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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. We bought our oldest a 2020 Corolla last summer. With the care package, which covers bumper to bumper and oil changes for 3 years, I think it was $22K. I’d look at upping your budget a little for peace of mind. A $10K mid-high mileage vehicle will probably have $10K in repairs and maintenance over 72 months if you are financing. The cost almost evens out. I used Carvana to find my Mustang, which I got used. Was pleased with the experience.
  2. We can’t go to Canada because the border is closed due to COVID. I can’t travel to TX from NYC because I would have to self-quarantine upon my return, which affects my ability to perform at my job. TX keeps churning out record highs for cases. But, college football is somehow going forward this fall. Not only that, fans will be attending games. Seems legit.
  3. All of it is conjecture. First, there is no evidence of this happening. You provided a hearsay example and applied it to the Republican Party as a whole as a planned tactic/strategy. Second, if they feel intimated, they can vote by mail. Dems pushed for this, so why not use it? Third, you are full of shit. There will be plenty of white people voting for Biden that will show up to the polls. You could say that the majority of Dem voters will be white, and as far as I know, the weight of their vote is the same as a minority vote. Last, aren’t there claims that Dems provide free transport and bussing to minority voters to vote for Obama and Hillary? The Washington Post did a story on this, so it must be true. Hillary won the popular vote pretty handily in 2016. She just didn’t win the right states because she couldn’t assess her own likability. Put down the conspiracy pipe. Voter apathy is the largest hurdle to overcome, regardless of skin color.
  4. There is. As long as zip code is a usable factor in cost, then race is absolutely part of insurance cost. LOL. Keep digging. Insurance companies use zip codes to determine their liability should things go south. Your race has nothing to do with this.
  5. It was? Don’t become a single mom if you can’t afford to be is controversial? Out of the adults earning a minimum/living wage over the age of 21, what % would you guess are parents? As stated above, I was a waiter with kids. So I myself fall into that demographic.
  6. I accounted for that. (Incidentals, inability to save) She also has subsidized health insurance, which I think is also unrealistic for this scenario. $15/hr doesn’t get you shit beyond basic means. It’s not supposed to.
  7. It doesn't at all. You're looking for something that isn't there. Spanky is a wealthy white guy that thinks, ridiculously, that one can insure and gas up their car for $83/month. That's all my post said. What does being white have anything to do with what we’re talking about? I’ll debate the merits of the amounts with you, but perhaps it’s you that needs a reality check. Green is green.
  8. Originally, I had considered this scenario. But I thought that 3 people splitting a car payment in a roommate situation may be too far fetched as ownership could come into question and what happens if someone moves out? I also had bus pass/Uber in the event that you can’t bum a ride. I figured I could also move it to a $6000 Point A-B car. But I didn’t want to seem like I was cheating to stretch my point, which was $15/hr is a livable wage. Hell, they asked for that exact amount in NYC, which is a hella more expensive than Houston.
  9. Or I’ve been married since 1999, with kids, and it is that, not my skin color/income, that makes me out of touch? I haven’t had a roommate since I was 20. (Wife withstanding) It’s interesting that you assume that though. I finished college at night while waiting tables and raising a family. Then I went to law school at night while holding a 9-5, raising a family and paying a mortgage. Miss me with the “privilege” argument. Hard work overcomes the hand you are dealt and which your decisions are a contributing factor. Ditch the splitting cost on the car insurance. Raise it back up to $100 like he had it for a singular policy. That to me seems low since you’d need full coverage with auto financing. My kids pay $300 for their policy for full coverage and we own their cars outright. The $83 was the cost of the policy AND gas. I may not have worded it clearly. $300 for the policy/3 + $150/mth for gas = $250. I did my math wrong on that. Let’s replace it with $150 for the insurance policy and $120 for gas = $270. We’ll scale back the car payments to adjust. Originally, he had $11,000/5 years = $183. Or adjust wherever. Food, utilities, Mortgage, whatever you like. Same net result. It’s all about staying within your means.
  10. @Nivek She rents a 3-bedroom house for $1500 split 3-ways. Her rent is reduced to $500. Health Insurance stays the same at $200. Food cost increases to $600 split 3-ways, or $200. Utilities increase to $210 split 3-ways or $70. Cell increases to $90 for a family plan split 3-ways or $30. Fuel and car insurance increase to $250 to accommodate 3 drivers, split 3-ways by sharing the policy or $83. Car payment raises to $300 because she wants a reliable car. ($18,000 financed for 5 years at this rate) And then taxes, which you didn’t assign a value for. Let’s assign 28% of her paycheck to this, which is fair. I’m going to add TV, which she can get for free using and HD Antenna and bumming streaming service passwords. Another $25 for internet split 3-ways. At $15 and 40 hrs. a week, she earns $2,400/mth. She may need 2 jobs to reach 40 hours, which is one of the downsides of being a basic skilled laborer. Take out $672 for taxes. Then take out $500, $200, $200, $70, $30, $83, $300 and $25. She has $320/mth. for incidentals (Car maintenance/repair, new kitchen appliance to share, etc.) entertainment, clothes, sundries, luxury expenses (Booze, fast food), etc. It would be hard to save, but that’s life permanently earning a salary meant for high school/college kids and those content with barely scraping out a living because they don’t want to explore other options. She has a nice roof over her head (An entire house), health insurance, a decent car and all her necessities. But she can’t afford to live alone or spread her legs. If she wants to change that, she will need to aim higher. For the time being she is living comfortably with the ability to lower her costs, if needed. The onus is on her to budget.
  11. Is there something preventing her from having 1-2 roommates to split costs? How much does she have left over if she does that, which is common? She doesn’t make enough to live alone. The onus is on her to change her earning potential, not the employer to subsidize her entry level job. That ideal defies the basic tenets of capitalism.
  12. No, we're worried that legal voters who aren't white will be intimidated from showing up to the polls, and there's plenty of historical Republican precedent for that to happen. Not to mention the shit that spews from the President's mouth. Can you provide a link to where this has occurred, since there’s plenty of Republican precedent to choose from and all? (And how exactly do you know that they are Democrat voters? You’re basing this off of race?) Why would a legal citizen feel intimidated to not show up at the polls where they get to vote in private? Is there evidence to show that illegal immigrants have been deported as a tactic to dissuade legal citizens from voting? Where are you getting this data from? Repeating conjecture often enough doesn’t make it true. My wife and I have several friends from Russia/Eastern bloc countries that have overstayed their visa. Neither of us have ever felt intimated to vote as registered Republicans in a heavily blue state. We would, however, feel intimidated if we wore MAGA hats to the polls. (Side note: Neither of us are Trump fans, that’s an example) What does skin color have to do with anything? Where are POC being intimated and/or denied their right to vote? Enlighten me.
  13. Zero. That’s why I find his position strange. He is worried that illegals will be intimidated from showing up at the polls. They aren’t supposed to be at the polls nor has that ever been an issue.
  14. I’m not sure keeping illegal immigrants away from the polls is a sound argument. That’s a good thing, is it not?
  15. He capped SALT taxes to simplify the tax code. Shot our taxes up 3X the amount they were in 2018. No bonus/salary increase to offset this year. Asshole is still recovering.
  16. Sure, if you live in Texas. $200K in NYC/Long Island isn’t the same as $200K in Dallas. (Not trying time start a debate with this) The point is that it’s an arbitrary number and policy that doesn’t work across the board. There should be tiers based on geographic location and current circumstances. 2019 earnings don’t mean shit when you’re getting $600/wk. in unemployment through no fault of your own. I’ve been continuously employed and the wife was unfurloughed at the beginning of July. (Only 4 people have been brought back out of 63 people on her team) So we’re not affected. Had she not been unfurloughed, however, her earnings in 2019 shouldn’t disqualify her from getting a check as the purpose is to stimulate the economy. We wouldn’t be buying luxuries if she was looking for a job in this climate. We’d be cutting back on expenses/spending.
  17. They’ve been saying this for months and now it’s 7/31. Didn’t get a check last round, won’t get a check this round with either partisan plan. Makes zero sense to give a one time check to stimulate the economy with such a high unemployment rate. Those that need it the most will need to save it for expenses, not buy a new washer and dryer. The parameters are also fucked up. If you made $200K+ in 2019, but got furloughed/laid off due to COVID in 2020, you’re fucked.
  18. That I have houses, and pay taxes in, NY and Texas and split my time between both States? And we’re on a Texas message board? Sure, I guess.
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