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Everything posted by CBHorn

  1. Glad you're ok, but I think we can see why you had a heart attack...
  2. Has to be a new low in shit posts.
  3. https://twitter.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1468011360005066756?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1468011360005066756|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FHayesfawcett32Fstatus2F1468011360005066756widget%3DTweet
  4. So yall got like three nurses to chip in to cover the OL. Kidding aside, fantastic idea and exectution of using NIL to help great causes. Well done.
  5. The three picks and a fumble part.
  6. WR to Passing game coordinator/WR Coach? Nice career move.
  7. Well, they better be careful doing that. He's libel to try and eat any dick near his face.
  8. I have two tickets. Money is already spent and I still don't want to go...
  9. Will be interesting to see what happens with the buyout.
  10. double post
  11. Lincoln Riley cheers when Old Yeller gets put down.
  12. That was their second timeout. First one was when Fatterson fast waddled his fat ass down the sound line before we were going to punt.
  13. You new here?
  14. Adidas is trash. (I'm assuming this jersey came from Adidas incorrect)
  15. From the image above, looks like they are adding pictures to the walls of the standing room areas. Hadn't seen that before.
  16. I think some of the backrests had some sort of burnt orange cover on them. Looks like those were picked up and all the seats in those sections are gray now.
  17. Have you seen a nurse's pay stub? I bet they drink nothing but 20 year old Pappy.
  18. Got some more seats installed last night...
  19. Where is Germany is that? Maybe I'll swing by one day when I'm in Europe, after I visit Tottenham in London.
  20. Shows 4th quarter. I think a previous pic had 1st quarter.
  21. 17 points in the game. Offense sucks confirmed.
  22. Looks like the longhorn is going to have a lit outline. Actually lighting, not lit like the Station.
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