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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. And therein lies the problem Pancho. You don’t want to be judged for the color of your skin. I don’t want to be dismissed because I can’t possibly know what it’s like to walk in your shoes and am automatically assumed to have a racist overtone because of the color of my skin. Until we can put aside our preconceptions, and have a logical discussion, the cycle will continue. We both agree that things need to change.
  2. I’d give you an honest answer, but I don’t think you would like it. It encroaches CR territory. So I will simply say I’m sorry that this has personally affected you as a black man. It is maddening for the entire country for you to feel unsafe and unequal.
  3. Cop didn’t realize she was white because of the mask.
  4. I haven’t seen more than a handful of public posts siding with the cops. It’s pretty unanimous that they used excessive force and are all guilty of abusing their power to murder someone, intentionally or not. The victims race is the “sexy” factor in the story and is why we are even hearing about it. He did not deserve to die and I doubt you’d find many dissenting opinions on that.
  5. We remember the same history. You are just twisting it to fit your narrative. Laws were changed in the courtroom and Congress, not because we got tired of blasting protesters with water hoses. Your examples are bad because cops did that to black people, not the other way around. We are taking about violence committed by blacks, I.E. looting and destroying property. If we want to go down the rabbit hole, we can do so with Vietnam protestors of all races having the cops attack them. The overwhelming majority of white people today do not supports racism. What social norm is trying to get changed and how is setting shit on fire and looting going to solve it? Now cops across America will get the message because Target, who had nothing to do with this, lost their stock of Nintendos? It seems counterproductive to the message that black people are not all criminals as they are being portrayed. How do 4 cops represent police as a whole or show that America is more racist now than in 1960? Did the cops kill this guy because he was resisting arrest and they don’t want to be defied or because the victim was black? The cops are assholes. I personally believe that they treated the victim more harshly based on his skin color. I have a lack of evidence to show that he was murdered because he was black. Neither does anyone else.
  6. All those violent protests like Rosa Parks, the Million Man March, MLK and everything else that led to real change. Looting 5 TVs from Target shows you’re a thief, not a race victim seeking social justice.
  7. I’m by no means positive, but the word I hear is that Asia and Europe will be closed to US travelers for the rest of the year. They will be letting regional flights in to slowly test the waters. Since all data points to a potential fall spike worldwide, the approach will be cautious. The US is too much of a hotspot and we are 1/2 way through the year. I was looking to go to Thailand as well. Since there are very few direct flights, and people have to change planes 1-2 times and deal with more airports, I’ve preemptively canceled my plans. Going to a 3rd world country and expecting everything to be disinfected properly on a regular basis probably isn’t realistic.
  8. Agreed. What happens when a player tests positive and his family sues the school because being a student athlete is necessary to pay for his education? What about the other teammates that test positive as a result of neglect or being in the vicinity of a sneeze on campus? Or an infected person not showing symptoms on the team plane to play an away game? You think the Utah States of the world want to take those risks? NFL players have a huge financial incentive to play games. So do schools that take in millions. College kids do not.
  9. My employer won’t let us even enter a client’s building if anyone inside has been on a plane within the last 2 weeks. I don’t expect to be back at the office until late July at the earliest. Still hope for a July 4th trip.
  10. I’m just spitballing here, but probably because shooting someone for doing that is a fucking insane thing to do regardless of the color of your skin. I know that the statistics show that black people are 100% more likely to be shot for walking through a construction site, with a total of 1 reported case in 2020, but I don’t think it’s quite the epidemic you are making it out to be.
  11. Same chapter where having a special needs child entitles you to act like a cunt.
  12. This. It’s amazing to me that anyone thinks they have a chance of traveling internationally this year. I can’t even fly to Dallas without having to immediately quarantine for 2 weeks. I don’t think the French will be more receptive. It’s just not happening.
  13. It’s like Sarah Palin and the “she’s one heartbeat away from the Presidency” arguments never happened. Edit: Someone else made this argument. Should have scrolled down
  14. Biden should totally pick her. She’s a slam dunk choice. Definitely the right call. Do it
  15. Remember when Wendy Davis spent the day filibustering and was touted as the new face of the Dems? That was a fun month.
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