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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. Exactly, so what? I have zero issue with gays getting married, showing PDA or even fucking in my house. That doesn’t mean that my inability to empathize with them makes me intolerant. Same with Trans people. If they want to piss in the ladies room, fine. I find their lifestyle weird and creepy, but I’m a Lib on those social issues. It doesn’t affect my life. My inability to empathize with them, or agree that they are actually a woman, means nothing if the goal is social acceptance. I’m not part of that problem. Having Jewish friends doesn’t mean that I need to adapt to a bacon-free lifestyle to be supportive of their religious beliefs. I agree, there are some in my camp that do not share my openness. I’m just failing to understand why I am getting lumped into this category when I’ve repeatedly expressed my personal viewpoint very clearly. That’s typical leftish bullshit tactic to take a moral authority on an argument that was never being insinuated.
  2. No one was talking to you or “addressing you”. That’s why I quoted an entirely different poster in my response.
  3. It would helpful if you could quote the instances where anyone has advocated for the mistreatment of trans people. I think you’d find that your stump speech is not relevant to the thread.
  4. Ok, I read the two links provided by DD and DaHobbs. As stated previously, I reject DD’s link as it’s a redefining of terms regarding trans related issues according to the Mayo Clinic, who is not a recognized authority on the subject. (Side note: The “Livestrong” website has the same data posted) It’s simply a breakdown posing as “Facts” with no citation to any scientific study to back up the data. The 2nd link is a splash page and I’m not going to wade around the site looking for something to justify your argument on a Trans-leaning website. The link DaHobbs posted, as far as I can tell, is an article and not a scientific study. I admit, I didn’t read all 45 pages, so I may have missed a citation. I did try to click on the footnotes but they all linked to other pages where the same article is posted rather than directing to the source material. The reason I reject articles is because it’s a lost cause for meaningful discussion. For every article you post on the pro side, I can post a rebuttal furthering my argument. But, DaHobbs’ later post clarified that he is addressing a social viewpoint, so this is a moot point. Here are published findings from a study that showed sex differences in the anatomy of the brain present in one-month-old babies: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00429-017-1600-2#citeas The test data, controls and information about the participants are all cited. "Using high-resolution structural MRI, we measured subcortical gray and white matter brain volumes in a cohort (N = 143) of 1-month infants and examined characteristics of these volumetric measures throughout this early period of neurodevelopment," reads the study's abstract. "We show that brain volumes undergo age-related changes during the first month of life, with the corresponding patterns of regional asymmetry and sexual dimorphism. Specifically, males have larger total brain volume and volumes differ by sex in regionally specific brain regions, after correcting for total brain volume." The study also states that their findings suggest such brain differences are "present at birth." "Our results complement a growing body of work investigating the earliest neurobiological changes associated with development and suggest that asymmetry and sexual dimorphism are present at birth," says the abstract. If someone can explain to me how society "constructed" such differences in these infants' brains, or can debunk these findings, I'd be all ears.
  5. I’ll work on my responses, but know your context before starting in on your tired ramblings towards me dude. Those items were discussed in another thread with the OP, which lead to the creation of this thread. There’s no reason to rehash the discussion as we had reached an impass on how we “feel”. So fuck you, bigot.
  6. Will look at and discuss this too. I disagree with your premise and will respond in kind with evidence.
  7. I’ll look at it tonight more in-depth, as I’m about to get off the train, but that’s not really what I’m looking for at first glance. I don’t need a list of definitions of what all these terms are defined as, according to the Mayo Clinic. I’m looking for a scientific study showing that a biological man can become a biological woman. My argument is that it is not possible. To be frank, I’m not 100% sure what your argument is beyond a man can become a woman in a social construct, which is easy to disbunk even if I conceded that this was correct.
  8. You misspelled “misogynist”. Be polite to the label, Sugartits.
  9. Great. Show me the evidence so we can discuss it. A report, a statistic...anything really. As long as it’s not part of a news story or reflects your arbitrary statement that “you’re wrong, I’m right” I’m interested. I will do the same when we have an actual discussion going on. That’s how this sort of thing works.
  10. I work with, and actively hang out with one trans woman and one trans man. In fact, I went to Cuba on vacation with my trans woman friend who is also...wait for it...black. We even shared an AirBNB together. Keep thinking you know me though. It’s cute.
  11. Bingo This is a thread discussing trans people and our view of such. I specifically posted that I would be polite to a trans person and call them by their preferred pronoun. Why? Because it’s the polite thing to do. Yet, not one time has the guy presented anything substantive based on facts, studies, research, etc. that we can discuss. He throws a hissy fit, stamps his feet and hurls poor attempts at insults based on things I never said. Because I don’t agree with his viewpoint, I’m a bigot. He is right about that one though. I do not give a shit if he thinks that I’m bigoted because I know that it’s an incorrect assessment. IDGAF about trans people or their plight for acceptance provided that you aren’t asking me to deny my intellectual honesty based on scientific facts.
  12. I am open to facts, statistics or anything else worth merit for the discussion. I’m not interested in social acceptence or feelings, which typically reflect YOUR feelings, not mine. Trans people really don’t affect my life or self-worth. I know that’s not a good bumper sticker slogan, but at least it’s intellectually honest. Mental illness is a serious topic, but I think enabling behavior is more destructive.
  13. So it’s a waste of both our time as we’re locked into a circular argument.
  14. I am a noted and proud asshole. Try harder
  15. Based on what standard? As you and I agree about abortion rights, let’s not use Kleinfelders as a basis like aborting to save the mom’s life. We can stipulate that there are rare cases where this blanket generalization has exceptions.
  16. Great. Now back it up with facts, not feelings. I could not care less about how my stance makes you “feel”. Quite honestly, fuck your feelings.
  17. I assume this is aimed at me. My answer may be a letdown for you. I don't have a problem with transgendered people as an idea. If you want to wear a dress and take hormones to grow tits, fine by me. I'll even call you a "she" if that's your preferred pronoun. It doesn't mean that I think, in any way, that you are actually a woman. I am doing it to be polite in the same manner that I don't point out that a girl is fat or how I bow my head when someone prays before a meal out of respect for their beliefs. You were born a man and still remain a biological man. I'm not interested in the semantics of using "sex" and "gender" interchangeably to demonstrate whether or not they are social constructs. (We won't agree). Nor am I interested in discussing bigotry based on a more open and candid discussion I have on a message board that doesn't reflect my actual life. I am not actively making a trans person's life miserable. Frankly, it's not an issue I think or care about frequently. So, there's really no problem other than your ability to accept that someone may have a different worldview than yourself.
  18. Where are you getting that gender is a social construct? Your rejection of it is an individual construct, but you have no right to demand that your acceptance be the baseline. Isn't your insistence that a biological man be called a woman an infringement on my Freedom of Speech, if we're going to parse this? How you "feel" doesn't matter in the discussion.
  19. I didn't start getting real serious about retirement until I was 30 and my wife was 32. We both have good paying jobs and seemingly will retire on a very comfortable amount because we went full boar on playing catch up. But, I still have anxiety about where we will end up. The markets are volatile and all it takes is for another 9/11 or recession to bring things to a screeching halt. My grandparents didn't save as well as they could and are living off Social Security. That will most likely not be a safety net for me. I half expect to die the night before I am planning to retire as the ultimate irony.
  20. Can you change your race? No. You can make yourself more physically akin but it does nothing to change your risks for ailments due genetic attributes. Can you change your age? No. You can identify as an "old soul" but you cannot start collecting Social Security when you are biologically 30 years old. But wearing women's clothes and taking hormones to make you physically appear as a woman is somehow different despite the fact that you may still be at risk for testicular cancer. You're right, I don't understand your simple concepts.
  21. No issue with that at all. Just wondering why the goal posts arbitrarily move so much. "You can't force people to have a baby because it's her body, but fuck your logic and basic understanding of science because pronouns are important! How DARE you have a different viewpoint?!?" Not going to derail the thread with this further.
  22. My point exactly. Life doesn't start at conception: Scientifically incorrect. A person's gender is malleable: Scientifically incorrect Two widely different responses. Fuck that though, emotion is at play. Got it
  23. So if I disagree that a biological boy can't be a girl, I'm free to express my opinion without being labeled a biggot?
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