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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. Of course you do. Somewhere out there are racist POS in MAGA hats plotting an attack against the next victim. Yet, no one seems to care about that aspect. For all we know, it could be the same people that framed OJ. If you can sleep soundly, I envy you.
  2. Or Brent Musburger, back in the day.
  3. I've never understood that mentality. I just lived an entire year on my salary. If I get a 3% raise, I can still live on my old salary, which is what I would have done had I not gotten a raise. Rather than buy new shit because I'm getting "paid", I defer the increase into my 401K. (Or did until I reached the max) The average contribution for people my age is 6%, which blows my mind as a 40 year old. Don't you realize that you're halfway between graduating high school and being eligible to retire with a fraction of Social Security, at best? Some people think that it makes them special to leverage themselves to the hilt on buying adult toys. Instead of paying off existing debt with a bonus, they decide that they are entitled to a really nice family vacation because who doesn't want to take a 2 year old to Disneyworld when they won't remember? Our 2010 Town & Country will be driven until the wheels fall off or the maintenance bill is more than the van's worth.
  4. The stat is misleading. Outside of the Tri-State area, taxes aren't that bad. Most people also don't pay property taxes in Manhattan because they rent. We pay about $10,000 in property taxes in Nassau County, which is much less than we would have paid for a similar property in Westchester. Because we live on the coast, we have to pay $3,800/yr. in flood insurance in addition to the normal property insurance. While we chose to live there, we get screwed by property claims arising from when SS Sandy came through.
  5. This right here. We lost our last child credit this year since our son turned 18. SALT and property taxes got capped at $10,000. We are paying almost $12,000 in Federal Taxes and almost $1,000 in State taxes for 2018. And, of course, we are subject to the city taxes as a byproduct of both working in Manhattan. We both claim "0" on our deductions and max out our 401K. That's double what we paid last year, and we're not rich. Even itemized deductions won't save you if you're in a higher tax bracket. It's not nearly the same as earning the same level of income in Texas for a multitude of reasons.
  6. As someone that lives in Long Island, works in Manhattan, and doesn't earn a cumulative $500,000.00 per year, this breakdown is bullshit. We have 2 mortgages (1 with a pool payment; 1 with flood insurance due to location), 3 cars (paid off), about to be 2 college tuition payments, maxed out 401Ks, the gambit of insurance and zero credit card/loan debt outside of our mortgage. We still average more than $1,500.00+ per month in savings. We are solid Middle Class in NY.
  7. Agreed...but on BOTH sides of the fence. I remember the feeling of pride when Obama took the stage when he was elected. Even to this day, I get a little misty-eyed when I watch it. There was so much hope for our nation that night. A black man, who was idealistic and charming, was elected President of a country that wouldn't even let him drink from the same water fountain as white people 45 years prior. To boot, he beat a popular white war hero to get there. America had survived 9/11 and we were on a new path of living up to our ideals. Then, his Presidency happened. Not only did it stir up a hornet's nest for those not wanting to accept a minority as our President, it gave birth to a racial divide in our country that had been dwindling. All of a sudden, you could not criticize our President without being accused of having a racial motive, despite the fact that he was also 1/2 white. However, IMO, the shift starts with black people wanting Obama to be the figurehead of transgressions against the community and white people wanting Obama to acknowledge that America was no longer racist, as evidenced by his victory. Of course, neither occurred. As a result, the seeds were sewn for a Trump victory.
  8. Welcome to reality. The problems have always been there. You were just caught up in the "hug a hero soldier/freedom/savior of the world/everybody else wants to be us" propaganda that tucks Americans in at night. As someone that has traveled internationally extensively, I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, the rest of the world is doing just fine. Trump has just highlighted some issues.
  9. I'm a simple man. I see a QT movie is in theaters, I go
  10. 1 Kings 18:36-40; 19:10-15; Pretty much all of Chapter 20
  11. Everquest and WoW. To be fair, I was married with kids for most of college.
  12. Bernie is the "Ice bucket challenge" of candidates.
  13. 1. 220K votes is not "close". If you look at the voting map, Beto only won the urban areas and border towns, which tend to go Democrat anyway. There's nothing earth shattering about that: https://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/texas-senate 2. If Beto wins the nomination, which he won't, he's not beating Trump in TX, where a good segment of the wall exists.
  14. They haven’t opened the books since the 90’s
  15. That’s another thread. Stop sweeping shit under the rug. Fuck you if you can’t handle it. He asked.
  16. Works fine for me. A pop up window closed, No to opening in Music on my iPad and push play
  17. Link to tne Livestream video if you still want to see it. Very surreal https://anonfile.com/v9m4gaxebe/_Streamed_from_my_GoPro_with_https_-_live4_io_vLIVE4gopro-2350426065176752_mp4
  18. Only because he got caught. What was the narrative BEFORE his hoax was discovered? That's power too.
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