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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by trueut2003

  1. Kaitlin Monte, Fox 26. Smoke.
  2. I think we already have one.
  3. They got a closer?
  4. I like the logo and the unis. But I'd drop right back into being a die hard if they'd get the Oilers name back.
  5. Dammit.
  6. C'mon!
  7. There ya go.
  8. Why mess with what's been working?
  9. [secnetwork]Two "blue blood programs"[\secnetwork]
  10. Math is hard.
  11. Sir, if you'd just quiet down, I'd be happy to treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn.
  12. Makes sense, but Tiger never gave us anything either, and people loved him. But, he was also Tiger.
  13. That guy's shoulder has to be destroyed.
  14. Uhhh...
  15. Yeah, the Texas ones are way too busy.
  16. Hearne, the first place in America to have a Walmart close, because more merchandise was going out the back door than the front...then they converted it into the new high school.
  17. That's fantastic.
  18. But when you combine it with the stories surrounding his college days, hard to imagine it's not at least partly his fault.
  19. I grew up in BCS. There are more shitty towns around there than probably anywhere in Texas.
  20. Man, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you want to spend the day in Hearne.
  21. What the hell else you gonna do in College Station on a Saturday?
  22. Dude gets $300,000 a month to sit on his ass.
  23. Pretty crazy that Spieth has now gone 2, 1, 2, 11, 3 at Augusta.
  24. What'd she do?
  25. Seems like a good time for a TC Chen, Patty.
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