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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. I think people that haven’t seen it make assumptions that it’s some simplistic War on Drugs movie. It’s also Villeneuve’s first big film, I’m not sure some film nerds have gone back to see it making the above assumption.
  2. Sark, you dumbass: the clock is also your enemy here with an exhausted defense. You need to have run at least one running play, dipshit.
  3. Este. Uno is aging like fine wine. The combination of Villenueve’s visuals, with a stripped down (mostly by BDT) Sheridan script, nearly perfect cast, and that score make it an underrated classic. Dos is a solid cash grab that entertains just fine if you don’t ask too much of it.
  4. This. If anything there is a glut of Ph.Ds in this country. Why do you think so many are bouncing from post doc to post doc trying to find permanent work? The problem is you can’t work a domestic Ph.D or Computer Science M.S. 80 hours a week for 60k a year with the threat of revoking their visa if they complain.
  5. Lot of Madison’s, Avery’s, and Braylon’s with the sads this morning.
  6. I'll tell you this, those fellas at Austin High know better than to overlook Westlake now.....
  7. So, does Westlake have a chance for a state title here? #westlakehomer #sorrynotsorry
  8. Same. Boy #1 got Need from Trinity University, so I had to file every year (interestingly, they didn't require the CSS Profile, so aren't subject to the recent anti-trust lawsuit), but Boy #2 is at Oregon, and they don't give out of state need aid. I've told this joke severaly times before, but when Oregon plays Colorado, half the students in the stands are California kids who didn't get into their first choice UC school. 🤣
  9. I was under the impression we had to do it, regardless of whether they get financial aid or not, but now I'm inclined to call the financial aid office and find out.
  10. Since our kids both go to Oregon, it was fucking horrible having to navigate the new process for a school that doesn't offer out of state need aid. "Here's a form that you are 100% required to fill out....that we won't even look at." Not CR-ing: but fuck you Joe Biden for that. The old FAFSA process wasn't particularily difficult. It was a complete self own.
  11. It appears the Russian's have lost control of both their naval and air base, at least for the time being, which would explain why we and the Isrealis have been bombing the shit out of everything with impunity, since Ivan can no long provide a viable air cover for people to hide under
  12. From the rough bit of googling I did, they send direct electricity for roughly 1.5 million homes in the northern US. Canada, writ large, is our biggest international supplier of energy. For all the talk of Saudi Oil over the years, we actually buy most of our imported petroleum from the Canadians. The Oil Dogs on the site correct me, but I assume after we stopped buying Venezualan oil, Canada stepped into the gap.
  13. Whoops. Borked post. They basically pulled a Kramer and fell backassward into that first Venom movie. If it hadn't been for that, they would have gone 0-4.
  14. James Franklin makes Mike McCarthy look like fucking Robert Oppenheimer.
  15. Lineman downfield is like defensive holding sometimes: if it’s non egregious and far away from the play, they let it go or miss it
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