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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sunset87

  1. I agree with this. He will be remembered here for his fuck ups, but he is a very solid RB. If he stays healthy and gets enough carries to get in a rhythm, I think he will be very good for USC.
  2. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. So sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine losing a child. Stay in touch on this board for support and a distraction.
  3. I was symptomatic starting December 15th, which started with a cough. I am about the same age as you. I had fever for the first two days, got up to 102.3 and after that body aches, congestion, fatigue and lost taste and smell but for only a couple of days. The worst part is how long it seems to drag on and, the main reason I quoted, the freaking brain fog. That stuff lasted a good 15 to 16 days after my initial symptoms. It's a shitty feeling that you just can't shake. I am pretty much fully recovered now, but I have heard some people have brain fog for months. That would drive me insane.
  4. There’s lots of high enrollment high schools in both the DFW and Houston areas. However, typically the same schools are the ones winning and competing for titles every year. Sure coaching is big part of it, but it’s also pretty obvious that the better players in those areas end up at those schools one way or another. The Odessa Permian and Midland Lee type schools can’t compete with those schools anymore. Just too big of a talent gap and depth issue, which wasn’t the case years ago. Along with the much larger emphasis that has gone into football in the big metro areas, especially DFW.
  5. Hah! Yeah she is one of the managers and they have been jumping through hoops to keep the place safe. But she works in the media and they have to have certain people there to accomplish the basics. They have protocols but some of the types that have to be there are not the brightest...
  6. Got it, from wife. I’m 56. She got it at work. She’s had a some fever for the first 2 days but seems to be gone. I’ve just had it for 2 days. Fever doesn’t seem to want to leave. Feeling pretty lousy. I guess I should probably call the doctor tomorrow.
  7. Ahh yes, the Nasty's Everclear margs served in the aromatic dishwater scented glasses. Affectionately called fish-o-ritas by my crew. They dipped the glasses in that slop juice bucket for every bit of 5 seconds, which obviously disinfected and deodorized them for the next derelict/customer/me. Once you got past the first rita you never noticed the smell again.
  8. Lol, it’s not that bad or big of a deal. I live in Midland, the least of our worries are flares out in the countryside. There’s not that many. We have bigger problems, like a terrible drought and bad roads. Moving to Lubbock? Hadn’t heard that one. Not sure that’s much of an improvement unless you’re a Tech fan. I mean it’s Lubbock, not Austin or San Antonio, etc...
  9. Flaring is a big issue, especially in the Permian. In most cases it’s not as simple as building a pipeline to sales. Quite a few gathering systems in active areas are at capacity and can’t take anymore gas. So there is no market. Most leases we see now have provisions to pay royalties whether or not you flare gas. The big companies will pay the royalties even though they are flaring because the oil is valuable enough to cover it. Not sure how much the decline in oil prices has effected this practice. I have seen some companies renting/selling gas powered generators to take flared gas and use it to electrify the pumping systems and equipment on the producing pads. I think the problem is getting a lot of attention, getting better and will be greatly reduced fairly soon.
  10. A question for the docs. I have had Bell’s Palsy 3 times, the last case was about 5 years ago and the last two cases were mild. I got both of the Shingrix vaccines this past year, and had pretty strong reactions to both. Felt like the flu for a couple of days. Is that because my immune system’s response was very aggressive since it had already fought Bell’s Palsy (both are herpes zoster viruses) several times? I’ve never had any reaction to the flu shot. Just curious if I should expect a really strong reaction to a COVID vaccine, which I will get. Or if my previous experiences don’t mean anything about how I will react to a COVID vax.
  11. Well I'm in oil and gas, so anytime someone (not really talking about you here) tries to tell me or talk about how the world or even the US is going to transition into alternatives in some relatively short time frame, I try and point them to this video. Also, I really like his description of the tech sector's carbon footprint. Since I'm in the evil, dirty O&G biz as opposed to the darling tech sector, the irony is not lost on me.
  12. The following presentation done by Scott Tinker at the BEG, does a great job of addressing climate change and the difficulties and possible timing of a transition to alternatives.
  13. Shit, look at the catch! Was a good throw though.
  14. Presley coming back to earth...about time.
  15. Baylor playing out of their mind. Presley is unstoppable and her defense is nails. Big difference between Eggleston’s back row D and Presley’s.
  16. Unless they own 100% of the mineral rights (not likely in West Texas), can't they just permit other mineral owners under that tract?
  17. Sam certainly isn't perfect but he's a good college QB, will he make it in the NFL, who knows. But to think we have any QB on the roster who's better than him at this point, is laughable. It's the same old shit, if your team is winning the QB usually gets too much credit and if they are struggling or losing he gets too much blame. Sam is far from the biggest problem on this team.
  18. You know you are at the bottom of the rung when you are relying on Iran for tourism..."and if you go around the corner there, you will find a nice little uranium shop". Also, the Kardashians need to step up with some financial backing for their motherland (actually fatherland). They are probably worth more than the entire GDP of that place.
  19. On the long run by the Tech RB, Overshown came flying in, never wrapped up and bounced off the RB. He plays out of control at times. He can get to places others can't because of his speed but he's going to have play more disciplined or there will be a lot more of those type of missed tackles from him.
  20. That's funny and accurate...needs to be in a Dilbert cartoon.
  21. Well Concho just built a brand new big ass analog building, so if they really are going to WFH 75%, that new building sitting at about 25% full, seems like a massive waste. My guess is they will go back to much more in office when Covid calms down.
  22. Yeah I know it's 40 for Forty right now, but it's something all the fucking time, it feels like year around. Are they that desperate? Because it sure the hell is annoying.
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