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Everything posted by CBHorn

  1. Sounds like a smart kid. Damn. Got beat to the punch.
  2. Katfid, you're not going to get rid of your reputation if you forget to log out of your SoC.
  3. Not to be flippant in regards to the current state of affairs, because I agree with your statement, but FIFY.
  4. Agreed. Samples is just doing his job, recruiting kids to his current employer. That's what he should be doing.
  5. Kristy may be the most burnt orange blooded of the bunch.
  6. Brocks to bama was a ruse to lure Milroe to bama and make room for Wright and Yurcich gets his guy. Keeps us from looking bad from pushing Milroe out. Now that the deed is done, Brocks flip to the good guys. 3D Chess.
  7. Next purchase should be some shield arms 15 round flush fit mags... link
  8. Depends on what you consider "much." For a 20 degree Fahrenheit rise, concrete will expand about 1.6 cm over a 100 meter length. Not a lot for a stadium, considering the preformed bleacher sections don't seem to be much longer than 15-20 meters. If it's sunny, the concrete temperature could be higher than air temperature and expand more, but not an order of magnitude more.
  9. Agre.ed on the orange seats. The orange seats make it hard to see the logo, which is supposed to be one of the design focal points.
  10. The Navy doesn't have any active battleships.
  11. I thought it was in the DC/Baltimore MSA...
  12. Yeah. Giant humans aren't who you pick to send on interplanetary trips where every pound matters to launch and feed.
  13. I don't really have any suggestions for the governor of New Jersey. Not having other options doesn't make confiscation better. I acknowledge they are in dilemma. I'm not sure what you are trying to say in your last paragraph. You seem to be arguing that historical wrong doing makes modern wrong doing more palatable. But, I'm confused why you would include internment. I don't think you meant to argue that we should be doing that. That sentence seems to weaken your argument that precedent makes this confiscation order less onerous. Did you see that the governor of New York is ordering that ventilators and other equipment be transferred from upstate New York hospitals be transferred to the city? How do you feel about that?
  14. This, confiscation of private property, seems too much to me: Link
  15. Is your viewpoint that any measure is acceptable? Anything you wouldn't agree to? What if these drastic measures aren't enough and the healthcare system is overwhelmed anyways?
  16. As more and more states increase efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the restrictions on citizens and business get more strict, a question comes to mind. These restrictions are already causing massive damage to the economy. People are losing jobs. Small businesses face difficult times. Retirement accounts are getting hammered. Personal liberty has been severely restricted. Is there a limit to how for we are willing to go? Is there any point where the damage to society as a whole is greater than the damage of allowing the disease to spread? If so, what do you those limits look like? I'm not trying to say we shouldn't do anything. This is obvious unprecedented territory. But, I do think we need to consider all the ramifications of the preventative actions.
  17. That checkpoint is 12 miles from the border.
  18. I don't disagree, but how effing dumb do you have to be to not drive a different route when you have that much drugs? These morons couldn't be bothered to add a couple hours to the trip and drive through Amarillo?
  19. Yes for flagrant unsportsmanlike. Unsportsmanlike Conduct is a non-contact foul. It is things like taunting and over celebration. I've never seen a flagrant unsportsmanlike called with ejection. It would probably have to be something racist. Two regular unsportsmanlike conduct fouls is also an automatic ejection. An official can also eject for a flagrant personal foul. That push on Sam was a personal foul because it resulted from contact. Two or more personal foul is not an automatic ejection.
  20. Agreed, but, you gotta admit, some of these particular checks are pretty freaking good checks.
  21. I don't disagree with the first sentence, but do disagree with the second. Missed tackles would against Big Ten teams would be killer. Missing a tackle and turning a two yard run into 4 or 5 extends drives. Big Ten teams would score less points on him than Big 12 teams, but they would use more clock and our offense would score even less.
  22. Lincoln Riley thinks Cincinnati "chili" is the best in the world.
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