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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Back to rail? This implies that KXL was already running and is being shut down, which is obviously not the case. If the Dakota Access Pipeline is shutdown that will definitely force more crude to be moved by rail, which I completely agree is bad all around - it's not as safe as pipeline transport, costs more, and is less efficient. I think the DAPL was ordered to be shutdown by a federal judge last summer but was overturned on appeal. Again, at this point, KXL is a political football used to rile people up - seems like it worked on some people.
  2. This is pretty much the gist of it for me too. I was willing to give him a chance, but that chance expired as soon as he spent the first days of his presidency bickering about the size of the inauguration crowd and banning the parks department from posting actual pictures of the crowd. I was pretty sure we were proper fucked right then and there. I don't have a strong faith like you do Mole, but I grew up in the Catholic church and have close family members and others that I'm close to who have always held themselves up as "people of God." I don't know that I'll ever understand how they rationalized their support for this shit stain. And not just "for the judges" or whatever other policy they supported, but were full-throated defenders of his actions, even when they were very obviously hateful/harmful/not Christ-like. It's really been a hard thing for me to stomach and has done permanent damage to relationships with people that I previously admired.
  3. I dipped a toe into GBTC today - trade executed at $32.
  4. Yea, that's some serious horseshit - even for these dipshits.
  5. I don't doubt that, but how much new capital is being deployed into the San Joaquin valley fields currently? And that is domestic production, not Canadian.
  6. Exactly - it’s a talking point for people that want to scare everyone. And yes, it would lower differentials for oil sands crude, but why do we want to do that again? That process is environmentally destructive af and we are swimming in domestic production.
  7. My thought too. This is only phase IV and I thought that was mainly to transport Canadian syncrude and oil sands crude down to Nebraska. So it might effect Bakken producers, but I don't think there are takeaway issues there currently anyway, correct?
  8. I was agreeing with you. It’s a frustrating thing to think about.
  9. I don't really get the allure of jet boats either. I know there's one guy on our lake that has one - I towed him in last year when he sucked his tow rope into the impeller.
  10. I think this picture after his extremely lackluster hate rally in Tulsa is my favorite. Not only do you get a completely disheveled looking Trump (including spray tan on the inside of the collar), but when you consider the context of the picture it's extra delicious. They thought there would be a hundred thousand people there and even set up a whole separate scene outside to handle the overflow from an arena packed with ~19,000 magats. The final estimate of the whole crowd from the Tulsa Fire Department was less than 6,200. With this being the first rally after the Covid shutdowns, you have to think that this was the first inkling he had that he might really be in deep shit. He could rationalize his way out of bad poll numbers, but him physically seeing the abysmal turnout for himself resulted in this priceless photo.
  11. Honest question - how did this person react? @Wanker Bob
  12. No doubt. It's just that they are much more likely to get "fixed" if they don't get shit all over with nanny-nanny-boo-boos at the first sign of starting to look for a mechanic.
  13. It's hard. And I'm not talking about every Larry and Leroy I know who fell for this shit. I'm talking about family and friends that we want to maintain a relationship with AND who show a willingness to admit that they were duped. For those people, derision and shaming will not work - I've been trying that with one very old friend for more than 2 years with no results... My plan now is to suppress the voice inside my head telling me to posterize him on the day when a big part of his world is crumbling and instead look for any glimmer that he's ready to enter reality with the rest of us. I'd want him to do the same thing for me if I was in the bottom of a bottle or whatever other dark place I might be stuck in and need some help finding my way out.
  14. This is the way. We should all really try our hardest to applaud every incremental step these people around us make towards admitting they were duped. Reserve your finger pointing and laughing for those who have already morphed their delusions to match the reality that Biden is now POTUS.
  15. I hope smearing shit all over yourself and setting your hair on fire in hopes of getting a pardon was worth it you fucking asshat.
  16. This is our concern dude. I don't think those closest to me are really that deep into it, but some of the people in my extend circle of friends that got them into Q in the first place have to be in a bad, bad place today. I can't imagine the shame they feel deep down and the pit in their stomach they got as Joe took the oath today - red ears, sweaty palms and pure, uncut shame all crushing them like ton of bricks.
  17. Well this seems like a pretty big deal:
  18. I want to dunk on the asshats in my life that fell for this shit, but I've been reading about how to best approach those that I actually want to maintain a relationship with and it's certainly not rubbing their nose in it like a dog who peed in the house. I really only have 2 people that fall into this category, but thought I would mention it just in case any of you guys have people that you still want to have in your life. I'll be reaching out to them today and while they probably fully expect me to kick them in the nuts, I'm not even going to say "I told you so." Now, if they continue to double/triple/quadruple down and try to hold out hope that Trump is coming back, then I'm probably going to lose my shit.
  19. Whoa, that's a pretty big deal for tigerdroppings to lock that thread up - any indication what pushed them over the edge? Seems like it would have been done closer to 1/6 if that was the final straw. I'm pretty sure that is where the husband of a childhood friend started his Q journey. This dude now wears a wedding ring that has a big Q on it. He's got to be taking this turn of events hard.
  20. If you're not oscillating and pulsating with warm water whilst sitting on a warmed seat, then are you even really bidet'ing? Toto Washlet ftw.
  21. The Royal We


    There’s an article out in Rolling Stone today that makes it sound like this won’t be legal for very long. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/delta-8-thc-legal-weed-explained-1113859/
  22. The Royal We


    Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. Just googled this per @Snacks instructions and I had no idea this was a thing. Can we get some more information on this? Not as strong as fully leaded from Colorado but still does the trick?
  23. Yea, it's looking like this loony bitch needs to be locked up. Hopefully the cameras inside the capitol show her giving a tour to some of the same people that have already been arrested for storming the building. I bet if you scrape up the data from her phone it will show multiple flavors of seditious conspiracy going on.
  24. Very much this. It's the people doubling down/bothsidesing/cheering on January 6th that are probably not redeemable and need to be pointed and laughed at.
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