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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Is he wearing some boots with jeans that are too short/not cut properly too? What an assbag.
  2. Yea, I'm doing pretty well at T4, but it's hard to contribute much at 4 clams per win. I don't have the bankroll to regularly play T5 quite yet.
  3. Man, this Ski Nautique is clean af. Someone has spent a ton of time and effort keeping this thing so spotless. I had a buddy's family that had one on Lake Travis back in the mid 90's when I was in high school. Lot's of good times and memories tearing around in that thing. It lived over the water in a slip and looked much more worn out than this one after a few years.
  4. The new war format is a nice change of pace. I don't fully understand all of it yet, but I like it.
  5. With XOM hovering around $40 and the dividend approaching 9%, how much longer can they avoid cutting it? If they do announce a cut, how far does it tumble? I traded in and out of it earlier this year and made a decent return (for a change) and it's starting to look attractive again below $40.
  6. Ha! We certainly tried to find an underwriter willing to discuss it, but no one had an appetite for it. There's a market for protecting rigs going to Angola against contract frustration or a pipeline project in Mexico from nationalization, but nothing for regulatory risk in the US. I have just been shocked at how many people think this is a very real risk they are facing from a potential Biden presidency.
  7. I'm an insurance broker for Oil & Gas companies and you'd be surprised at how many executives have convinced themselves (with a big assist from Fox News) that Biden will ban Frac'ing and have asked us if there is an insurance product that would protect them in this situation. There is no such thing available, but I never thought I'd be getting Political Risk inquiries from companies operating in the US.
  8. My 7 and 10 year old boys were a little nervous about laying on the flat tube for the first time after riding on nothing but the floating couch. One taste of the added exhilaration of the smaller tube and they were hooked.
  9. I've got the Academy brand that is very similar to this. Great for young ones and for parents riding with the very little ones, but it can be a bit boring for the older kids that like to be tossed around. It's so wide and stable that I have to drive like a maniac to really throw someone off of it. I got a smaller one that two kids can lay on their belly for the older ones that want to take the gnar level up a bit. And holy crap at that $2mm boat dock on Lake Austin - I knew it was spendy out there, but that is bonkers. I live on an east Texas lake and there is an ~18 acre waterfront tract that you could buy twice for less than that. I keep my boats in slips on the water and can attest to how quickly they get funky from spider poop/pollen/bugs, etc. The more frequent cleanings are a trade I'm willing to make to avoid the trailer every time.
  10. This is our concern Dude.
  11. Negged chubby for posting blatant BS. Pull your head out of your ass.
  12. It won't do much (if anything) to prices, but I'm pretty sure multiple operators in the GOM have sustained significant damage to their assets. I know I have a few clients both onshore and offshore that will find damages once they can get a bird in the air. It will have a bigger effect on the insurance markets than anything else as the number of London syndicates willing and able to provide Named Windstorm coverage was dwindling already before this.
  13. Don’t listen to the cops = you get the firing squad. Punishment fits the crime, amirite? GTFOHWTMFBS
  14. He was a deep water diver working the platforms in the GOM, so he’s got massive balls of steel, but this just seems like self immolation. What are people like that trying to prove? When the shit is hitting the fan there’s fuck-all he could do to stop it.
  15. Just heard from my mom that her cousin in New Iberia wouldn’t leave and is going to ride this thing out at home. F’n insane.
  16. The Space City Weather guys seem like they are torn - I think they believe in the Euro model more than any of the others, but they don't want to contradict the NHS on such a consequential forecast. Here's to hoping it stays east.
  17. Furk. 2020 can EABOD and DIAF already.
  18. I'm reading on twitter that the Schilling news is bogus - I don't think he was named in the indictment that was unsealed this morning and a SDNY spokesman said the story is false. Bummer.
  19. No mention of Hannity himself in this article, but Fox News shilled for these crooks a ton: https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-fox-news-helped-boost-steve-bannons-we-build-the-wall-fiasco
  20. Schilling got pinched too!? Oh man, this day just keeps getting better. I'm going to break out my rosary beads in hopes that Prince and Kobach are on deck. The grifting Sheriff would be a nice quail egg on top of this turd burger.
  21. I kind of thought the same thing. Seems like he would be carrying around Polonium test strips to dip in everything before imbibing.
  22. If you are in the Houston area the Space City Weather guys are worth a follow. I get a daily email from them and they always provide a pretty level-headed perspective on things. https://spacecityweather.com/confidence-growing-in-texas-impacts-from-invest-97l/
  23. Gotcha - totally agree.
  24. During Barr's confirmation hearing he said that dangling a pardon in exchange for a witness's silence would be a crime. https://www.businessinsider.com/william-barr-confirmation-hearing-trump-pardon-2019-1 Not that anything really matters anymore, but that was his take in January of '19.
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