This is true on both accounts.
Gen X'ers have a distinct advantage in today's society. We grew up in a time where segregation wasn't the de facto policy, so we're more racially enlightened than the previous generations who had to change their government mandated way of thinking completely. The advent of the PC, internet and cell phones came during our teen years, so we grew up not being dependent on technology. (I can read a map and backup a car without any issues if I need to) Basically, the 90's were a re-invention of the 60's that pissed off Boomers something fierce because the message was more towards a shift in cultural thinking rather than rebelling against authority. It was a "You do you" time in a pre-9/11 world where America was a pretty decent place to live.
My oldest was born in 1998 and is a college student. He hates today's music, rarely uses social media because it's for "old people" and is concerned about his job prospects when he graduates school with an in-demand degree. He doesn't own a credit card, has no debt and is great at saving for his future.The Millennial generation is where the advent of PC culture began. They grew up shifting the "You do You" message into the "anti-bullying and everyone gets a trophy" generation. When you don't learn that life is not fair and you will struggle from the onset, your adulthood is going to suck when you find out that you were lied to and no one gives a shit about you. Gen Z'ers have seen through the bullshit a bit about how life really is. (Except for the PC shit, which is true of any generation at that age)