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TrashMaster G

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TrashMaster G last won the day on November 20 2023

TrashMaster G had the most liked content!


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  1. Afghanistan College Station
  2. Yet more proof that aggy is 100% irony impaired.
  3. Who's the chick in the white top?
  4. Well, he certainly has a lawyer. Pretty much the same thing.
  5. It's a tradition!
  6. Wayne Graham is turning over in his grave.
  7. A winning record in the SEC this year will be a "win" for year 1.
  8. Love the new Fork in the Road twist. Maroon team dude is way too intense and if going to have an absurd blow up at some point. Purple team is ridiculous with the crying.
  9. I get that, but ass end of any conference is not acceptable.
  10. Wtf is wrong with our T&F programs?
  11. Ohhh... Miss Bennett with that ass wiggle.
  12. Karynton??? Sone parents need to be shot.
  13. Have practices started?
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