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Everything posted by CBHorn

  1. Given the tech STD rates, I'm guessing they take all the run-off they can get.
  2. Not trying to be a jerk, but I'm kinda glad we have 3 options ahead of Porter.
  3. Black shoes is our traditional look.
  4. Here is the download link for the play book. https://t.co/zlyJRKmLHJ
  5. Toneil Carter
  6. Herman took the U of H job in December 2014. Wasn't this stuff in 2015?
  7. Link to article Yahoo is claiming that Rolling Stone is about to release an article claiming Urban covered up an assault and drive-by shooting by Aaron Hernandez while at Florida...
  8. McMurphy said that there is potential for a Title IX violation due to the nature of the act: 🍿
  9. Aaron Ross definitely deserves multiple. From the best game ever:
  10. A lot of guys have picked other schools. Wilson is the only one I know of this cycle who took a shot at the program after picking someone else. People use the "17 year old" excuse too freely. I was 17 once. I did some ignorant stuff, but I never acted like an ass or took a shot at people who tried to help me. It doesn't take a super mature person to say "thanks, but no thanks."
  11. Malcolm Roach
  12. Anybody notice the picture Rodas Johnson posted with Herman? It has the render of the stadium upgrades on the TV in the background. Power. Moves.
  13. Lamarr Houston
  14. More Roddrick Muckelroy because he deserves it.
  15. Ryan Bailey, kicking the winning field goal in Lincoln in 2006. Man, we owned corn aggy.
  16. Robert Killebrew
  17. Cameron Townsend
  18. +1 I had to travel to a town called Coal Grove, OH for work. It's near where Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia all meet. It is an absolute dump. My dad's redneck family from Louisiana would be appalled. Crossing the river to Huntington, WV was a like a breath of fresh air.
  19. Eff that. Can't make money at buffets with Bert consuming 8000+ calories in a sitting.
  20. Username doesn't check out.
  21. Next upgrade should be the ability to change the colors. Patterns and logos would be awesome.
  22. Alabama is central time zone...
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