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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. What in the actual fuck!? This can't be legal, can it?
  2. What do y'all see for the Short % of float on GME currently? Yahoo finance is showing 226%, but that was as of 1/15 so is useless AF.
  3. Total f'n bullshit. I can understand not letting people buy those stocks on margin, but to just totally block buying them? Everyone should leave those platforms en masse because of this - actively horsefucking your customers.
  4. For sure. It's not set up for HFT or anything, but it also hasn't bonked or banned me from buying anything. (yet)
  5. Vanguard has been rock solid this whole time too.
  6. Yea, that's straight up manipulation that helps the huge funds that shit the bed and hurts the retails that made the prudent investment. This is horseshit. Fuck Robinhood - they are probably about to reap the populist whirlwind too.
  7. This is where I am on GME and amc too - almost feel like it’s my civic duty to buy a few shares for the cause. WSB has given me brain worms.
  8. This is fucked. RH and WSB are a fig leaf for the huge funds really running this shit up. Evidently there are chunks of 5,000 and 10,000 shares being gobbled up at a time - that’s not small retails.
  9. Why in the blue fuck would they be bailed out!? Fuck them, they need(ed) better Risk Managers not a goddamn bailout.
  10. What a bunch of bullshit. Don't tell me you are trying to protect people from themselves. I hope they lose a fuckton of customers over that BS.
  11. Fuck, here we go again.
  12. Damn, I never knew that. And I completely agree, no one deserves that.
  13. Fuckin awesome man. This post with your avatar next to it is perfect.
  14. TSNP getting crushed this morning, I might average down a bit.
  15. I managed to get into IRM at $33.40, that was the only one that I felt I wasn't too late to the party.
  16. Volume is already 310mm vs. average volume of 54mm - what a bonkers day already.
  17. So you just tear them up and give everyone their money back, we was just joshing, lol?
  18. Seriously, how in the hell does this thing get unwound!?
  19. I watched the first two episodes again last night after seeing this thread. I think the book does a better job of painting the picture of Sobol, but Schwimmer did a pretty damn good job too. Every time I watch it I catch a few more things that Winters said or did that made him such a great leader. Cool as a cucumber under pressure and brass balls the size of grapefruits.
  20. This turned into a very interesting thread. Props to 956 and Shady for both bringing great viewpoints and discussion. The thought that polling in Russia is functionally useless because of the success of their propaganda machine is both impressive and terrifying at the same time.
  21. Thank you for this Bob. I've got a 20 pack incoming. https://www.unitedstatesmask.com/
  22. Good call on the diet Coke there chubbs.
  23. It was because of this thread on TOS that we got a bidet in our new house. My wife thought I was crazy and when I told our contractor that I needed an outlet next to the toilet he looked at me like I had grown a third eye. Fast forward to our power going out after snowpocalypse last week and my wife said to me - you know, it sucks for the power to be out and to not have lights/heat/TV, etc., but what I miss the most is our heated toilet seat. Never going back.
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