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Everything posted by CBHorn

  1. He's their #1, consensus #3. Click the "ON3 RANKING" column.
  2. LSU coach needs to stop bitching. They're down 5 runs...
  3. Is this the thread where we talk about how things could be made better in the Ukraine? Or just the Donald Trump is an orange Putin puppet vs. Joe "Let's Go Brandon" Biden is senile and weak debate? I was hoping for the former because Putin is our true enemy, not other Americans. Probably a fool's errand.
  4. Head Linesman was the one saying he was inbounds.
  5. Arguing that Charlie was better than Turtle Tom... What a strange hill to die on... What is it about this board that people sometimes go with objectively false takes and just go down with the freaking ship?
  6. Maybe number two has one arm with vitilago...
  7. Glad you're ok, but I think we can see why you had a heart attack...
  8. https://twitter.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1468011360005066756?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1468011360005066756|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FHayesfawcett32Fstatus2F1468011360005066756widget%3DTweet
  9. So yall got like three nurses to chip in to cover the OL. Kidding aside, fantastic idea and exectution of using NIL to help great causes. Well done.
  10. The three picks and a fumble part.
  11. WR to Passing game coordinator/WR Coach? Nice career move.
  12. Well, they better be careful doing that. He's libel to try and eat any dick near his face.
  13. I have two tickets. Money is already spent and I still don't want to go...
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