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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I'm sure tens and tens of people will tune in when RFK addresses "The Nation."
  2. My son is a HS freshman this year and has been swimming for his middle school and local club the last few seasons. He started playing water polo over the summer and tried out for, but didn't make the varsity this year. He's still training with the team so we went to watch their first game yesterday. The Nac boys beat Rockwall Heath 16-11 in the first game I've ever seen in person. We've got a few players on the team who seem to be really good - one scored 7 goals and another 4 in the game yesterday. I hope my son sticks with it and gets a chance to play next year after he can put on more weight. He's tall and skinny and needs to bulk up a bit more before he can knock heads with the older boys. @Chico_SA your facility is much nicer than what we are working with in Nac! https://www.dailysentinel.com/sports/nac-water-polo-teams-go-1-1-in-district-opener-tuesday/article_8bda8597-e795-59cd-a4fd-9595003267d6.html
  3. JP Stanco, come take your medicine.
  4. I wondered the same thing. Maybe they have to provide contact information for their landlords for the the last 24 months and they have to sign off that the rent was paid on time? I just know that 90% of my tenants are late more than they are on time. On time being before the 10th every month.
  5. As someone who owns a few rent houses I can safely say the requirement that rent has been paid on time every month for 2 years is going to remove a large chunk of otherwise qualifying applicants from the pool.
  6. Hmmm. So they didn't change the production calcs to start including condensate, but the EIA did make changes to their adjustment factor? I found the original twitter thread referenced in your PDF and none of it seems nefarious or out of bounds to me, but a lot of it is admittedly over my head. This chart from his thread shows how their adjustments have changed over time. There's a big dip in the monthly average adjustment the second half of of '22 at the same time the EIA's overall production numbers were still increasing - yea? It's a bit of a black box for me, but I don't see how you can say the EIA's daily production number is bogus because of their adjustments. What am I missing?
  7. Do you even Epstein Island bro?
  8. Telling people to tune in to your opponents press conference is fucking savage. But it's also the absolute correct move since so many people are only seeing the sanitized/translated accounts of Trump's verbal diarrhea from the NYT/WAPO/Fox News.
  9. Thanks for the early endorsements. Now:
  10. Yea, that's a head scratcher. I don't see the upside to that at all. Bill for that matter too.
  11. The Barnett comment is pretty hilarious in retrospect. In his defense this was probably in 06 or 07 when unconventional plays were really just getting rolling. Renewables can't compete on ROI, but they do contribute significantly to the electricity supply at this time - this guy was claiming it was impossible to scale them up fast enough to ever make a dent because they were only contributing <1% at that time. I think you can just click on "choose files" and attach a PDF to your post. It may not appear as an embedded image but will be there.
  12. I'd love to do this one of these days. I've been playing golf for 35+ years and have always played hand me downs or off the shelf clubs. I don't get to play that much these days with 3 kids and all the associated activities, but I've been stuck around 9-10 index for years now. I think changing to more forgiving irons from my 15 year old AP2s might help moderate my missed shots, which tend to be horrendous right now (usually a 30+ yard left pull/hook).
  13. I really enjoyed going to the DPC luncheons every month years ago, but looking back on some of the subject matter and speakers is a little cringy. The engineer who spent his free time researching Global Warming as a hobby gave us a talk about how the climate wasn't really changing, the grizzled industry veteran who said something to the effect of "there's only ever been one Ghawar field, only one Prudhoe Bay, only one Spindletop, and there will only ever be one Barnett Shale (mic drop)", the engineer that said there's no chance that wind and solar will ever make a meaningful contribution to the electricity mix, etc. "We're not at record production" when all of the data I've seen pretty clearly shows that we are, in fact, at record production sounds like something you heard there. But I'll take your word for it, wait patiently, and consider any information you have to the contrary with an open mind.
  14. I'm fucking surrounded by them and think bad thoughts every time I pass a truck with a FJB/Molon Labe/Dump Joe and the Hoe/Punisher sticker(s) on the back window.
  15. No offense, but this sounds like some copium you heard from a luncheon speaker at the DPC... Here's another article that specifically mentions the EIA including condensate in their data back in 2015: "It is also important to note that EIA's published estimates include lease condensate, while some tables that TRRC provides tabulate crude oil and lease condensate separately. Condensate accounts for about 15% of the total crude oil and condensate volumes produced in the state of Texas." https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=22012
  16. Where did you get this information? I did a little bit of digging and can't see any mention of refined products being included in the daily production metrics or when this methodology changed. This is the only thing I can find about changes being made to the way they compile data. https://www.argusmedia.com/en/news-and-insights/latest-market-news/1069355-eia-to-change-crude-production-report-method
  17. He looks like hammered dogshit.
  18. Oh man, can we please have more of these in the same vein as the Obama/Joe originals? Good shit.
  19. This is partly true for me too. I grew up in a small town and it's mostly the dudes who never moved away that still vocally support Trump. But I also see it from other people who I know are smart. I work from home most days but was in our office in Houston this week and one of the leaders of our group, a very smart man but definitely a boomer, had a fucking 24x12 photo on his desk of Trump's post-shooting-fist-in-air pose. He wanted to chit chat with me but I just shook my head and kept walking down the hall. I just can't get my head around it.
  20. Fucking this. It's getting harder and harder for me to not immediately turn into a raging asshole and castigate friends/family/co-workers who mention they are still supporting this shit stain in front of me.
  21. Go smear your shit elsewhere please.
  22. Posting this for no particular reason.
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