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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by sunset87

  1. Hah! The 86' bust say's, "hold my beer". This one may get there, but it's not there yet. And I know you said--in your years.
  2. It's what they do/are...hell, they probably have a nickname for the booger they wiped on their bathroom mirror this morning.
  3. Hate to jump on the derailment train...but, does anyone know if the Shingrix shot will help prevent Bell's Palsy? Since shingles and Bell's are both supposedly cause by herpes zoster. I've had Bell's 3 times and I don't fucking want it again, nor do I want shingles which I might be particularly susceptible to, based on my Bell's experiences.
  4. The problem is, if they reviewed every tackle they could find defenders tackling using the crown of their helmet constantly. But yes, by rule it was targeting.
  5. What’s funny to me is that “optic politics” can influence the hydrocarbon sector all it wants and we can stand on our moral high ground about reducing our foot print here and in Europe. But, Asia is building and commissioning coal fired plants at a frenzied pace. Why? One main reason is to meet our demands. We are essentially exporting our problems to Asia. If it makes people feel better (California) to think they are doing a great job cleaning up their air, so be it. Last I checked, there is only one atmosphere. Doesn’t really matter where emissions are coming from. We want our stuff therefore someone is going to supply it.
  6. Go to switchenergyproject.com. Scott Tinker at the BEG has done a good job of addressing a lot of this.
  7. Anyone know who originally wrote this? It’s a classic, still cracks me up when I read it.
  8. They absolutely need to get the timing down on setting Butler. She can be unstoppable if they can clean that up (high, fast set). Well, and maybe not so many service errors and better passing and...never mind.
  9. sunset87

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Which brings me to this observation. I can always tell who the aggys are at the gym. Without fail, they will wear some sort of aggy gear every time they workout. Other annoyances, the guys that slam the plates together, at an ear shattering level, when they rack the bench press, squat rack, etc...It's like they have to announce to the gym that they are "loading up" the bar with 45's bro. Also, people that don't have a enough gym etiquette to walk-in and observe for just a minute to see what is being used by whom. Sometimes, someone will walk in the door and make a beeline for a piece of equipment that I am using, and I have walked a few feet away for a second, to grab a towel, get a drink etc... I don't want to feel like I have to stand guard over it between sets.
  10. I'm out of the loop, so is Fedora not an option for OC? I assume that would be the definition of a comfort hire. Which is why it could likely happen... On the other hand, he has already worked for/with Herman so he might not want any part of it at this point.
  11. The launch method? It's a good way to ruin shoulders and miss tackles. If they were being taught that way...yeah that's a problem. Bring your feet, keep them under you, it makes it easier to adjust at the last minute, instead of diving and hoping for the big hit...or injury.
  12. They better wake up... this team is playing out of their minds.
  13. Gabriel has to set Butler higher!
  14. Block is getting totally fooled by UCSB setters. They are playing very fast.
  15. Who knows if its peaked or not. I do know in the Permian the best areas are currently and have been drilled. The shale companies are having a hard time raising money because a lot of them aren't making money at these prices. I'm sure advances in technology will help, but in particular they have to address pressure depletion (not reserve depletion) in these shale reservoirs. If you don't have sufficient pressures your not going to move the hydrocarbons out of these tight rocks. Internationally, I'm hearing, excluding politics, that infrastructure and expertise are still behind.
  16. This. Randle gets away with more shit...why do the refs swallow their whistles with that guy.
  17. Be careful Hank will call you woman parts for that take...maybe November 12, 2019 makes a difference.
  18. 11 service errors? Yikes! What happened to the team that served against Baylor. Although, I guess that game was the anomaly not this one...
  19. I think your 1 and 2 points are spot on. However, from my experience, a significant amount of people cannot or will not live by #2. They will tell you that they will, but their actions will negate what they say. A lot of people simply don't want to be objective. They want their opinion reinforced, plain and simple, and yes targeted media isn't helping in that regard.
  20. All around great effort. Blocking was as good as I have seen out of them.
  21. I was really surprised she didn't get any playing time last night. She came in and played really well in the A&M game. Even TCU was hitting over Jhenna. Unfortunately it's a weak spot that is going to get exposed, especially against better competition. After the A&M game Elliot mentioned having Shook in, definitely made a difference with the block. Jhenna won the job last year and Shook was mess, but I can't figure out what Elliot is doing with those 2 this year.
  22. Mfer, I got Scorpio’d. Yeah, Virginia hasn’t exactly been a hotbed of recruiting for us and I know it’s early. I just hadn’t heard any buzz about him. Didn’t think it was such an outlandish statement. My bad. Surly it is.
  23. I wish they had a better shot at Grimes. He looked like the best cover corner for 2020/2021 classes based on the video from one of the elite camps this past summer.
  24. If they are stupid enough to not change their signals when playing a former QB, then they deserve whatever they got.
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