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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. @Augustus You were wrong
  2. What have you seen this year that suggests that they will? We beat a shit KU team as time expired at home. You'd be shocked if we struggled against a better TCU team on the road? I admire your confidence. I wouldn't be shocked if we lost by double digits.
  3. Not surprising. Our Defense doesn't show up to games.
  4. Meh. I'll wait for it to hit Spike TV
  5. Congrats. You forgot 45-35 completely. I can’t do that
  6. OU may not make the playoffs because their best win is against a team that fucking can’t keep a lead against motherfucking KU at home. Fuck
  7. A weekend only has 3 days. That one's free
  8. Baseball has jinxes. Not going to comment until the Yankees World Series thread
  9. Yes they are. We got the shit beat out of us in every facet except the scoreboard.
  10. I left at halftime during the Mack Brown years more than once and caught the 4th quarter on TV at home. Hope this helps
  11. Wife is in Porto for work. Don’t own a Jeep
  12. Not me. I’m in Amsterdam after a few days at Oktoberfest.
  13. Enough to show them that: 1. They haven't ever been our rival, and therefore deserve no attention; 2. Our fans couldn't give a shit about the SEC because we are secure.
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