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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. I’m only asking for 1 study, which you have failed to provide. I have provided 1 to support my position and am happy to provide others based on the specific question. You have conveniently ignored it to constantly tell me that I am part of the problem and decline debating the issue on a topic you yourself created a thread on. We can’t come to an understanding if we don’t clearly state our position and provide evidence to support it. I’m starting to suspect that this was not your intent at all. Shocking.
  2. You’re still making an assertion that I am claiming that my opinion matters despite conclusive evidence to the contrary. Seriously, 1st page. Post #9. You can’t miss it.
  3. It’s a social science. It’s akin to masterbating:having sex. I do like how you ignore my questions though when you can’t back up your statement(s).
  4. You’re still conflating social science with facts. Next?
  5. And you think identifying with and feeling like a woman makes you an actual woman. One that you wouldn’t ever fuck because it’s not your thing. Still a woman though...but not really.
  6. It’s in my first response in page 1. It’s in several other responses littered in the thread. My alleged obsession is also addressed multiple times.
  7. I’m saying that Socialogy isn’t a particularly expert field. I am a capable of reading a Socialogical report despite not having a PhD. in the field. Sociology is also opinion based on sample studies as interpreted by the author of the report. You are stating opinions, I am stating scientific facts. Tomato, tomatoe apparently.
  8. Except no one is doing that. At all. The “debate” is because I don’t recognize a transgendered woman as an actual woman and how this makes me a bigot. You are about the 12th person to falsely equate an argument that hasn’t been made.
  9. And people that wear black socks and sandals at the beach aren’t really 70 year old men because dressing the part doesn’t change biology. Yeah, that point.
  10. Which you have failed to present for us to discuss or disagree with. I thought we were arguing social terms, not biology? I was told that no one was making the assertion that biological sex could change? Sociology isn’t science...
  11. Except we ARE men as evidenced by our dicks. Solid logic
  12. Which has been my stance for the entirety of this thread. My opinion, with basis in facts and science, is wholly irrelevant to the issue. Yet, my refusal to acknowledge your opinion, based on social conjecture, has devolved into the creation of this thread. We are 99% on the same page on this issue. Our difference is whether or not a trans woman is actually a woman. Your response is that yes, a trans woman is a woman, but no, you would not fuck one because it’s not your thing...which I assume to mean because she has a penis and you are straight. So you are double talking to cover your bases in an attempt to lead credence to a silly argument based on parsing terms.
  13. What you said is doubletalk and nonsense. Your definitions change when it benefits your argument with absolutely zero data to back it up. That’s called an opinion yet you present it as factual evidence. That’s why it’s not worth the effort.
  14. But you said earlier... Never mind. It’s not worth the effort.
  15. Asked and answered several times already.
  16. Explain the difference. Is a transgendered woman with a penis any less of a woman than a man that has had gender reassignment surgery or a biological woman? I didn’t provide a single example and you made a blanket assessment that it’s a non-starter for you because it’s not “your thing”. That’s pretty intolerant if you are arguing that gender is malleable. It’s not comparable to being homosexual based on your understanding of social constructs. Perhaps there is, in fact, a difference?
  17. You’re part of the problem then. I fail to recognize them as a woman as do you. You simply bask in the social currency of being socially progressive while still harboring regressive views. That’s is why I can’t take you seriously. Either a transgendered woman is a woman or she is not.
  18. They are. Would you have sex with a transgendered woman that was interested in men?
  19. I disagree on a few of your points, but the overall message is sound. I don’t get the PC culture we live in today. I admit it, I hope both of my sons are straight and will bear grandchildren one day. Yes, I agree that a gay couple can be fine parents and I would love my sons regardless of their sexual orientation. But, I have a clear preference. Somewhere along the way, this became a controversial viewpoint making me intolerant. Ironically, this is exactly how Trump was elected.
  20. Yeah, I’m not going to go down the rabbit hole with you. It has the intellectual level of “I know you are, but what am I?” I speak troll.
  21. Please quote my posts to back up that assertion. Show me where I’m racist or fail to accept others that are different. Of course I don’t “empathize” with those that are different. It’s an impossible feat. The word you are looking for is “sympathize”, which is a false statement.
  22. I can’t comprehend this is because it’s arbitrary on a case by case argument that has no basis in reality. If I identify with Canadian culture, I cannot cross the border without a passport simply because I subjectively feel Canadian. I can refer to my live-in girlfriend as my “wife”, which is completely acceptable on a social level. But I am not legally recognized as being married for tax purposes or health benefits. (Yep, I get common law) My argument has always been, since the begging of the thread, that I am perfectly fine calling a trans woman a “she”. I do not accept that she is actually a woman because she cannot change her biological data to be a woman. Based on your response, we are 99% in agreement on this. Where we disagree if that no one is arguing that your biological sex can be changed.
  23. If we’re going to have a Q&A, let’s do it on equal footing. 1-2 sentences generally addressing things followed by rapid fire questions isn’t helpful. Let’s focus on what we have already, especially since I directly used this example already stating that I am fine with that. (Albeit, you may not have seen it before posing the question)
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