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TrashMaster G

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Everything posted by TrashMaster G

  1. I do not understand that comment and I am ok with that.
  2. The town is fine if you ignore all the people. They suck.
  3. I think the only situation in which our SEC brethren would root for us is if we had come into the conference and gotten kicked around for a decade before beginning a slow ascent. If we had taken our sweet-ass time and taken our lumps before finally ascending and standing as the last SEC team remaining in a playoff, they might then deign to root for us. Halfheartedly.
  4. This is a fair comment, to a point. The thing that all eight of the bluest blue bloods have been able to accomplish is that they have all had multiple periods of top-flight results across several decades. Minnesota did not accomplish that. Nebraska could, possibly, be the next Minnesota. We won't know for another 15-20 years, but they are the only blue blood in danger of losing status.
  5. I'm curious as to the health of our OL and the status of the various injuries there.
  6. I hear that's a side effect from eating a bad croissant.
  7. I think you are very wrong and wildly underestimating the strong affiliation that a lot of people have with their schools.
  8. The first one was really a sentence fragment, but yeah.
  9. No. This guy is saying '26 will be their year. The rollercoaster won't be back on track until they are saying '25 is the year.
  10. Wake me up when someone over there figures out that the version of Notre Dame that aggy lost to went on to lose to NIU the following week.
  11. Not sure which is worse to have: small kids or a wife
  12. I admire your confidence in your incorrect evaluation of the situation.
  13. Rod Gilmore on College Football Live just did a solid breakdown on why it WASN'T targeting, so some on ESPN get it.
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