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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. You mean leave the conference we’ve been so dominant in that we’ve only won it 3X in 23 years? That’s one more than Baylor, who only started Having winning seasons 6 years ago. Maybe ou should leave because they need a bigger challenge.Then we can duke it out with the rest of the scrubs like the ACC.
  2. I finished it yesterday. The ending sucked. Very GOT-ish where they were trying to close the story too quickly. Very confusing premise too. Way too many storylines not resolved, especially the blonde lesbian German and the brunette reporter. I assume they scissored in jail.
  3. Buechele looks better at SMU than he ever did here. So did GG, who is still on an NFL roster. Perhaps our coaching is stifling their development. Yet, look at Tim Tebow. Perhaps a good football coach (terrible person) isn’t enough to overcome a player’s deficiencies. Sam is Sam. He is regressing rather than progressing. I say give Roshon the shot with nothing left to play for. Make him earn it back
  4. I’m tired of drinking the Kool-Aid... Sam is a fighter, and the type of guy you want playing for you, but he’s a mediocre QB. He can barely complete a pass over 5 yards. Our run game is shit. It’s embarrassing that we have a backup QB splitting time. Our O-Line is terrible. Our special teams, outside of Dicker, are the worst I’ve ever seen. We are one of the lowest ranked in that category in the nation. Our defense is shit. We can blame it on injuries, but our recruiting rankings suggest that we should have a stud backing up in almost every position. Maybe, just maybe, we suck beyond our terrible coaching.
  5. S4 is MUCH better than S3. Actually interesting again
  6. Had it today. Meh. Don’t understand the hype. CFA is 10X better.
  7. How do you guarantee that they score instead of staying out of the endzone and milking the clock for a chip shit FG?
  8. I’ve heard it many times and never wanted to fuck my sister. Maybe it’s you
  9. Who cares? We’re a women’s volleyball school
  10. Saving those timeouts instead of trying to freeze the kicker? K
  11. I’d rather have Case McCoy at this point
  12. The other children are right to laugh at you
  13. There’s a DiFara’s in Williamsburg now
  14. Needing a FG to beat KU as time expires is pretty embarrassing.
  15. I live my life like it’s halftime at the Bills/Oilers 1993 AFC Championship.
  16. No. I’m implying that throwing a shitload of $ at a NC winning coach doesn’t mean automatic success. And bringing one that leaves before the shit hits the fan with sanctions isn’t a good long term plan.
  17. We’ve only won one (1) more conference championship than they have in the past 22 years. This is despite consistently beating them in the recruiting rankings and prancing around like blue bloods. WE are aggy now. WGAS if we finish 10-2 every year if we only have participation ribbons to show for it?
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