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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I don't know that there is anything that would cause the true believers to pull out of their delusions. There have been so many events like the inauguration scenario above that were absolute certainties until they weren't and it hasn't caused any of the hardcore Q fanbois to have an introspective moment. Remember when George Bush's funeral in Houston was going to be a mass arrest event? Remember when Hillary was arrested in October of '17? Remember the 1,000s of sealed indictments that would be flung open when the IG report was released? They will just re-tool their delusions to fit the current reality after Biden is sworn in. That will just be considered evidence of how powerful the dErP StATe really is! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  2. Oh fuck off you tosser.
  3. And that was just this week!
  4. You may be right, but I sure hope that is not the case. There need to be consequences for anyone that unlawfully entered the Capitol and significant consequences for those that destroyed property or fought with police. This aggression will not stand man.
  5. Yea, I don't think anyone that had a mobile device in their pocket is going to be able to easily escape justice. It would have been a hell of a lot easier to zip tie these assbags to a fence as they walked out the door, but I bet a large majority of them will be scraped up eventually. It's breathtaking ignorance and privilege that they thought documenting the whole thing on social media wouldn't have consequences.
  6. And way too much to ask that they have enough foresight to know that maybe it's not a good idea to adjourn and send everyone home. Were they banking on Trump and/or Pence having the spine to do the heavy lifting for them? GTFOH
  7. Okay, the first belly laugh I've had in a while, thank you I needed that.
  8. Because the peaceful transfer of power is just humming along like a finely tuned machine so far, amirite!?
  9. So much this - it's a terrible precedent to set. Have the stones to do what is necessary and possible under the constitution, which is impeachment. If the GOP wants to FA&FO what happens if they don't take up the impeachment vote in the senate, then they can rely on Trump to do the right thing and not continue to take a pair of pliers and a blowtorch to their political futures.
  10. Eat a richard Kevin McCarthy, no one that is worth a damn gives two flips what you think. STFU and get out of the way.
  11. That in and of itself is going on the f'n record!
  12. I'm completely dumbfounded there isn't more of a sense of urgency here. Pelosi is having conversations with Milley about ignoring orders from Trump (or God knows what else), but she is still asking Trump to resign/Pence to invoke the 25th - (maybe ask pretty please with a cherry on top!?) - or we'll bring articles of impeachment next week. What in the actual F!? There is no valid reason I can fathom for waiting any longer! I mean sure, our democracy might hang in the balance here, but it's even politically smart as well by making the spinless GOP cucks in the Senate go on the record here.
  13. I'm very much on board with all of this - particularly not being about to pardon yourself and the Oct 1-Jan 19 dark period. There should be political consequences for dodgy pardons.
  14. MF'ing this. Things aren't moving quickly enough. Our system was never set up to deal with a mob boss as president with the power of the pardon in his pocket. The pardon power is absolute (except one for himself?), so it seems to me that removing him before the pardonpalooza happens is pretty damn important. I don't think I've seen any discussion of Roger Stone's involvement in this - surely he's knee deep in the organizing of this insurrection. Hopefully his pardon can't protect him from any legal jeopardy he would be in.
  15. 100% this. Make these spineless fucks go on the record that POTUS stoking an insurrection during a transfer of power still doesn't meet the threshold for impeachment. My God, if that isn't it then what is? And Pelosi needs to quit tiptoeing around with this "consider" impeachment BS - either invoke the 25th or we will impeach. If Trump does what Bolton suggests will happen when confronted by Pence, then it makes the case for impeachment even stronger. You hang all the spineless GOP senators with an even stronger rope - you mean to tell me that the VP/cabinet invoked the 25th and you still don't think there is enough evidence that this man is unfit!? They should vote in the house tonight. Everyone do the right thing for once in their lives.
  16. I don't feel good about it and have a hard time admitting it, but this exact thought crossed my mind after seeing a video of how it all went down combined with her other insane videos like this one. It would take some serious convincing to change my opinion that she was irredeemable. I say this as someone who has a sister who has dabbled in the Q world as well. It's hard on my heart and I get despondent even thinking about how close to home this hits. After soaking in the events of yesterday and giving myself some time to cool down, I'm still having a hard time seeing how I can remain cordial with any family, friends, coworkers, clients, etc. that continue to support Trump after this. I just don't think I have it in me to do it. I can't decide if I should seek therapy to help me develop tools to deal with these situations which I know are in my future, or just be completely forthright and try to limit the F bombs as best I can while dealing with the nasty consequences that will surely follow.
  17. Eggfuckingzactly. At some point the party of personal responsibility is going to have to, you know... take some actual responsibility for their own actions. I'm not sure there has ever been a better example of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Unfortunately she won the ultimate prize.
  18. So much this. Black folks marching in the park for equality get the tear gas and rubber bullets, these assbags trying to storm the capitol building get polite requests to leave and stop destroying property. I don't have the foggiest idea what the main difference would be?
  19. That will be interesting to watch unfold. The folks bitching have deep pockets and give zero fucks.
  20. I'll have to go dig up some pics, but my first car was a '91 4Runner, I think it was the last year for TOYOTA to be spelled out across the grille instead of the logo. It was a fantastic car that I beat the crap out of as an idiot teenager and ran in until it had 199k on it. It was 2WD otherwise it would probably still be in the family rolling around at the deer lease. It was losing compression in one of the cylinders so I got $2k on a trade in from it towards a 2003 Tacoma TRD 4x4. That was the first car that I bought on my own and it was probably more vehicle than I could really afford at the time. I loved it and only got it stuck once - was back-roading while home for Christmas and got off a little too far in the ditch without it already locked in 4wd. Sunk it down to the frame and couldn't spin the front tires enough to get the 4wd engaged - called a buddy to come yank me out and after moving it about a foot, the front wheels engaged and it jumped out of the ruts. I drove it for 125k miles and had to sell it when we had our 2nd child - got $10k on a trade and wish I had the money at the time to keep it. I've been in Suburbans/Yukons since then but will probably get another Yota when we are totally done with car seats. My pops got a new loaded out Taco 2 years ago and the off-road tech has come a really long way since I had mine. It's an absolute mule that I think would really take some effort to get stuck.
  21. Not Sonos, but I ordered one of these from Audioengine last week and it should be delivered on Thursday. I have an excite. https://audioengineusa.com/shop/wirelessspeakers/b2-wireless-speaker-2/ I've had a pair of their A5 speakers on my record player for a few years and they sound incredible. These guys are also headquartered in Austin and are worth a look if you're in the market for speakers.
  22. I've never noticed this before, but yea, that was a straight-up call out to someone. He stared them down and even nodded his head a few times, like, yea, I'm talking to you holmes. Was it Linda Graham? Damn.
  23. Good Lord, that was an asswhippin! And yea, lots of quality headgear in that film.
  24. The Royal We


    How often do you guys change the spark plug on your ATV/SXS? I've got a 2014 Honda Pioneer 700 that I bought from a buddy and I don't know if the plug has ever been changed out. It's only has a little over 220 hrs. on the motor and runs fine, but it's cranky to start when it's cold outside. I bought a new plug for it, but it's a real bitch to get the boot off of the plug - it's tucked up under the seat and the only way to reach it with any leverage is to crawl up under the seat from underneath and I can't get it loose. It's probably not that big of a deal and is running fine, but I do think a new plug would probably help with the cold starts.
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