at a time. I think both of those are good changes that keep the whale horses from dominating so many races. The U shaped beasts that never climb out of class V would run 30-40 times per day if there were no queues and no fatigue. I don't know how I feel about the removal of odds - it seems like it will be harder to buy/sell quality horses. I guess it might increase the value of solid horses that win quite a bit, so it could help me on a few of mine. I need to sell some horses - I'm up to 11. 8 females and 3 males.
  19. Yup. I've got lots of buddies that are rabid TCU fanbois. I lobbed a few text mails around this morning and it's been crickets in response so far. I wasn't even pointing and laughing either, just trying to check in on them.
  20. Not salty at all. Just think it's where we're headed anyway and probably would be the best end result for everyone. Maybe. But the NIL stuff put the wheels in motion on big changes before this realignment news came to light. Shit was going to change no matter what. ISU has done everything right and is really cooking at the moment - the timing on this for them is brutal.
  21. Salty af. I feel bad for ISU and OSU. TCU, Baylor and Tech? Not so much.
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