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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. OK The post I responded to said that maybe participation in sports should be based on sex instead of gender. Depending on what side of the fence you reside on, these terms are either intertwined or are two distinct ideas. The effinimite gay guy was a tongue and cheek reference to the argument that a trans woman with a dick is a woman because she self identifies as such rather than a man with effeminate characteristics. (Nancy boy, light in the loafers, cross-dresser, a “pussy”, etc.) Because she identifies as a woman, the rest of society is supposed to follow suit and play along even though she is a man in a dress that may or may not be taking hormonal treatment to further their womanly appearance. She’s not simply an “effeminate man” or “Queer” as these designations are reserved for another subcategory on the scale. Of course sex should determine athletic participation. If we want to get technical, amend that to biological sex. Using “Boys league/Girls league” implies the this rather than the social construct gender is being used as. WNBA should techically be FNBA (Female) to conform to the distinctions being made and the terms “boy’s sizes/girl’s sizes” should be abolished as they may misidentify current social constructs. I was commenting on the parsing of terms being dumb.
  2. Bernie isn’t going to be President. If he wins the nomination, hello 4 more years of Trump.
  3. You know exactly what I’m talking about. “Gender” is a definition of convenience, useable and changeable, depending on your argument. I’m responding to the specific post I referenced. There’s a trans thread in CR. Not going to derail this one arguing about it.
  4. Exactly what I said. If we are parsing “sex” and “gender” to conform to social constructs instead of what they’ve meant throughout all of human history, then an effeminate gay guy is fucked.
  5. Depends on the race of the accused offender. If the roles were reversed, it would be a courageous story about a minority standing up to an oppressor's actions. Oh wait...that's exactly what the narrative was before all the facts came out.
  6. If we're using social constructs, gay guys shouldn't be allowed to participate in sports?
  7. They're trying to find the guy in the truck that shot up that mom and daughter in Houston for being black on a Tuesday and coming up with a defense for the wrongly accused thug that admitted to doing it under white police pressure. PM Pancho for the latest updates. His heart strings and genuine concern compelled him to start a thread about it when the narrative was that the suspect was white.
  8. DD responds with 1-2 sentences that don't answer any question posed to him. He is a waste of time to engage. His position is right because he says that it is, but he won't defend it. Everything ever said or done to a minority has a white racist agenda behind it. It's your job to prove him wrong, which is an impossible feat because you too are racist posting from a position of privilege. Bad Teammate just has a screw loose. He at least defends his position, albeit, littered with personal attacks when he's challenged. I imagine him dropping the mic after a CR response and having to pick it up because no one started a slow clap. He's not a waste of space like DD though.
  9. So, Hornfans outlasted Shaggy after all. Shame and Whalecunt were right.
  10. Yep. If we want to talk about racism, then we can get into affirmative action or letting a black kid that scored 300 points less than an Asian kid with the same economic background on his SAT getting into UT. Racism exists on an individual level, not institutional.
  11. Finally pulled the trigger on putting DD on ignore. Because he’s white.
  12. Why is this thread considered political? A black, gay, D-list celebrity perpetuated a hoax to be an attention whore. He’s a liar. You may want to politicize it because “whites are evil” is your narrative, but it’s not. At best, it’s yet another example of the ghost chasing of institutional racism that doesn’t exist. The fake MAGA hats on the fake attackers shouting fake slogans doesn’t enter the equation.
  13. Should there be weight classes in boxing and wrestling? What about age limits for professional football? They are there for a specific reason. I know you may not be arguing the pro on this, but it becomes a safety issue before we enter into the politics. Women don’t play in the NFL because they would get killed. I remember a story about 10 years ago when Serena Williams lost to the (Don’t quote me) #400 ranked men’s tennis player in the world. The reason the WNBA struggles isn’t due to sexism, it’s the quality of play. The Sparks vs. The Mavericks wouldn’t be much of a contest. Further, how do you deal with anti-doping? If shooting up testosterone is forbidden, it should be forbidden across the board.
  14. But then the feminists will cry foul when women don’t get team spots due to the “sexism” in sports.
  15. Sorry to disappoint on a few fronts. For starters, I’m leaving for The Bahamas in less than 6 hours and I can guarantee you that our “discussion” won’t even enter my consciousness. This thread will invariably be at the bottom of the page before I would contribute any meaningful dialogue. Second, I don’t find gay relations/sex icky. You can describe your fantasy of an innocent touch leading to taking a dick to the back of the throat all you want and it won’t trigger me. If I can survive a gay roommate (In the Village People, no less) with thin walls for a year, I’m pretty sure that I can handle your proposed scenario. Your assumption of my right wing views is just that, a poor assumption. I’m pretty moderate both socially and politically and don’t tote a particular party line. Both Liberals and Conservatives are raging lunatics on certain issues so I’m not sequestered into any particular box either. Plus, I’m a staunch agnostic. So I don’t have the barrier of “sin” holding me back from rational thought. But mostly, I don’t owe you a goddamn thing. I gave you plenty of opportunities to discuss this rationally and you chose to be a gaping pussy about it instead. You’re an insincere prick, so it's hardly worth my time to engage you any further. You have no interest in learning about the opposing point of view because you’ve already convinced yourself that you’re intellectually above it. Circle jerk about your “wokeness” with someone else.
  16. So, if I understand you correctly, you are now willing to answer questions even though I have constantly been begging posters of the opposing viewpoint to do so for the past two days? Nah, I think I'm good. We're past that point now. Instead of engaging in rationale dialogue you chose to be a dick by lobbing insults and ended up exposing yourself as a pussy in the process. (No pun intended. Well, a little intended) If you were really interested in seeing my interpretation of anything, we would have had that discussion already. I can't destroy you with logic because your argument is devoid of it. I have facts and science on my side, you have feelings and social justice on yours. Kudos to you.
  17. I responded by pointing out, rightly, that this was the logic of a 7th grade boy. Let me explain. The obvious explanation is that trans women are women so a man being attracted to a trans woman is, by definition, straight. BUT! The womanhood of trans women is in question by some, so let's move on from the obvious answer and delve into the wounded and childlike psychology of the regressive manchild. We can start with some inarguable observations: - Gay men (i.e., men who claim and act on attraction to other men) are not attracted to trans women. - The people who are attracted to trans women, knowing full well they are trans, identify as straight and act on attraction to non-trans women in other circumstances. They do not identify as gay and are not attracted to men. - Human sexuality is complicated (calm down, little boys, relax. I'm not saying you're gay, just listen) The first two points are obvious and, honestly, should pretty much answer the question for you, but you're very upset by this simple reasoning, and bullet #3 haunts you, so let's get into it. You are offered a friendly blowjob by these four human beings whose sexual genetics you know ahead of time for some reason, and you must choose one: a biological female who presents as female (A) a biological male who presents as female (B) a biological male who presents as male (C) a biological female who presents as male (D) It's not a trick. You know the biology before you click the link. Yet... you have reactions. The blood in your veins answers honestly; it is your pathetic manchild brain that lies. That useless, bowling-ball smooth hunk of squishy matter is filled with terror even while your loins pull you inexorably towards the obvious answer. I said that human sexuality is complicated, but on the actual surface level it's really not. The answer is obvious because of the presentation and the immediate reaction that presentation elicits. It's as simple as turning on a switch. What IS complicated, however, is the language we use to describe these things and the social posturing we engage in as a response to our responses. Let's move to the other side, past the meaningless (but fun) sexual interaction. Let's talk about love. All right, now, buddy boy... which one of those do you want to build a life with? If you had to choose one of those four to marry and live with in a sexual or non-sexual (up to you) partnership, which do you choose? Which one would you most like to go about your day to day life with? I don’t have the time to lobby our positions on this issue today. Therefore, I’ll simply respond with the following: First and foremost, drop the name calling, wild assumptions and labeling shit. It’s juvenile. Disagree with my positons or refute my arguments, but don’t question my intelligence or maturity based on our disagreement(s). I’ve been pretty respectful in my overall replies despite numerous attacks on my character. This is why many of those that share my view stay in the shadows rather than attempt to have dialogue lest they be “outed” as a homophobic, racist, sexist, unenlightened Trumptard. (I do not support Trump but do agree with some of his policies, as I am on record as saying) Let’s try to have a civil discourse without calling each other “doody-heads”. I realize that you get to reap the rep points, social cred and internet high fives as a moral victory and maybe you need that in your life. But it just shows that you are as closed minded as you purport me to be. I’ve made my agenda very clear: This is my stance, and if you would like to attempt to, convince me otherwise. While I may not always lay out the best argument, or convey my position clearly, I am at least willing to have the discussion. If you want true change, and people to listen to your point of view, don’t throw rocks at the posters willing to engage you. I don’t think that this is an unfair request. Second, stop the political posturing. I am a straight male. It is not intolerant of me to not desire sexual or romantic relationships with someone I view as a member of my own sex. As evidenced by DD’s earlier statement, it’s also not intolerant to accept your view of a “woman” while not desiring a transgendered woman. The issue of tolerance is not black and white. I have absolutely zero problem with gay people and I support their rights to be in a sexual or romantic relationship. The fact that I don’t want a sexual or romantic relationship with another man, or your definition of a woman, does not imply that I hate gay people or am intolerant of their lifestyle. Similarly, I reject your premise that a biological man can be a woman. This also has no bearing on my ability to accept them for their choices, treat them with respect or allow them to have dignity. I do not actively seek to deny them their ability to claim themselves as a woman. (Or man) What I discuss on a message board on a thread regarding the issue is much more candid conversation than I would have in person. But, if asked, I would be honest. If my rejection hurts someone’s feelings, so be it. Feelings are subjective, so are opinions. My view does not matter in their plight for acceptance in society. I would hope to get the view of someone, other than Tropheus, that this directly impacts rather than a Liberal vs. Conservative viewpoint. This shouldn’t be a political discussion. Anyhow, I hope you find the moral superiority and/or pats on the back you are seeking. If you reread this thread in its entirety, from an objective stance, I think you’ll figure out where the intolerance of other people’s view really resides. It's not with me.
  18. Acknowledged and expounded on. She’s a cunt.
  19. This has dominated a lot of my day the past few days, so I may at some point. Whether or not we can come to a consensus is irrelevant. Actual discussion is what matters to me. I disagree with a lot of your answers but at least I better understand your point of view. The shitty thing is that there are several people on this board who share my viewpoint that either don't want to expend the time to answer or know what they risk by doing so. Some of them couldn't give a shit at all and avoid the discussion like the plague. I don't have that problem. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest, and despite Hayden's oft repeated wisdom, I'm also not trolling. I 100% believe the viewpoint I am portraying. I've looked into it because it conflicts with what I thought was my basic understanding of tolerance. I considered myself Liberal and never had a problem with gays. While not exactly an exact comparison, I could never get aboard the trans movement. I'm starting to see that I'm not nearly as Liberal as I thought, or at least, once was.
  20. Thank you for that, even the last jibe. Respect for answering questions honestly without posing another question to avoid answering mine.
  21. I am not generalizing. I am asking a completely valid, and simplistic question: Is a trans woman with a penis as much of a woman as a trans woman that is post op? Same social construct, different plumbing. Based on your answer to that question, there is a flowchart to follow. The foreknowledge of your partner's genitals is one of several boxes. Sexual orientation is another. My strong opinion has been consistent:I don't think you're a woman. That has no bearing on treating a trans woman with respect or referring to her with her preferred pronoun. (As I have done with my postings on Tropheus, whom I am not a fan of, but believe deserves human dignity)
  22. There is nothing about my taken position that is politicized. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman as we have come to know the term throughout human history. The counterargument is where the definition gets political. Instead of accepting that some men are more effeminate and some girls are more butch we are redefining basic science to mean something completely different and arbitrary claiming intolerance of those that don't unquestionably agree with the position. I have asked for scientific data showing that this is true and have provided a study of my own. While I am by no means an expert, and don't expect others on this board to be, I have done a lot of research on the subject because I do want to understand it better. The only irrefutable evidence I have found to support their argument is that it is based on feelings rather than facts. Isn't that the entire premise to begin with? I feel like a woman and therefore I subjectively identify as a woman because sex is malleable. If I am wrong, then I am wrong. I just need something more than social group think to be woke or progressive to consider. I have posed several other scenarios, such as identifying as 70 as a biological 30 year old, that no one wants to respond to because they have a predominately Liberal space on this board where they don't have to. When the counterargument to logic is to shout down your opponent and chant slogans, you have a bad argument. Effectively, you are recognizing my entire point: Sex is not political, it's biological.
  23. Fair enough. Now, what is your view with regards to the what I asked?
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