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Everything posted by Spankytoes

  1. I don't think "comparing" means what you think it means. I did notice that you didn't answer the question.
  2. How do you feel about Malcolm X statues or streets named after him?
  3. in the last 15 years Baylor had a basketball coach frame a dead kid as a drug dealer to help his player try to escape murder. Art Briles turned a blind eye to his football players raping people. Yet, if you asked a casual college athletics fan who the worst program is, they would all say "Penn State". Kudos to their PR department.
  4. That was what I was thinking. With a mileage multiplier added, it's a hell of a haul.
  5. They only deserved one
  6. There’s no curse. It’s just Houston.
  7. Couldn’t the consequence be not getting re-elected by the citizens of Virginia, you know, the people he governs instead of forced retirement by those trying to score political points? If they believe that a photo taken 35 years ago reflects his charectar today, shouldn’t they be the ones making the call on it?
  8. Do you think heroin and cocaine being illegal is a deterrent for those that want to use it?
  9. If I played Little League today, I'd bet they'd back up now.
  10. That’s why you go to the Centurion Lounge like a big boy. The new Southwest terminal at LGA is a huge improvement yet vastly disappointing with food options and lounges. JFK is fine as long as you’re flying JetBlue, Delta or AA. MIA sucks a dick.
  11. This is true on both accounts. Gen X'ers have a distinct advantage in today's society. We grew up in a time where segregation wasn't the de facto policy, so we're more racially enlightened than the previous generations who had to change their government mandated way of thinking completely. The advent of the PC, internet and cell phones came during our teen years, so we grew up not being dependent on technology. (I can read a map and backup a car without any issues if I need to) Basically, the 90's were a re-invention of the 60's that pissed off Boomers something fierce because the message was more towards a shift in cultural thinking rather than rebelling against authority. It was a "You do you" time in a pre-9/11 world where America was a pretty decent place to live. My oldest was born in 1998 and is a college student. He hates today's music, rarely uses social media because it's for "old people" and is concerned about his job prospects when he graduates school with an in-demand degree. He doesn't own a credit card, has no debt and is great at saving for his future.The Millennial generation is where the advent of PC culture began. They grew up shifting the "You do You" message into the "anti-bullying and everyone gets a trophy" generation. When you don't learn that life is not fair and you will struggle from the onset, your adulthood is going to suck when you find out that you were lied to and no one gives a shit about you. Gen Z'ers have seen through the bullshit a bit about how life really is. (Except for the PC shit, which is true of any generation at that age)
  12. Haha. Just saw this thread. Since you have exact dates that you need to travel, it would help if you would share them. There are 2 easy answers on the solution: 1. Transfer points to miles and book that way. You don’t have nearly enough to do this round trip for 4 people; 2. Look at reward availability for your dates and figure out who can accommodate you. If the price is right, you can buy a Coach ticket and then upgrade with miles.
  13. Stopped at “asylum”. Yes, I am certain that we don’t provide work permits to workers that crossed the border illegally and were caught. In fact, I’m pretty sure we deport them.
  14. Is it racist to point out that statistics support the privilege shown in every one of your examples? -Blacks account for over 50% of the homicide rate despite accounting for 13% of the population. -Blacks are 8.55 times more likely to be the suspect in a robbery or theft case based on current incarceration rates -According to the Consumer Bureau, blacks are the only race not to average a credit score above 700. If you don’t think white people have issues with jobs, try having a foreigner’s name. Does this mean that all blacks are inherently bad people or should suffer? Of course not. But to pretend that these are stereotypes instead of reality is disingenuous. It’s pretty unfair that perceived Muslims are randomly selected for further screening too. But...
  15. I lived in Texas for 35 years and now NY for 5. I’ve traveled the world 10X over. There is one simple truth out there: It sucks everywhere. Maybe there are countries with less stress, or areas with better scenery or perhaps places with more action out there. But, in the end, it’s all the same. The government has a charectar to play and sometimes they play it well and you think they have your interests at heart. They don’t. They’re just husbands trying to talk wives into butt stuff before they get kicked to the curb. I’d move for financial concerns in my retirement years but not because of an economic and social system that is perpetually broken. This utopian society people claim simply doesn’t exist. It’s the same old shit with more sheep.
  16. Kind of like “God vs. Science”, wouldn’t you say?
  17. I support any sitting President and root for him/her to succeed. If you are suggesting that I like Trump, or agree with 99% of his ideals as a registered Democrat, you would be wrong. But, I suspect you could not care less or fathom that one could agree/disagree with the political party line on singular issues. That’s just one of what I suspect to be many reasons of why I’m simply better than you.
  18. Sure: Who is the President right now?
  19. You are asking me to distill positions on broad assertions that were rebuttals for specific arguments. Nah, I’m good. For example, the claim was made that the wall was for political points rather to solve an actual problem. I countered with the Left’s ability to platform on the issue du jour to run up their own score. Both sides do this and I agree that there are greater interests at heart. I used Hillary as an example. If not a wall, what’s the alternative? We’re at an ideological impasse on that. I am seeking another way to stem illegals from crossing our borders and other are looking for a way to legalize them and turn a blind eye to their methodology. These are two polar ideas. In that sense, you are advocating that nothing be done. You are either championing amnesty and forgiveness for past and future transgressions or you are capping it to those already here with no solution to stop the future influx. The biggest argument made has been “why are we throwing away money on a solution that won’t work?!?” First, we don’t know it won’t work because it hasn’t had a chance to manifest. Second, the same argument can be made for the TSA. How many bombings have been prevented by making you throw away a can of soup? But, we haven’t had any terrorist activities in quite a while. So it’s either a coincidence or there is some good coming out of their role. It would be nice if the terrorist wore certain hats identifying themselves so us law abiding citizens can just catch a flight. Same deal with those trying to skirt the immigration rules. You may want to see someone about that attention span problem. I’m not writing a wall of text about a wall.
  20. Depends. I can fly JFK-LHR in J (Business Class) for less than $6 if the plane is actually AA metal. It’s a little bit of luck and a lot of advance planning. If you’re using UR, United may be of value to you. They generally have a better award redemption pool.
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