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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. We stopped at KFC because we were on week 2 of a Paris, Berlin, London and Iceland trip. $63 for what would be 3 $5 fill up meals. We rented a camper van. Gas prices sucked 2 day rental for a 4X4 was $383.00. Still reeling. We stocked up at Costco in Reykjavik. Best decision we made. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Lived it Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. I drove down to Dallas from Long Island and back again last month. I’m driving to Syracuse tomorrow, Albany next week, Amtrak to Philly and then flying to McAllen, TX for work. From there I will fly to Dallas and stay 6/30 - 7/16. My employer makes me quarantine for 2 weeks if I get on a plane. I’m not making that drive again so they can pound sand. I wouldn’t feel guilty at all. Life has to resume at some point.
  4. I don’t disagree with that at all. It would be nice to have civil discussions on these issues instead of rioting and throwing tear gas into crowds/shooting rubber bullets. It overshadows the peaceful protesters exercising the Constitutional right and cops that are only there to protect the safety of such. The ability to dictate the narrative doesn’t necessarily lead to an acquiescence of terms. It doesn’t work in a parent/child relationship and it damn sure doesn’t motivate those ignorant to what may be considered racist to change their behavior. There is a problem that needs to be solved. A real opportunity for dialogue is there and it is being squandered to progress political agendas.
  5. Which organization addresses black on black crime, which is far more prevalent? In 2019, the police shot 1,004 people. 250 of them were black. Nearly all them were armed and resisting the police. Only 9 were shot unarmed. (I don’t have info on why they were shot) There are 42,000,000 black Americans in this country. Where is the threat that is plaguing the black community by racist cops causing black people to fear for their lives? That is what BLM is fighting against. You can read it for yourself: https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/. 9 deaths is a good weekend in Chicago. Everyone agrees that: 1. Racism is bad and needs to be abolished from our society 2. Cops need to change their tactics when dealing with the public 3. Everyone should be equal Let’s focus on these things instead of creating a false narrative that (white) cops are hunting to kill black people. BLM has no interest in doing that.
  6. FFS, this. The suspect happened to be black. The suspect also clearly resisted an arrest that was justified. The cops used an inappropriate amount of force by shooting him because he was fleeing and stole his taser. His skin color had fuck all to do with it. If you don’t want to get harassed by cops, don’t drink and drive and then pass out at a Wendy’s drive thru. Certainly don’t fight the officers trying to rightfully arrest you. The narrative seems to be that random black guys are getting capped. That’s not true. Wendy’s may have been served at minstrel shows, so setting it on fire was probably the right call, just to be safe.
  7. My wife is a senior designer for a major clothing brand. She got furloughed in April due to COVID and a halt of manufacturing in China. Her job performance was stellar and she lead projects that brought in millions of dollars in revenue, many times working 14 hour days. She came to this country on a full fashion design scholarship from Russia, learned English, paid her dues and made it to the top. The problem is that no one will be running out to spend money on expensive shirts or suits for quite a while. So, despite her talent and skins on the wall, she may have to look for new employment. But there is no other employment. Every clothing manufacturer is suffering the same problem and will be for the foreseeable future. Her 20 years of experience is worthless right now through no fault of her own. It is entirely possible that she may need to go into another career to gain employment. Life is not fair.
  8. You said that there were 2 sides: White nationalist or BLM. @Lhorn is Vietnamese. How progressive of you to assume that he was white. Which side of yours does he fall on? You’re the one that defined the terms. This is the game woke people/cancel culture plays. Agree with me or suffer the consequences. There is a shitload of room between the two extremes.
  9. I know that’s why I sing it. Fuck taking away my opportunity to be openly racist at football games. What is this, North Korea?
  10. Do their buns have sesame seeds though?
  11. All demands are unreasonable. Requests are better. Let’s people, you know, talk about things to gain a better perspective of how it makes our black students/athletes feel. We’re after change, aren’t we? How does change occur if we don’t talk about it? I bet most of our fanbase never even considered the possibility that these items may be offensive. The dialogue has started in light of recent events, which is a good thing. That doesn’t mean issues get to be dictated and get acquiesced without discussion though. There are some reasonable and valid items on that list. It’s the presentation that sucks.
  12. We can’t simple erase history because it’s inconvenient though. We need to show that we were wrong and corrected the behavior. Our founding fathers realized this when drafting the Constitution. Men are not infallible. The problem is in the presentation. This reads like a hostage letter. As with many, I’m fine with everything but The Eyes. The song isn’t a confederate flag or and ode to slave masters. It represents the very heart of UT’s tradition and pride. The lyrics have no racist overtones. If players choose not to participate in singing it after games, so be it. That’s there right and shouldn’t be dictated to them to follow tradition. But eliminating it because there’s a kernel of a link to racism? I’m sorry, but no. This PC and cancel culture environment needs to stop. Where do we draw the line? Giving up Bevo because some people think it’s animal cruelty?
  13. You live in The Village, right? Here’s one for ya. Maybe we should remove DKR from the stadium and the Texas record books. Last all-white National Championship coach and had a real issue integrating Texas’ football program. Seems like a bad dude. Add that one to the list of demands and see how it plays out. It’s just a stadium name.
  14. So why does the tweet say “racist white man”?
  15. I should have clarified better in my response. I wasn’t directing my question at you, per se, but I wanted to have the context for my post present. My hope was that I could get different viewpoints on the issue, as is common for a message board. I don’t know what to tell you about your perception of me or my intent. If we could control how others feel about us, racism would cease to exist. It seems that people are content with shouting any dissenting opinions down, calling the poster racist/stupid and scrambling to post rep to those that join in the fray. We have our own version of rioters on this thread that like to throw their virtual Molotov cocktails and bitch when the target doesn’t simply sit there and take it. As said earlier, this is microcosm of where we are at as a society. It’s an us vs. them mentality. To be clear: There is a problem that needs to change with our police forces Fuck racism, everyone is equal and no one should ever have to fear for the lives, especially when dealing with the police Trump is a piece of shit human being But I’m sure posters will be here shortly to tell you how much I hate Muslims, brown people or logic, because they somehow know me and what’s in my heart. Or they “misremember” my position on unrelated issues or take them out of context. I’m not trying to win brownie points here. I could not care less if people consider me a valuable poster, airline miles or otherwise. You’ll see. I’m done. P.S. I’m still interested in knowing the intent of the looting and rioting. It’s such a massive shift in narrative that started occurring around Day 3 of the protesting for polar reasons. I’m not sure now that’s a shaky premise. It’s literally switched from owning the destruction to make a political point to “those aren’t ours and aren’t real protestors.”
  16. You’re an attorney. How do we implement this? There can’t be a federal mandate because the federal government doesn’t have that power. The States can implement for troopers, but not city police. Both State and city police have to deal with unions. For unions, there’s the PBA, SBA, FOP, COBA, etc. Further, there are Locals of each union with their own constitution and bylaws. There are also individually negotiated CBAs. How do we get through all this red tape while maintaining Federal/State rights and not busting up police unions, which will never happen? How do we maintain a uniform discipline action against grievances? I get that police are supposed to be here to protect us and there is an element of common sense in all this regarding tactics used and abuse of power. But how do we go about enforcing it to ensure these incidents stop? Where are our checks and balances? How do things change without simply flipping a switch? Remember, I’m an idiot, so don’t use too many big words.
  17. You mean the guy that died a few years back? Good one!
  18. And this is exactly why change will never happen in this country. I asked reasonable questions, admitted where deficiencies are and the conversation shuts down because people are content to have herd mentality. Maybe if we listened more we can avoid these incidents and prevent them from happening. I’m not sure “fuck the police” is effective in starting the dialogue. But, please, by all means, continue with the attacks behind a keyboard. Maybe it will save lives and end racism. It’s ironic that the protestors want change, and have ideas to bring to the table, but a person such as yourself isn’t willing to have a 2-way discussion about doing just that. All or nothing is not going to work here. Same way it doesn’t work when we have school shootings and debate gun control. Our society is indoctrinated and entitled.
  19. Help me understand. When the protests, looting, rioting, throwing of Molotov cocktails/projectiles, etc. started, the claim was that peaceful protests don’t work. You need destruction to make your point when the system continuously fails you. That’s why windows are being broken, cars are being set on fire and Target and shoe stores need to be looted. Now the claim is that these same people are operating coordinated attacks from out of town, they don’t represent protestors, are right wing operatives, George Soros is paying them, etc. These are two vastly different claims. Which is it? Personally, I think it’s a mix of both groups. However, the narrative today doesn’t support my opinion. I don’t understand why we can’t question things lest we be called a racist/idiot for not getting on the bandwagon with full support. I do want to be part of the change because there IS a problem. However, I don’t know why cops can’t do crowd control when bottles are Molotov cocktails are being hurled at them. Do they not have a right to protect/defend themselves as humans/citizens? I completely stipulate that non-essential violence and abuse of power should not be tolerated. Shooting rubber bullets into crowds of people is completely unacceptable and this tactic should never have been implemented.
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