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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. Yet you condemn all police based on the actions of individuals...
  2. People proud to be a redneck. I don’t get the badge of honor for limiting your education, having questionable hygiene and taking pride in being poor. I don’t get Texas bravado either. 90% of the talk is utter bullshit. I.E. Flying the Texas flag at the same height as the U.S. flag, false ability to secede, pretending that California, Florida, Alaska, etc. can’t be recognized on a map by some French yokel and that this means something, that the weather is special in Texas and changes every 5 minutes like it does for the rest of the U.S., celebrating a bunch of Tennessee folks getting slaughtered at the Alamo, associating with Cowboy culture when you’ve lived in Plano all your life, etc.
  3. They called it the “Wrecking Crew” in those days
  4. Just ordered a do-Joe for my Kamodo. Shit is gonna get real
  5. Grant’s tomb, First pizza joint in America, Statue of Liberty, Trinity Church, etc. From downtown to Midtown, there’s pretty much something historical in a 5 block radius.
  6. 2 weeks ago: Now that we know this was sung at minstrel shows, we should stop singing The Eyes. If you disagree, you are racist and not woke as it’s insensitive to our black athletes. Today: This is a good compromise. Way to go UT! Surly gonna Surly
  7. Just booked Christmas in Hawaii. Shoot me now
  8. I’ve circled the globe a few times. There are definitely places I’d rather live than America in the short term. But, in the long term, no. The patriotic bullshit is all some people have to hold on to. Despite common beliefs, most of the world is just as free and has the same rights we do. There are some other pitfalls of being an ex-pat, mainly taxes. Unlike the rest of the world, America still wants a slice of its apple pie unless you renounce your citizenship, which leads to a host of other issues if you want to visit. Moving due to COVID though? Sounds retarded. That should be saved for November once the election results are in.
  9. I called yesterday to check on hours before driving out. They have been closed since March and aren’t reopening while Texas cases are spiking. Jace kept me on the phone for about 15 minutes shooting the shit. Her phone has been blowing up since the announcement. Nice lady https://fletcherscornydogs.com/events/ Pop ups circulating the next few weeks. Not standing in line for an hour for a corny dog with no football to look forward to.
  10. Clapping it away apparently doesn’t work. Strike that solution off the list
  11. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start
  12. So “no” then? We’ll go with “no” instead of your bullshit statement, that includes 4 people, and speculation that officers in Floyd’s case will walk. There was a total of 2 black people, not just men, killed last year in America that were unarmed and didn’t resist arrest. Thank you sir. You’ve completed my “I’m a complete fucking moron” checklist. Yep, total epidemic. Tear down statues and change more names. Black America is under attack.
  13. Do you have anything to back up that police forces murder with impunity?
  14. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiA-6ua9qHqAhVKneAKHX0wBKEQFjABegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fgraphics%2Finvestigations%2Fpolice-shootings-database%2F&usg=AOvVaw16W7fgIc_7KeqGnt0bWZiT
  15. Because you’re completely wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about? I’d start my investigation there.
  16. It’s ingrained in the Texas culture. I have tons of friends in Dallas and only a handful put on a mask. They won’t be told what to do in a situation where the death toll is low. Contrast that with what I go through. If I enter a client’s building, I need to have 3 layers of legal/HR approval to ensure my safety. A temperature check must be completed prior to entering the building. We need a certification that the room/building has been sanitized 24 hrs prior. If I bring staff/workers, my client must reduce their workforce by the amount of people I bring. Depending on the state, I may be limited to no more than 10 people gathering. Masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes must be provided by my client. If we travel by car, we can’t ride with someone we don’t live with. Up until recently, I was barred from getting in a plane or staying in a hotel for work purposes. (I will have to self-quarantine coming back from Dallas next month, per Cuomo’s recent order) Forget entering a 7-11 without a mask much less a grocery store. I have a washable mask in my car, computer bag and my pocket because I’m tired of forgetting it when I go out. It’s become a way of life for people up here, which is why we were able to flatten the curve so effectively. I haven’t been in the LIRR or subway in months, so we’ll see how that goes. Our office is reopening mid-July on a limited basis. That level of change and sacrifice won’t fly in Texas. Maybe the rock will be chipped away a bit with the spike, but I think it would have to get REAL bad for that to occur.
  17. You’re a moron. You should feel bad.
  18. A song that has been sung for more than a century that up until recently, was sung with absolutely no racist undertones. This isn’t white people trying to oppress black people in any way. Hell, we don’t even have a straw poll on whether the song offends the majority of black students on campus. (Not that this would change my opinion) The people that carry so much white guilt that they are willing to concede anything and everything to show “change” are morons. Could not care less if anyone thinks I’m racist for wanting to keep it. Doing so has a net neutral effect on getting rid of any racism. It only further divides our fanbase. I never got into the Texas/Southern pride thing so I never understood the need for any statues outside of a museum. Perfectly fine with renaming buildings after less controversial figures.
  19. If we’re not careful, we’re going to shatter the 2019 stats where 250 black men were killed by the cops (Of any color), only 6 of which were unarmed and only 2 of which did not resist arrest. The bullshit above of posting that Boone, the brother of a suspect suicide, was killed by cops but completely leaving out the part about him going Rambo with a semi-automatic weapon is pretty par for the course. There is a narrative and it must be fulfilled. Dozens of pairs of Jordans are at stake in the name of curing racism. Fuck cops and shit
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