Yes, I think that you hoped that the shooter was a white dude and yes, that’s what lead to the creation of this thread. You deliberately mentioned the race of the suspect and victim(s) in your first two (2) posts. I’m sure that others here may feel the same but don’t want to be perceived as insensitive. I don’t have that problem. I’m secure in the fact that I’m not a racist nor am I claiming that you are projecting false empathy with the victims.
I’ve posted on Hornfans, Shaggy and now Surly with you so I’m willing to make a wager. Cite three (3) examples of threads, or sub-threads, you’ve started that meet the following criteria:
1. The criminal/aggressor/suspect/harasser was black;
2. A white person was not involved, or suspected to be involved, in the situation.
If you can provide this, I will make a $250 donation to the charity of your choosing. If at least one (1) of these examples has a victim that is/was white, I will double my donation amount.
Should you fail to live up to these terms, despite almost twenty (20) years of data at your disposal, you will admit that the person that created the “white people are evil” thread on Surly may be exploiting tragic/shameful events involving black/white relations as a flaming arrow to race bait.
Let me know if we have a deal.