Let’s not pretend that you care, ok? I’d tell you, but I don’t like my private shit being broadcast on the public boards or else I’d do it myself. I personally wouldn’t do that to anyone, but you do you. I’ve never once mentioned being terminal outside of our circle of trust. Purposely. You have no idea what’s going on so let’s just leave it at that. (At least no more than a basic understanding) I’m already being accused of panning for sympathy as it is.
Maybe I’m not making myself clear: I will respond to you I’m just not in a position right at this second to do so. At least not in a manner that adequately reflects my thoughts and ability to back them up with facts. You, and others, have asserted that I’ve run away from the thread. I haven’t. I just can’t respond right now. I don’t expect anything that I say to change minds. I do not care about that. I’ve been pretty respectful considering the lame attacks on my family, intelligence and character or the predicable way people take your posts out of context to attack you. Honestly, IDGAF what others think of me. I’ll sleep just fine tonight.
Thanks, and this will be my last response for a while.