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TrashMaster G

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TrashMaster G last won the day on November 20 2023

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  1. Is it really coming out of retirement if you do a one-off? It's kind of like a musician who retires from touring but agrees to perform at a charity event. But, don't get me wrong. I'll take it.
  2. Dead at 47. Apparently suicide. Damn. https://www.tmz.com/2025/01/04/aubrey-plaza-husband-jeff-baena-dead-by-suicide-director/
  3. Dude, you need to sit down and read all of Graham's scribes. That'll set you strait.
  4. I do not understand that comment and I am ok with that.
  5. The town is fine if you ignore all the people. They suck.
  6. I think the only situation in which our SEC brethren would root for us is if we had come into the conference and gotten kicked around for a decade before beginning a slow ascent. If we had taken our sweet-ass time and taken our lumps before finally ascending and standing as the last SEC team remaining in a playoff, they might then deign to root for us. Halfheartedly.
  7. This is a fair comment, to a point. The thing that all eight of the bluest blue bloods have been able to accomplish is that they have all had multiple periods of top-flight results across several decades. Minnesota did not accomplish that. Nebraska could, possibly, be the next Minnesota. We won't know for another 15-20 years, but they are the only blue blood in danger of losing status.
  8. I'm curious as to the health of our OL and the status of the various injuries there.
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