Ok, I read the two links provided by DD and DaHobbs.
As stated previously, I reject DD’s link as it’s a redefining of terms regarding trans related issues according to the Mayo Clinic, who is not a recognized authority on the subject. (Side note: The “Livestrong” website has the same data posted) It’s simply a breakdown posing as “Facts” with no citation to any scientific study to back up the data. The 2nd link is a splash page and I’m not going to wade around the site looking for something to justify your argument on a Trans-leaning website.
The link DaHobbs posted, as far as I can tell, is an article and not a scientific study. I admit, I didn’t read all 45 pages, so I may have missed a citation. I did try to click on the footnotes but they all linked to other pages where the same article is posted rather than directing to the source material. The reason I reject articles is because it’s a lost cause for meaningful discussion. For every article you post on the pro side, I can post a rebuttal furthering my argument. But, DaHobbs’ later post clarified that he is addressing a social viewpoint, so this is a moot point.
Here are published findings from a study that showed sex differences in the anatomy of the brain present in one-month-old babies: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00429-017-1600-2#citeas The test data, controls and information about the participants are all cited.
"Using high-resolution structural MRI, we measured subcortical gray and white matter brain volumes in a cohort (N = 143) of 1-month infants and examined characteristics of these volumetric measures throughout this early period of neurodevelopment," reads the study's abstract. "We show that brain volumes undergo age-related changes during the first month of life, with the corresponding patterns of regional asymmetry and sexual dimorphism. Specifically, males have larger total brain volume and volumes differ by sex in regionally specific brain regions, after correcting for total brain volume."
The study also states that their findings suggest such brain differences are "present at birth."
"Our results complement a growing body of work investigating the earliest neurobiological changes associated with development and suggest that asymmetry and sexual dimorphism are present at birth," says the abstract.
If someone can explain to me how society "constructed" such differences in these infants' brains, or can debunk these findings, I'd be all ears.