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  1. Ask Iran. Or, look at a map
  2. That would be great. But, seeing how they actually provide value to American interests, I get it.
  3. And what interest are those? Why do you give a shit what the rest of Europe thinks about us? Are they going to attack us or write a strongly worded letter about it? It’s great that they are picking up their end of the slack trying to stabilize their own region. I’m totally fine with people being embarrassed to be an American because we aren’t being empathetic enough to give some crybaby more money because he wants to hide behind big brother instead of actually broker peace. We have given Ukraine much more than they deserve and are owed by us. Time to put the big boy pants on and accept concessions…unless they can find someone else to meet their terms. If so…great! Win/win for everyone.
  4. Yes. And that’s a good thing. What does it have to do with funding Ukraine? What is our obligation to pay for anything?
  5. And this is a bad thing because…why? Other countries have to pick up their end of the couch and fund non-NATO members instead of letting America pay the check all the time? Clutch the pearls! Maybe we can start paying off some of that escalating debt with the money we are saving sending billions of $ to Ukraine and getting nothing in return.
  6. Did you say the same thing about Obama and Biden’s treatment/dealings with Netanyahu? I don’t remember 1/100th of the news coverage of saying the PM of Israel, who is Jewish, needs a “come to Jesus” meeting when trying to broker peace for Gaza. I guess a hot mic is forgivable instead of appalling when you like the guy saying it. Oh, and we threatened to withhold U.S. weapon shipments unless he played by our rules…which sounds kind of familiar here.
  7. Name 3 positive aspects of Texas, not including sports and food, that someone not from Texas would easily identify to make it unique. I’m not sure “people from Europe can identify it on a map” is really that big of a deal. It’s false bravado from people convinced that others are jealous of them when nothing could be further from the truth. (Like aggy) Not sure why someone from Texas should have more pride than someone from Idaho. I don’t GAS what goes on in Des Moines.
  8. If you are asking if there is a site that will tell you what travel partner is the best to transfer your points to, I don’t think there is. You just have to search because it’s not always a clear answer. I booked 2 business class tickets from MAD-JFK for 100,000 miles in August for less than $400. This is an anomaly from a mileage perspective but AA would have been much cheaper. We’re flying Iberia, which is a OW partner. I’ve found a lot of success with Aeroplan from Europe too. It just depends on a specific trip and which days you’re going. The answer is too great for a specific search engine.
  9. Use Wikipedia for that. Lookup the name of the airport you are looking to travel to and it will tell you every airline that flies there and from what city. Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_de_Gaulle_Airport#Airlines_and_destinations Transfer your points accordingly by alliance. For example, AA is excellent to get overseas but BA usually is not because they charge more tax. But, inter Europe flights on BA from LHR are usually $1 in taxes and less miles than AA. Any of the airline entries will tell you their European hubs. Rinse and repeat to find direct flights: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit_Metropolitan_Airport#Airlines_and_destinations Just depends in where you want to go. As long as they have an interline agreement, it’s pretty easy to build a route.
  10. And they are welcome here. We have a process for it and everything. Hell, I married one of them. I have zero problem with anyone wanting to make a better life for themself, assuming that America offers such, which apparently we don’t anymore. Are there countries that encourage immigrating to them illegally that I’m not aware of? I’m not sure why this is such a controversial issue. Black people used to not be able to vote and neither could women. There are countless examples of what we used to do way back when that would be ridiculous to be continuing the same practice today. This includes letting people in unchecked because we are a land founded by immigrants.
  11. It sounds like you’re saying that some laws are bullshit and should be selectively enforced. Namely those that you don’t agree with and Violators should be absolved of their crimes. Why not rob a bank and give $ to a charity then? If some good comes out of it, then it’s not really a bad thing. Sounds like a solid defense.
  12. What laws? Like you can’t come over here illegally and live off the teat of the American taxpayer? He enforced that one and people lost their shit.
  13. Plot twist: The server voted for Trump
  14. Besides a shirt or a magnet, what’s so special about Texas being its own country 150 years ago? You never hear Massachusetts residents crowing about being an original colony. Never understood the false bravado for something so insignificant to where we are now. Dos a Cero
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