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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. TSNP looking rather stonky!
  2. The Chesters are in and mounted. Doing a little more work today and then plan on heading out for a ride.
  3. What the hell is going on with NAKD? Got nailed yesterday and then bounces up 40% today.
  4. That sounds cool ISU! There are a couple of short steep spots on my trail that are impossible for me to climb right now because they are covered in deep pine straw and have loose dirt below that. I plan on taking a backpack blower and a tamp over there so I don't have to walk up those sections. I made the main loop wide enough to ride my Honda SxS through so most of the rest of the trail is pretty packed down except for the steep bits. I also need to go back and pull up the yaupon stumps that are in the middle of the trail in places - some of those gremlins are mostly hidden by pine straw and could make for a nasty spill.
  5. I have a buddy who runs the shop at one of the Bicycle Sports Shops (now Trek evidently) in Austin, and he told me the same thing. Well, he told me I needed a better bike and to be less of a shit rider if I wanted to get the Nukeproofs I asked him about, and then told me the Chesters would be a good place to start. They should be here today and depending on what time they get here I might mount them up and ride. Shoes will be next. We've got 7.5 acres of woods across the street from our house and I've been building some trails through them since last fall. I've only managed to carve out ~.75 of a mile so far, but there is enough elevation change for me to get a decent workout if I make the little loop a few times. I'll try to post some pics at some point, but the lot sits next to the highest point around and drains quite a bit of water through it when we get substantial rains. So it's got a few deep ravines that run all the way through it that I plan on making "runs" out of that will cut off the main loop trail that I'm building now. I'm trying to take out as few trees as possible so most of the work has been done with loppers and a chainsaw so far, but I really enjoy doing that kind of stuff. @TwiceHorn
  6. Yea, that movie was horseshit. Would not watch again.
  7. So much this. These assbags have no shame - is there any actual news in this story?
  8. You got the regarded part right.
  9. Nice run on TSNP this morning! I'm holding 30k shares at an average of $.38 and had another limit order set yesterday hoping for one more pull back that never filled. Contemplating if the $50 fee on AMYZF is worth it or not... I like their business plan and think that is one I'd be comfortable going long on.
  10. Thanks. Let us know what you think after you get them mounted up.
  11. What flats did you buy?
  12. Perfect, thank you. I've never ridden clipless on a mountain bike, mainly because of a fear of not being able to unclip when shit goes pear-shaped. But the stock pedals that my bike came with are clownshoes. I was slipping all over the place on Saturday when it was drizzling.
  13. Do any of y'all run flat pedals? I live/ride in East Texas and don't ride anything that's too gnarly, so before I make the jump to clipless I'm looking at a few different flat pedal options. https://www.amazon.com/Mzyrh-Mountain-Colorful-Machined-Cycling/dp/B07GNLNYHC/ref=sr_1_12?crid=UE07VBT8AUDP&dchild=1&keywords=mountain+bike+flat+pedals&qid=1612198105&sprefix=mountain+bike+fl%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-12 https://www.amazon.com/ROCK-BROS-Mountain-Composite-Platform/dp/B07PD8RVY9/ref=sr_1_16?crid=UE07VBT8AUDP&dchild=1&keywords=mountain+bike+flat+pedals&qid=1612197832&sprefix=mountain+bike+fl%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-16
  14. The WSB'ers in his mentions aren't buying it - counterfeit shares, no way the shorts could all cover on the low volume last Friday, etc. They loved him when he was posting about high S3 SI%, but now it's all a bunch of baloney - although tagging CNBC in his tweet probably has them pretty triggered as well. I'm not educated enough on the subject to know how Ihor arrives at his numbers and if they are legit or not.
  15. Well, if this is accurate, it's a little shocking to me. It also makes me think this thing is going to pop quick, fast, and in a hurry when it finally pops; the funds with access to much faster trading platforms are going to bail before the remaining retail bros ever have a chance to react.
  16. Why don't you leave that shitbox platform then? That's total horseshit.
  17. I scooped some up at open and am trying to figure out when to exit - I feel like this sell off could accelerate through the close this afternoon.
  18. This was the problem, I'm in now. Thank you both. Let's go get this bread. @Nice Guy Eddie
  19. http://isthesqueezesquoze.com/ According to this the short of float is still 75%+ this morning.
  20. @Nice Guy Eddie I got the invite from you but when I click on the link it just opens the app and doesn't appear to actually do anything?
  21. Fucking insane open for AMC, GME, NAKD, etc. How long will the holders of these expiring futures contracts hold on today?
  22. Dealing with the same bullshit over here with my almost 70 year old dad who has COPD and still hits the lung darts. He was unsure if he was going to get the vaccine because some people he knows felt like shit after getting their second dose and he's been reading about how there's some bad stuff in the vaccine. One of his best friends died yesterday from a blood clot/heart attack a few days after being released from the hospital and "beating" Covid. I thought that might change his mind and tried to guilt trip him into, but no signs of a change of heart yet. Fuck Facebook.
  23. Vanguard never took away the ability to buy those stocks. It's not really a trading platform and is not as user friendly as most others, but it's been online and no fuckery that I know of.
  24. I'm really tempted to buy more now too, but I'm pretty sure that's BAD IDEA JEANS.
  25. This has the potential to be a unifying event for our country if the asshats conspiring to disallow the purchase of these stocks are investigated and held accountable. Democrats could potentially peel a slice of the country off if they lead the charge now that they are in the majority. Which means....there's no fucking way possible anyone is ever held accountable for this fuckery.
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