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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. At least you apologized publicly to save face on the board. I’ve received nothing privately, which a real man would have been compelled to do, were he sincere. Good luck being stressed as a person in America! Let us know if there is a GoFundMe page.
  2. Let’s not pretend that you care, ok? I’d tell you, but I don’t like my private shit being broadcast on the public boards or else I’d do it myself. I personally wouldn’t do that to anyone, but you do you. I’ve never once mentioned being terminal outside of our circle of trust. Purposely. You have no idea what’s going on so let’s just leave it at that. (At least no more than a basic understanding) I’m already being accused of panning for sympathy as it is. Maybe I’m not making myself clear: I will respond to you I’m just not in a position right at this second to do so. At least not in a manner that adequately reflects my thoughts and ability to back them up with facts. You, and others, have asserted that I’ve run away from the thread. I haven’t. I just can’t respond right now. I don’t expect anything that I say to change minds. I do not care about that. I’ve been pretty respectful considering the lame attacks on my family, intelligence and character or the predicable way people take your posts out of context to attack you. Honestly, IDGAF what others think of me. I’ll sleep just fine tonight. Thanks, and this will be my last response for a while.
  3. Suck my dick. I posted in response to @SydneyCarton assertion that I’ve “magically gotten better”. I’m currently hooked up to a goddam machine typing on an iPad with one finger. I’m not dodging anything, I don’t have the time to respond right now. (At least not in a timely manner) Especially on this topic where my response really doesn’t matter in furthering the “discussion” any. No link, research or wall of text is going to change that.
  4. Wow. You know how to type bitch in Russian. Impressive shit!
  5. I spoke too soon. “Mail order bride”…how original. Maybe I’m a little occupied at the moment. All this “getting better” is still hard to type with one hand.
  6. I’ll respond to this because I actually respect you. The short of it is that it’s more complex than that. Yes, I concede that some undocumented immigrants pay taxes for programs that they will never benefit from. What I fail to understand is why would they ever get to benefit from them if they shouldn’t be here in the first place? They broke the law. You don’t get rewarded for it because you’re one of the good criminals that contributes. You don’t get to pass GO the minute you decided that your personal situation warrants bypassing the legal procedure. You aren’t entitled to live here as a foreigner. There is a process and you knowingly flipped it off. I personally have a problem with that having sponsored 5 people from Russia in my own home that waited their turn and did it the right way. Additionally: 1. I’d argue that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants don’t receive paychecks, but cash under the table, therefore negating the payment of any taxes. There is no way for either of us to prove or disprove this; 2. I’d also argue that this that pay taxes with a fake Social Security are committing yet another crime that they shouldn’t be allowed to benefit from. Especially in our world of terrorism where our country is trying to keep its citizens safe. I’m a white American born citizen that doesn’t break the law and I still have to identify myself; 3. The cost of other services rendered far outweighs what is being collected by a worker in that wage bracket. That can range from medical costs to schooling to housing any criminal elements. We may make 100 billion in taxes but it costs us 10X that, all things considered. Thats basically all I’m going to say on it unless something needs to be clarified.
  7. You must be used to liberal cucks being offended pretty easily. Not worth wasting my time on it. There’s no discussion to be had which makes it pointless to defend my position
  8. I’ve been back. It’s just pointless to lay out any argument, whether logical, flawed or you agree with, on here. I couldn’t care less about my “internet cred” or whether people think I’m a moron. So I’m leaving it for the inevitable pile on and dick slapping for y’all. It’s the CR playbook any time there is a dissenting opinion because everyone else is clearly more educated than I am. I’m fine with you thinking that. In the end, you’ve got at least 4 more years of this shit. Pace yourselves
  9. On what? The fake arrest photo that has already been disproven?
  10. That thing tied to a legitimate social security number? Apparently not
  11. Yeah, this is accurate! Good call
  12. Paying into the system how? Are you suggesting that undocumented workers file tax returns? Problem solved, I guess.
  13. So are guns. Yet,do you agree that we should do everything we can to stop school shootings? Something has to give.
  14. Which part? All the doctors and computer program coders? Please, provide examples. Or do you mean farmers and landscapers? So if I pay an extra $1 for eggs, and miss 30 minutes of college football now, I may have something left in social security, which I busted my ass to contribute for? Maybe even take care of that pesky inflation problem to make those few dollars I still own have value when I can’t work anymore as an American citizen?
  15. But where do we draw the line? I’m unemployed and can’t provide for my family. My child needs life saving surgery that I cannot afford. I have no other options, so I break into your house and steal your shit. If I’m caught, should I go to prison because my intentions were noble? I mean, I didn’t kill your family or anything. I just knowingly broke the law, and thus accepted the consequences, out of desperation. Theres a fine line between law and compassion and understanding. It’s sad that children may be affected but the fault lies with the parents, who chose the life altering transgression in hopes they wouldn’t be caught breaking the well-advertised law. That’s why they hid in a truck instead of going to a border checkpoint to enter this country. The correct procedure is crystal clear. Flame away guys. Logic is appreciated in your argument. It keeps us “racists” more honest.
  16. It used to be called “taxes”
  17. Yes. Take the train out of Paris to Caerns. Car rentals are across the street from the train. Drive to Normandy and MSM. Easy trip
  18. If you have to ask, you can’t afford it
  19. Buying shank steaks
  20. The greatest trick Sarkisian pulled was convincing the Texas fanbase that Arch Manning didn’t exist
  21. Sark puts in the work to get a hot chick into bed then has a case of ED and can’t finish the job. Cuddling is nice though…
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