Tech fans are outraged at Beard for they way he left. Ok fine. I also know there's always two sides to every story and we are only hearing one side being screamed in our ear. The entire fan base seems to have intimate knowledge of every detail of how things went down. Maybe, maybe not. Color me skeptical. I do know the Tech fan base has the biggest chip on their shoulder of any group I've ever encountered (trust me on this I live in West Texas). They are the stalker ex.
Also, Beard took the Tech job after already accepting the UNLV job. But hey, fuck UNLV, right Tech. I mean Beard was assistant at Tech prior to that so that's perfectly fine I guess. And spare me with the, it's not remotely the same situation. I know that, but I think it's funny that bit history is conveniently swept into the corner. Wonder how UNLV felt.
He might do the same to UT at some point. He does have a history of trying to climb the ladder and he has apparently stepped on a few people along the way. Gee, that never happens. Somehow we'll have to put on our big boy pants and deal with it if it does.