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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Holy shit. I just raced Despicable Lemon in my first race and he f'n smashed it. He won by almost 2 seconds in a 1400m race: https://3d-racing.zed.run/replay/CSP3ayhI I'm trying not to get too excited, but it seems like I could have a bird's nest on the ground here. He's got 5 wins and 5 lasts in 31 races with <10 odds at every length except for 2400m. I can't decide if I should sit on him now that he just bumped back up to class IV with a 16% win rate and 29% ROI or if I should keep racing to see if I can build out a more well-defined U shape?
  2. It showed up in my OS and on Zed already. I was able to pay with ETH directly from my metamask wallet, so it saved me the conversion funds too. Now let's make sure I can race this mofo.
  3. I'm going through with it. The middleman posted in the general Zed chat and tons of people were vouching for him. The seller transfers the horse to the middleman (East Coast Stables) through the Zed settings and then after I send funds he transfers it to me. A lot of verified users and/or stables that I have heard of were vouching for this guy. He posted a screen shot when the horse hit his stable and I checked on OpenSea to see if the other horses I could see in the screenshot were in his stable and they were. Hopefully my new horse doesn't wake up laying in an ice bath with his kidneys missing.
  4. I'm still communicating with him. I think he's a noob too and may not fully understand how his NFT would be held in a different wallet than what is connected to his OS account. I don't understand the broker deal though and agree completely with you on the escrow as he describes it. It's such a good price on that horse that it's worth some brain damage to me to make sure it's bunk before I totally walk away. @SquishMitten
  5. He's got an opensea account though - it's just totally empty. Maybe he just needs to connect Zed to opensea? @MonkeyDoughnut
  6. I was able to make an unsolicited offer to the owner of the horse on Opensea. Agreed it's hard to believe. And why would Zed allow "brokers" to have control of who owns a horse? That seems to run contrary to everything the blockchain backbone is all about. Thanks for everyone's thoughts. I don't think there's any way I'd send funds around outside of the OS marketplace.
  7. 😂 He told me he's in North Carolina so it would be quite the drive. I'm thinking he got scammed, or he's a really good bullshitter. He was going to chat with the guy he bought the horse from and the broker and get back to me. We'll see if I ever hear anything from him. If that's all the fees are then I'll insist on doing it through Opensea and can bump up the offer to cover the fee - good idea. It's a good looking horse for sure, when I asked how much he wanted I was expecting at least double that.
  8. Lulz. The whole - He gets the horse/you send the ETH/he sends you the horse feels skeezy af to me. Maybe this guy got scammed? I can't find anything online that says that Opensea is the end all/be all for who owns the horses.
  9. This feels a little like the white van/speaker deal.
  10. I don't see any way to connect his discord to his stable. He gave me his full name and his instagram account, it seems like he's a real person (or at least using a real person's info), but the horse is shown as being owned by someone else on Opensea: https://opensea.io/accounts/chain/matic/0xf7237c66330324d7e5786e8a5da1229b285fb54e I don't know how that is possible? I've searched the Zed discord for mentions of a broker and it does seem like it's a real thing, but I don't know how it's possible that the same horse would show up as owned by someone else.
  11. Here's the horse I'm trying to buy: https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/25064 This is the guy I've been chatting with on Discord about buying this horse for .3: https://opensea.io/accounts/Markmadison He's posted screenshots of his Zed account that show he has the horse in his stable, but it's not showing up in his Opensea account? He said he bought the horse from a guy on Discord and used a broker instead of opensea to avoid fees. .3 is a good price for this horse but I don't want to get skeezed out of money by someone who doesn't actually own the horse. He posted a screenshot of the discord chat where the transaction went through last time: What do y'all think? I don't see how the horse wouldn't be in his Opensea account if he really owned it, but I'm still a noob and don't fully understand how all of this connects.
  12. Have you guys bought a horse from someone on the Zed discord? I found one I want and agreed a price with the seller, but instead of me just making an offer on Opensea he is talking about using a broker on Discord and selling it through there to avoid fees?
  13. What in the actual fuck? That owner has other horses and has been active as well: https://opensea.io/accounts/chain/matic/RoidRagerRacing?tab=activity @gyroprotagonist I agree with both of y'all that breeding must have been borked and looking at bloodlines doesn't really give any insight into how a horse came by it's traits. It all seems random. Your horse is looking pretty dang good so far I'd say. Mine has the U shape performance nailed....except for 1st and 2nd place. https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/20802 I raced it a shit load this weekend and it has fallen all the way down to class V. I ran three class V races this morning so far and thought for sure his performance would improve at this class. Finished 3rd, 7th and 10th with the best odds being 10.47. Maybe if I can stay in class V for a while I can pick up a few more wins and 2nds to improve the U a bit more to sell this one. In looking at the fields in these level V races, I was surprised to see how many decent horses were in there. I also see a lot of unrealistic pricing in the market for horses with shit odds and worse results than my own horse. There are a lot of mediocre horses for sale at .3+ I don't see how there will ever be a market for those horses at that price unless Zed continues to add tons of new users. I'd like to buy another horse, but finding value is a beating.
  14. How many races do you think a horse needs before you can make a pretty educated assessment of its potential? 25 or so? I just discovered this site as well: https://zedranks.com/horse/20802 It seems like a Zillow.com type of estimate for horse values.
  15. I was in this race too and yea, Beats Me caught another gear and smashed it. Looking more and more like you've got a great one there huh?
  16. Decent distribution for August Bloom through 22 races: https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/20802 Found out yesterday that he knows how to get last, now I need him to win a few more races to get the left side of my U going.
  17. Here's your last place breeder gene, could be had for .13 at the moment: https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/7042 In 59 races it finished last 58% of the time, finishes in 11th or 12th 76% of the time and somehow manages to win 5% of its races! Okay, I need to go outside and go fishing now, I've been sucked into the Zed wormhole today...
  18. They are showing up on KYH, but not on Zedrun Tools, so maybe the did find a work-around: https://zedrun.tools/horse/20802 It still shows 0 odds for the last two races.
  19. August Bloom got 3rd in the first race I was in and 2nd in the race I was in with Ed's horse. I found the odds on the first race in the discord channel (16.09), but never saw the odds posted on my 2nd race in there. The odds did show up on KYH after the race was done though (22.42), so it seems like I just got lucky on these first two races and exceeded expectations. I'm having some problems getting registered for races, I get an error message that says Network error, please try a different horse or gate. Anyone else getting that?
  20. Same. I'm noodling to it in my office right now. I've always like RL Burnside, so I've been pretty excited to hear the rest of this one and it hasn't disappointed so far.
  21. I think that's probably healthier for the whole marketplace long term, but I'm glad I could see the early odds on my 1st horse. 38 mins until my first race, never thought I would be so giddy about watching a fake horse race online...
  22. Have you seen anything about the weighting of odds for G race vs regular races?
  23. I just noticed my new nag is in the same race as Beats Me later today - https://zed.run/race/jLswCCuLhttps://zed.run/race/jLswCCuL @Nice Guy Eddie
  24. @gyroprotagonist That is a bad mofo for sure. Look at the parents on Steph Curry, not really anything special in their G race odds or racing results, but they still threw off a monster. I guess there is still a lot of this that is left to chance. I sad F it and went ahead and pulled the trigger on this one: https://knowyourhorses.com/horses/20802 The transfer has gone through on opensea, but it hasn't showed up in my stable on Zed yet, I guess that takes a little time? I'm with you on 7 races not being enough to even know what this horse will wind up being, but I thought there was enough value in the G race odds to jump on it.
  25. It's a range between 9.4 and 18.9. All in class IV. I can't figure out how important the G race odds are vs. the avg of odds in all other races.
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