What part of the problem is complex? While I agree that it won't solve the problem, what about building a wall as a start is controversial? If we reduce 10,000 people annually from crossing into our borders illegally, what do you think that will net us in savings as a country? (Taxes, healthcare, uninsured motorists, etc.) It's simple economics. If I get a job that pays me $100,000 annually, my employer is not on the hook for just $100,000. They also have to subsidize my healthcare and provide other benefits such as transportation aid and retirement matching. I am also a body for functions that are sponsored or mundane activities such as holiday parties. They can reasonably assume that I will cost $30,000 above my base salary, not including any bonuses or additional funds allocated for my performance. If we use the estimate of 11,000,000 illegal immigrants currently in America, what do you think this equates to in wasted spending?
As a husband/son-in-law of legal immigrants, I've never understood the resistance to enforcing the law. Let's say that your house is burglarized and they steal your jewelry and TVs. Then the burglars take your wares to a pawn shop and cash out. But, then they donate half of their gains to a homeless shelter. Does this make burglarizing your house a good deed because the final action helped the needy? That's essentially the argument amnesty/partial amnesty folks are making. I've seen people getting angrier for people cutting in line at Starbucks than the ramifications of letting illegals remain.