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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sunset87

  1. He's plenty athletic. He's shown a few glimpses of it during the season. He's just not playing with any aggression on offense, or at least very rarely.
  2. Yeah I don't know about that. You see lots of freshman, first year guys, show up ready to go with no hesitation whatsoever. He's still shell shocked on offense, it's pretty obvious by all the shots he passes up. When and if it clicks with him, it will be easy to see. And I definitely think he has time for that to happen.
  3. He played at a Mater Dei high school in California so a pretty big time program. I guess he left early to go to Kentucky. His numbers for his Junior year in hs were pretty solid but nothing exceptional (16 ppg and about 6 apg). He's smooth and a good athlete so I'm sure he projected quite well for the college level. It's all in his head. He's afraid of making a mistake on offense which takes away aggression and confidence. That's why he is playing hot potato when he has the ball. I mean, mentally he just wasn't ready for the jump to big time D1 basketball. The bigger question is, can he get past it. I think he can, but if it takes him too long he's going to get passed up. I'm betting Beard will be patient with him and it will pay off down the road.
  4. I've seen Morris play. He's an athletic freak with a ton of upside, but his overall game still needs plenty of development. Carr has his issues but his overall game is still ahead of Morris's IMO. Morris brings a little different skill set than Carr so it's not apples to apples. I don't know what people's expectations are in regard to Morris but I don't see him coming in and immediately taking Carr's spot, assuming Carr comes back next year. He'll obviously play a ton and will be fun to watch.
  5. I think this is definitely it for Askew. You can tell that he is not looking for offense or to score when he has the ball, unless he has absolutely no choice. As soon as he touches the ball he's looking to pass or to dribble to pass. Some how Beard has to get him to be a more selfish offensive, attacking player. I think he has the skill set he just has to get over the mental hump.
  6. I know Barnes supposedly didn't like him. There are some posters here that know the back story about Drew, but I don't know specifics. I was under the impression that he pissed off a bunch of the Big 12 coaches during the Barnes era when he was building their program. He always, and I mean always has a couple of enforcer types on his team that seem to get away with murder during games, but don't foul out very often. He can coach and assemble a team, I'll give him that.
  7. We use to affectionately call those fisharitas, because the pitchers and glasses they were served in were cleaned in some skanky dishwater which gave them a nice fishy odor. This was especially the case when it was crowded at happy hour and the bar back would dip the pitchers and glasses in the skank water for about 2 seconds. They were in such a hurry that they didn't change the water very often. Always figured the everclear would disinfect... made sense at the time. We didn't notice the smell after a few anyway. Oh, and the picture of Ewers looks like some of the dudes that used to work there.
  8. I think it was across the street from Uncle SuSu’s, where Centennial is now. I think it was torn down with other buildings so they could build the condos. Probably in 82’ or 83’. SuSu’s was opened a little later.
  9. Nah, Valentine's was either on San Antonio or Nueces, north of 24th. They tore it down sometime in the mid-80's, as I recall, and built condos, maybe Centennial Condos.
  10. I guess whenever we play a top 25 team on the road they are going shoot lights out.
  11. Tech fans are outraged at Beard for they way he left. Ok fine. I also know there's always two sides to every story and we are only hearing one side being screamed in our ear. The entire fan base seems to have intimate knowledge of every detail of how things went down. Maybe, maybe not. Color me skeptical. I do know the Tech fan base has the biggest chip on their shoulder of any group I've ever encountered (trust me on this I live in West Texas). They are the stalker ex. Also, Beard took the Tech job after already accepting the UNLV job. But hey, fuck UNLV, right Tech. I mean Beard was assistant at Tech prior to that so that's perfectly fine I guess. And spare me with the, it's not remotely the same situation. I know that, but I think it's funny that bit history is conveniently swept into the corner. Wonder how UNLV felt. He might do the same to UT at some point. He does have a history of trying to climb the ladder and he has apparently stepped on a few people along the way. Gee, that never happens. Somehow we'll have to put on our big boy pants and deal with it if it does.
  12. Well Tinker is the director of the BEG which is the oldest research unit of UT. It’s the state geological survey of Texas. He worked for O&G in the past. But to say he’s is an “oil company shill” and the referenced presentation he did has been “debunked”, is flat out wrong. I’d love to hear about all this “debunking “ supposedly done. The guy has a pretty impeccable reputation and was asked to be the Assistant Secretary of Energy under Chu in the first term of the Obama administration. Not sure that would happen for an “oil company shill”.
  13. From the parts of the game I watched, I actually thought Vasek looked a little better than Burke but they looked pretty similar for the most part. They both looked really good in that game. Really glad to have him. Looks like he has a huge ceiling and he certainly dominated at the highest level of high school football in Texas. That’s usually a pretty good indicator of future success.
  14. The other DE for Westlake, #91, looks pretty good too. Maybe a little bigger than Burke.
  15. https://www.mrt.com/sports/article/Amid-signing-day-chaos-SEC-powers-grab-top-16705365.php Aggies coach Jimbo Fisher put together his fourth straight top-10 class. Alabama, which won nine of the previous 11 recruiting titles, was No. 2. Georgia was No. 3, marking the fifth straight year the Bulldogs have been in the top five. The team rankings could change with the next letter-of-intent period beginning Feb. 2. Coaches said the recruiting process now has players taking into consideration where they could make the most money through endorsement work. The NCAA in July began allowing athletes to monetize use of their name, image and likeness. Some schools are better positioned than others in this new frontier and millions of dollars are swirling around the biggest programs.. “NIL has been going on for a long time. It just hasn't been above board,” Fisher said. - This excerpt is from the linked article above. No shit Jimbo. And it still isn't with your program.
  16. The serving problem is a bit of a head-scratcher. At times this season, really most of the time, the serving was really good and much better than previous years. So there seems to have been an obvious effort to improve. But when they got in close, big matches, confidence dropped and the team tightened up and the serving went to shit. I think that is a direct result of playing in a weak conference. It's easy to play loose and free against inferior opponents. The B1G prepares their teams better, because of the constant pressure cooker they play in on a regular basis. I don't know how you solve it. They did schedule some tough non-con games but it's still not enough. Some of the players just really struggle with the added pressure.
  17. Just a huge difference in the serve receive game between the two teams. Between that and their two freshman hitters having the match of their lives…too much to overcome. Also, and I think Salima mentioned it during the broadcast, Texas isn’t used to seeing the caliber of digs that Corn was getting.
  18. I don't know much about Illinois, but I thought Nebraska's block was pretty impressive in that match. Even if they weren't blocking to the floor they were consistently sending the ball back to the Illini side or getting hands on their attack. Seems like there was one rally when the Nebraska block sent the ball back 3 time in a row against the Illini's left pin. I thought Corn looked pretty solid. Their defense is salty and we better slow down their middles. Block needs to show up. I think it's going to be dogfight. Hope I'm wrong.
  19. This is a good video done by Scott Tinker, the Director of the BEG in Austin.
  20. We are one of the most hated programs in the country. The richest, have our own network and perception of being the most arrogant. Now there's blood in the water. All these fucks are lining up to feed. Even ex-players who have a personal bone to pick it appears.
  21. May have something to do with the QB's as well. Mac Jones is really accurate and had fantastic grasp of the offense. Young is extremely talented but probably just isn't as far along yet.
  22. That overall attitude/scenario lines up quite well with the PAC-12, minus maybe Oregon, but not so much with the SEC.
  23. Their going to kill us with those WR screens all day if they play off that far.
  24. Does he qualify for the Gaskamp award this year? He was highly rated coming out of high school, but pretty much fell off the map and almost transferred. So I think that qualifies him.
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