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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. The Kubotas are much more utilitarian than recreational - drives more like a tractor than a SxS. I think they have a lot more torque, but the one I rode in was very slow and loud.
  2. I just tried to get an appt at Kroger in Nacogdoches. I put in my age, it asked me if I was a health care worker (nope), do you work in a LTC facility (nope) = "In this area, COVID-19 vaccines are reserved for other individuals at high risk for COVID-19. Check back frequently for eligibility updates!" I'm going to try CVS and a few other places not too far away that have it.
  3. Thanks. Are you friends with a bunch of fats? Maybe I'm looking at a more narrow definition of 1B, or I'm not putting enough weight on "including but not limited to" before the list of conditions that would qualify for 1B. I take a statin every day for high cholesterol - would that be enough?
  4. I asked this in the DT vaccine thread too, but what are you guys that are in your 40-50s saying in order to get an appointment? I'm ready to get this jab now that we're going full dumbass again with mitigation.
  5. This is what I'm inclined to think too. I was trying to be a dude about it and wait my turn in line, but I feel like mitigation efforts are about to fall off a cliff. It might be time to disregard females/acquire jabs.
  6. For those of you that are in your 40s and 50s that already got the shot, what did you tell them to get an appointment? I'm in East Texas and see that there are appointments available at CVS in Livingston, but say they are only available for 1A and 1B. Seems like it's every man for himself at this point and I'm ready to get the shot if I can get an appointment. I'm 41 with a BMI of 27, so I guess I'll have to make us some BS to get an appointment?
  7. I've got a Honda Pioneer 700-4, so the bed turns into two bucket seats. It's great for what we use it for but my kids are pretty small and the backseat could get a little cramped for bigger kids. I use it almost every day and am very happy with it. I've driven most of them and I'd say that the Mules seems more sluggish/under powered than the Polaris, Honda, and Can-Ams that I've been in. They are bombproof though. Why don't you really let your nuts hang and go for a Tomcar? https://tomcar.com/ My boss has two of these for riding the mining trails around Crested Butte and they are the baddest MF'ers around. Some of the trails that I've driven up/over/through in these things are unbelievable. Trails that I would never dream of taking my Honda up because it would rip up a tie rod within minutes.
  8. Sort of - there's this: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GBTC?p=GBTC h/t to GRHorn. I bought some of it a while back and have an open order for more if BTC pulls back again.
  9. I have to say, I really like how much easier the convo/information flows on Discord. Thanks to everyone who had the idea and made it happen!
  10. Good thing they had those bumpers out.
  11. GMAFB. You and your ilk would be masturbating furiously if this was Trump blowing up some more brown people, so don't act like you give a shit about this. It's all about keeping score and trying to pwn the libs - no discussion of the actual implications or reasons for the military action. Just post a few tweets, play the victim card/bitch about the MSM, make a few "funny" jokes about Harris being the actual POTUS, and let the good times roll. Amirite? I haven't read up on this bombing yet, but I don't support this type of action no matter who the president is. It's an example of executive power run amok and is yet another area where the legislative branch should reassert its authority.
  12. Okay, okay, this kool aide is starting to taste better to me now.
  13. I feel like I’m on Shark Tank and the guy is about to get crushed by the sharks for not having any focus in his company.
  14. @SydneyCarton I think you've done a great job at explaining all of this and the REPs are getting unfairly crammed into the middle of this shit-smeared clown car.
  15. The existence of the retail electricity market in Texas is no doubt beneficial to consumers, I'm not sure there is a reasonable argument to be made to the contrary. Where I get hung up is that "deregulated" should not equal "no regulation at all." i.e., if you want to sell power to the ERCOT grid, then you need to satisfy X, Y and Z AND we are going to come check on X, Y and Z periodically to ensure you are actually compliant. I'm not a fan of all regulation, but when it comes to things like reliable electricity and safe drinking water then I think the free market has shown repeatedly that it cannot be trusted to do the right thing and reasonable regulation is necessary.
  16. Good info, thanks TexasEd. Depending on how far (if?) TSNP falls next week this could def. apply to me. I bailed on my real work and spent some time on the phone with Vanguard, who were actually very helpful btw. I've got an open order to sell 40% of my shares at $4.15. I stayed on the phone with them for a bit to see if the order would fill, but he said they had orders for ~500k+ shares they were trying to fill at lower prices and price/time priority dictated those orders would be filled first. So, maybe it would be trading much lower if all retails could trade online this morning?
  17. Called Vanguard and got on the phone with someone pretty quick - bottom line is I can trade it over the phone but it won't be updated in their system and available to trade online until Monday. I didn't do anything yet, but might trim my position by 50% if I can sell at $4+ I feel like this would be a blood bath if more retail investors could actually trade it this morning. All my shit is on a 15 minute delay which is a real kick in the dick too.
  18. Vanguard hasn't unfucked itself on TSNP yet, so it looks like my decision for this morning may have been made for me. I don't have time this morning to call and harangue them about so it looks like we are going yolo.
  19. Ahh, thank you Sam. That's exactly what I was was looking for.
  20. Vanguard allows you the option of FI - FO or selecting the # of shares from each lot that you want to sell. This was driving my question on exit strategy on the stonks thread - and I had the same conundrum that @cam4mav describes in mind. I have 7 different lots ranging from .315 to 1.25. My thought was that if I really think this it's going to crater over the next week but ultimately bounce back, to sell everything that is in the money tomorrow morning and hold the lots are at .87, 1.05, and 1.25. I'd then have a specific target to get back in, but really would have no clue how ugly this could get tomorrow. But I'm a stonk noob and am really struggling with how to best play it now that all of this new shit has come to light.
  21. I’ll be interested to read what you’re thinking after you gather your thoughts. RE: giving advanced notice of the R/S - it seems like it’s going to cause jitters no matter when you tell people your plans. If you give advanced notice then some investors are going to get jittery and bail right then, or you wait and people freak when you spring it on them. Nothing changed on the value proposition yet. I’d be more concerned if they had a PR and said the app was going to be delayed until next year or some such. Or maybe I’m just rationalizing and hoping I’m not about to lose my ass. I absolutely wish I would have sold some up above $1.75, but that window wasn’t open for very long.
  22. "Quell the volatility?" That's kind of what we're after here my dudes. And yea, George is salty af on Twitter this afternoon. The split doesn't bother me that much - much different than a 100-1/1000-1 split.
  23. Sorry, I should have included that they are all short term cap gains. Good point on cap gains taxes potentially going up. If my plan is to hold some long term for a potential moonshot then I may as well take the hit on the most profitable shares now. Although if TSNP goes to $10, it's not going to make that much of a difference if I bought the shares at $.31 or if I bought them today at $.87. @Cheeseweasel
  24. Furk! I can't help myself on TSNP, bought another chunk at .87
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