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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. 76 points? Let’s hear about that SEC defense again…
  2. That ducking under my desk, and covering my head with my arms, was an effective defense from a Soviet nuclear attack
  3. Spankytoes


    When did that happen?
  4. KU has to stay focused and not overlook ou for Baylor. ou is a trap game
  5. Who the fuck ordered Trulys and White Claws? Lol The Derel
  6. Train a few hours after the game for sure. Or, do the valet like I do. Major time saver
  7. Don’t sleep on Julianna’s across the Brooklyn Bridge
  8. John’s on Bleeker’s Piccante Pie is the tits. Angelo’s has a great coal fired pie
  9. If we didn’t shank a FG, what would have been the final outcome? STFU
  10. If you’re dead set on flying, Barcelona is a great option. Lots to see and do and you get the beach. Easily reachable from Paris and Rome.
  11. If you’ve never been to Amsterdam, you’re probably going to be disappointed. IMO, it’s the most overhyped tourist city in Europe. There are some pretty spots outside the city, however. I’d take the train from Rome to Geneva, spend a few nights there and then take a train to Paris. A train through the Swiss countryside and Alps is probably more enjoyable for the kids than dodging bikes in Amsterdam. I would use Paris as a base and do Normandy and Mont-St-Michel instead. Take a train to Caen and rent a car. You don’t want to drive in Paris.
  12. Not so much miles, but I flew Norse to Oslo last week. Pretty nice setup for a discount carrier. https://flynorse.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwq5-WBhB7EiwAl-HEkiUgnmD-i79MKP8t1XluK8b-tCf9AkyQS3ur5Kq-fcSWdr3TIuRTABoC7QIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Oh, and Finnair's business product sucks balls. (Stockholm - JFK)
  13. Boom https://commercialobserver.com/2022/04/raising-canes-to-open-one-of-its-first-nyc-outposts-in-noho/
  14. It was shocking sitting at the light in my Uber…
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