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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Dumb question that I tried to do some quick googling on but can't find an answer to: If you have multiple entries into a stock at various prices and are looking to trim positions that are all in the money, what is the correct exit strategy? Do you take the tax hit and select the shares to sell that are the most in the money? I guess that is the only way to do it if you are trying to take profits/"Get on free shares," but I wasn't sure if I'm missing something and should just select FIFO.
  2. Good info. I had a client with GOM assets tell me they were shut in because of the temps last week too, but like you said, I'm not sure if it was due to wellhead issues/heater treaters/amines/compression, etc. They couldn't get their product out of the ground and were calling me asking if they had business interruption coverage (they don't).
  3. I use Schwab for my stonking - it doesn't seem to GAF about the shadiness of the securities you're trying to trade and trades are free.
  4. Absolutely. I was mainly sharing my client's experience last week because I think Bookman was originally skeptical that any pipelines froze. I guess you could argue the semantics that it was gathering lines and not transmission lines that froze (AFAIK), but the feedstock having issues is the main thing that matters IMO.
  5. I heard from a client yesterday that their entire field in the EF froze up last week. They are relatively new and only operate about 10 wells at the moment, so a small sample size, but the bottom line is the feedstock for the NG plants (among other things) let them down. I don't know how you get around that at the field level - seems like it would be cost prohibitive to winterize every single wellhead/facility in the EF. But maybe not, I really know fuck-all about what materials you would need to keep wellheads and gathering lines/small treatment plants from freezing up.
  6. I took a little nibble on SPSO as well. I'm going to have to start trimming pretty soon. I've taken a flier on a few of #SupDup's picks too, but none of those are ripe for pruning yet. I really need TSNP to go on another run so I can right-size my stonk account. I'm top heavy AF with that one at the moment. Thanks for sharing RC, I promise I won't make any death threats if we lose money on some of these. That's f'n absurd and there's no way I'd continue to post over on stocktwits if those fuckers are going to behave like that.
  7. Holy shit, it's up another 25%+ after hours. I thought this deal was done and dusted, but short interest is still around 50% of the float.
  8. Stocktwit bros are posting screen shots of filled orders - one dude bought 700k shares and posted it up. Another claims to have bought 3MM shares this afternoon. LOL WUT!
  9. Whenever you're feeling bearish about any of these stonks, just go check out Stocktwits - those bros are buying into this massive XMET crash. Ballsy, or they are are liars!
  10. Damn, when stonks go pear-shaped, they go real fucking pear-shaped real fast!
  11. We're big kids, no harm no foul - shooters gotta shoot!
  12. Fn free fall on XMET now. I feel like it's too late to bail now, guess I'll drag this boat anchor around for a while now. 🤷‍♂️
  13. I've had orders fill the last two days. I'm liking those shares I got yesterday at $1.38. LFG!
  14. I had a meeting with their CFO at the end of 2019, he's good friends with a client of mine who introduced us. Very nice guy, laid back and seemed like a good dude. I think they are backed (in part?) by Juniper Capital. I never ended up doing any business with them. /CSB
  15. The Royal We


    I signed up last year and got the notice this morning that they were taking orders in my area as well. I couldn't sign up fast enough and already put my $99 deposit down with them. Like others on this thread, we live out in the sticks and have long-range wireless delivered by a local company using Ubiquiti gear and get ~3mbs for $50/month. I'll gladly pay for the Starlink gear and $100/month for the speeds they say are being delivered already. Hopefully we get going with them early this fall.
  16. Imagine thinking that this "curiousity" was worthy of starting a new thread in the Cloak Room. Now imagine posting it around that same time that the US just passed 500k Covid deaths. Stanco is still fucking that it's-a-hoax chicken.
  17. Lulz. I slapped myself around a little bit and then put in another buy order at $.77 This is teh suck
  18. Yea, I may just need to stay away from the screen today. My sell finger is getting twitchy af on my stonks that are still well in the green. I'm looking at you TSNP...
  19. That's what I've done on this one. Sold a little less than 50% of my shares at a ~400% gain and am going to let the good times roll with the rest.
  20. I got in on RXMD at the opening bell, some filled at .1198 and some at .1185. I like the looks of this one. I wish I wouldn't have been fighting frozen pipes and shuttling firewood around with no power at home last Wednesday and Thursday, I would have loaded the boat on more TSNP shares.
  21. After being without electricity for the last ~48 hrs, our power came back on a little before noon today out here at lake Nac. God bless Deep East Texas Electric Coop. They were out here working in our area early this morning and made it on to our road around 11 or so. I saw them go up and down the road checking the lines and then we came back up pretty soon after that. I was unaware, but they posted an update earlier and said that only 1% of their service area was on the ERCOT system. Our service was fine with rolling blackouts until the freezing rain started coming down Wednesday morning. After that it flickered a bunch like it does in high wind or snow and then went out for good. I shut off our water at the house and at the street on Wednesday night before going to bed. I let things warm up for a bit after the power came back on today, opened up pretty much every fixture in the house, and started to pressure back up at the street. We have wheel valves in the box for our side so I could open them gradually and see a hose bib flowing. We walked all over the house listening for leaks and shut off fixtures after confirming both hot and cold worked. No problems that we could see and a quick walk through the attic didn't turn up any issues. I'm feeling pretty lucky but will still be on alert for a few days to make sure no slow-burn plumbing gremlins decide to show up. Thanks to everyone for sharing ideas and status updates on these threads. It really made it much easier thinking through all of this BS together. I was team drip inside/wrap outside until we lost power and then was team shut off at the street and hunker down.
  22. This too. Battery tech is rapidly improving. PE that was previously all upstream E&P (EnCap) piling in to battery storage indicates to me the smart money sees this coming as well. I’m heavily invested in E&P and don’t think it’s going away any time soon, but burying your head in the sand and acting like we need to proceed with nothing but fossil fuels and all renewables are worthless is wrongheaded IMO.
  23. It’s not an either/or proposition and constantly seeing people framing it as such is a beating. With EV usage increasing it’s going to take everything - increased wind/battery storage, more combined cycle nat gas plants and the existing nuke capacity currently in operation (preferably all winterized). Combine that with grid improvements and somehow reform ercot and maybe we won’t end up with 50fucking% of the state without power at the same time again.
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